Shadow nightmare itself does not have the ability to create the world and dreams, but it has a strange ability to draw out the memories of the greatest desires and fears in people's heart, enter them and make dreams.

Jordan's spirit is too strong.

The spiritual impact of shadow nightmare is cut clean by Jordan. Although it can barely recall Jordan's deepest memory, it can't shake the world.

Interrupted by this sudden shadow nightmare, Jordan's face suddenly became extremely cold.

"Shadow nightmare, right? After I go out, I'll tear you up one by one, chew you to pieces, and then go to hell to smash everything about you to pieces! "

Incomparable strong resentment and hatred, let the whole memory world suddenly become overcast and thunderous.

The shadow nightmare was startled by jordani, and then there was a surprise on his face. He opened his mouth to absorb the resentment and hatred of jordani.

But unfortunately, no matter how the shadow nightmare moves, it can't shake the clouds and thunder in the sky.

"What a tough spirit

Shadow nightmare, born with negative emotions and spiritual strength for food, but it can not swallow the negative emotions sent out by Jordan.

Even Mephisto in hell can't do that.

This makes the shadow nightmare a little confused, but at the same time, there are some fears. Such people are too terrible.

The two people who came to the laboratory today were all dragged into the dream world by shadow nightmare, but shadow nightmare couldn't find any chance to take advantage of it.

Let's not talk about this. Although there are infinite negative emotions, the shadow nightmare can't shake a cent.

In another dream of Steve, shadow nightmare spent a lot of effort to make those bad boys in Brooklyn beat Steve, make the recruiting office despise and ridicule Steve, and even let Steve's relatives and friends die on the battlefield one by one. Unfortunately, what makes shadow nightmare smack is that no matter what setbacks Steve suffered, There is no negative emotion at all.

One is an iron pier, and the other seems to be a saint.

Shadow nightmare has a little resentment in her heart. She looks at Jordan and says, "is that right? I'm looking forward to your coming out of the world

"By the way, Lord Jovovich should know how to break away from the world, right? Just kill the Oriental woman and the two children..."


When the shadow nightmare provoked Jordan, a thunder burst down from the sky and directly hit the shadow nightmare, blowing it to pieces.

Pure with the power of spiritual will, Jordan can still hurt the shadow nightmare.

After a long time, the shadow nightmare condensed his body again. He looked at Jordan with great fear and hatred, and said: "Jovovich, kill the people in this world. Even if you can go out of this world, you will always forget what you cherish most. Your soul and your life will not be complete..."

With a curse like roar, before the second thunder in the sky came down, the shadow nightmare turned into a black smoke and quickly disappeared in the world.

"Xiaonan, Xiaobei, let's go. We're going home!"

"Mom, is it time for dinner?"

"I want to eat braised pork..."

Shadow nightmare disappeared, but Jordan's memory world is still going on, familiar and distant sound, clearly and incomparably into Jordan's ears, let Jordan's long-standing heartstrings, at this moment, as if about to break, crazy turbulence.

A spray of water, almost uncontrollable, appeared in Jordan's eyes.

He couldn't bear it. Jordan fell to the ground.

As the shadow nightmare said, this is a dream woven out of Jordan's memory. Unless these memories are cut off, Jordan can't get out of this dream world at all.

Even in this world, Jordan's power is still not lost, broken and annihilated. This world is very simple.

But at the same time, looking at his wife and children, whom he hadn't seen for decades, he couldn't even think of doing it.

Although it's just a memory, although I know it's only false, but Jordan, is willing to fall into this false world.

Without bothering his wife and children, Jordan just quietly hid in the void and followed the three.

Jordan did not dare to break the memory, nor did he dare to recognize his wife and children.

Because Jordan knows that once he participates in this life, he will never wake up.

This is also the most insidious point of the shadow nightmare, and the means are extremely treacherous.

A dream, creating endless suffering, trapped Steve.

A dream, creating the infinite beauty of the past, trapped Jordan.

From the memory of Jordan's world, the shadow nightmare's body is a bit embarrassed, and the original solid body is also illusory.

"Two changes of state!"

In the two people of Jordan and Steve, shadow nightmare didn't get any benefit, on the contrary, it was almost killed by Jordan's spiritual will.

Fortunately, these two factors are trapped.

After adjusting his mind a little, the shadow nightmare came to Dr. Otto again and murmured like balderdash: "go, release Robert Reynolds and inject enough energy into him. As long as you finish this, your dream and your experience will be completely successful..."

The murmur of the devil made the muddled doctor Otto fall more and more.

This is also the routine discussed by shadow nightmare and Mephisto.

Although most of the previous plans have failed, the dead devil's eye has been locked up in heaven, and Dr. Otto's transformation of Robert Reynolds has also been discovered, fortunately, the shadow nightmare didn't end up in front of us and escaped.

Now it is up to Mephisto himself to create a big stir in the hell bridgehead outside the space ring defense system, launch an attack on the earth, and attract the attention of most of the strong on earth.

Shadow nightmare can also secretly, in the laboratory, control and guide Dr. Otto to complete the last step of the plan.

As long as the passage through the abyss, hell and the human world is reached, the whole space ring defense system and the seal of Argo motorcycle will no longer be an obstacle and problem for Mephisto and the hell army.

Hell army swept the earth, and then wait until the abyss will engulf the whole earth, here will become the first starting point of the endless abyss in the real universe.

Hundreds of millions of hell demons and abyss demons will sweep the whole universe.

Endless life fall, endless negative emotions, here will become their own paradise.

As the shadow nightmare controlled Dr. Otto, he became more and more excited. In the whole laboratory, Steve, who had been floating and sinking in the shadow energy, had his fingers tickled.