Infrasonic attack weapons, though not pure mental attack weapons, have obvious restraint effect on the ability of mental control.

Of course, there are some side effects. Even after waking up, the friendly troops attacked by infrasonic waves also have extremely strong headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting and other symptoms. They feel like the sequelae of concussion.

Rubbing his swollen head, Jordan took a look at the infrasonic artillery camp set up on the space ring, and then compared it with a middle finger.

This kind of wake-up is really annoying.

But what's more annoying is the evil green orcs who quietly use the power of evil energy to influence their spiritual will.

What's more, I thought that the wand in the green Orc's hand was just a decoration. Unexpectedly, the other side really used magic and other things to kill himself and others.

An orc, playing magic with a magic wand, will also use such tricks as hiding the truth from the world and crossing the sea.

It's very special. It's really a shame to be shown.

At this time, with all the Avengers alliance and the supreme sanctuary awake, people have also seen the green Orc in the distant space, holding a staff and opening the portal, who is constantly calling the orc army.

"Damn the green orcs, this is a fool and humiliation to Asgard's glory, and will accept the punishment from the thunder!"

In the face of the mighty Orc army, sol could not bear it when he woke up. He burst out a series of thunder and lightning. With axes in both hands and a terrible storm, sol had taken the lead and charged towards the other side.

In the storm, there are silver thunder and lightning surge.

Furious sol, of course, can be reckless, but in terms of combat effectiveness, he is one of the most outstanding strong men in the Avengers alliance.

With thunder and storm, sol is like a lion breaking into a flock of sheep.

Those Orc armies are not weak. Every Orc is an extraordinary one who has started the evolution of life. But even so, under the chain lightning, in the blink of an eye, they are swept across a large area.

After sol, the Avengers, who feel humiliated, also fight into the orc army one after another.

The leading green orc, though he doesn't know who he is or what he plans to be, doesn't seem to have any good intentions with the portal he opened.

"In the name of the demon God, I give my people the supreme glory. In the battle, your blood will burn and your strength will grow..."

Watching the Avengers alliance fight into the orc army, the green orcs under the portal dance their wands, but with a strange and wonderful posture and a bleak roar, they sing an ancient sacrificial song.

Then, on the green Orc's staff, a layer of blood light swept down.

Roar, roar!

In an instant, thousands of orcs roared violently. When they were illuminated by the bloody light, those orcs would ignite a layer of blood flame. In an instant, their eyes would become cruel and bloody, and their strength would also soar wildly.

Most of the orcs who had just stepped into the extraordinary level turned into the first stage peak combat power one by one under this stimulation.

Bang bang!

Among the orc army, more than ten orcs who were originally besieging Hobbes gave up their defense one by one. With extremely shabby bone hammers and stone axes in their hands, they all attacked Hobbes fiercely, and even knocked out one pit after another.

In the face of this attack, Hobbes roared and smashed the heads of several orcs one after another, but he could not cause any deterrence to these orcs at all. The spatter of blood stimulated those red eyed orcs and burst out wave after wave of more fierce attacks.

Just then, a light blue portal appeared next to Hobbes, moved quickly, enveloped Hobbes and several orcs, and brought them back to the space ring.

"Confinement! purify! Disperse

Jordan saved Hobbes from the army, and several holy light magic fell on the orcs who were also brought back, but it didn't play any role.

Poop, poop!

The floating gun controlled by arilia burst out several bullets formed by the power of death, killing the orcs quickly.

At the same time, the Avengers alliance, which had been trapped in the orc army, were all rescued by other mages. Even those like Carroll and Saul were more or less embarrassed.

Carroll kicked off the orcs who were still holding his thigh and biting. His face was a little ugly, and he said: "these damn orcs are all crazy, not afraid of pain, not afraid of death..."

The faces of Jordan and others are also not very good-looking.

On the contrary, Robert was also brought back to the space ring, hesitated for a moment, and said: "this is bloodthirsty! I know that the leading green orc, named onaren, is an orc shaman and a member of the Shadow Council controlled by the abyss shadow demon God. Relying on the dark evil power given by the shadow demon God, he demonized the whole plane of his hometown and used it as the cannon fodder for other planes of the shadow demon God's skill! "

Hobbes was full of potholes. When he heard Robert's words, he immediately stared and said, "do you think these are cannon fodder troops? FAK, even without bloodthirsty, these damned green orcs also have extraordinary strength. Dammit, I suspect you are the spy sent by the abyss demon God to attack our morale! "

Robert: "well

Although Hobbes is exaggerating, he can prove the strength of these orcs from the side.

On the earth side, there has been a positive war with hell.

Even when the war with hell is the most intense, the demonic cannon fodder in hell is only three or five times stronger than ordinary human beings.

This level of ORC army, after being shrouded by bloodthirsty, has even been able to compete with those main armies in hell.

Hobbes's Tucao has just finished. In the huge portal of space, there are already make complaints about the orcs who wear iron armor and steel axes to spear.

These regular Orc armies are almost all at the top level of the first stage, and there are a lot of leaders at the second stage.

Moreover, after these regular Orc armies appeared, they did not join the common green orcs who were howling. Instead, they unloaded pieces of crystal stones from their backs, quickly piled up one altar after another, surrounded the whole portal, and burst out a continuous evil light.

This is a continuous power supply to the portal, which also makes the leading Orc shaman free his hand.