The four war puppets were completely destroyed, and the endless Orc army was also completely destroyed. ORENA's plot was defeated, and even the shadow God in the abyss was destroyed.

Space, a cold silence, Jordan is dumbfounded, floating in the void, aftertaste that kind of powerful extreme feeling.

At this time, Jordan has actually canceled the bright state of his body.

However, the sage's state of wholeheartedly pursuing power and the truth of the laws of the universe still affects Jordan himself.

Under the influence of this kind of sequela, for a long time, Jordan will even be very indifferent.

And just when Jordan was in a daze, all the transmission doors opened, and Tony, Carol, Steve and other people came to the battlefield which was completely swept away.

Tony, Steve and others were surprised at the entrance of the plane left behind on the battlefield. From the entrance of the broken plane, we can see the thoroughly smashed continental debris and scattered infinite resources.

This azimuth entrance can't be closed until the terrible starlight power dissipates completely.

On the earth side, as long as you avoid the starlight force that has shrunk into a ball in that plane, you can also come to this plane to salvage continental debris and collect plane resources.

At the same time, Natasha, gizel, Heidi three people, is to have been stunned Jordan's side.

"Honey, are you ok?"


Natasha three people in Jordan's body kneading, physical examination, if normal, Jordan is sure to and his girlfriend greasy crooked for a while.

But the sage state of Jordan, but the heart is born with a very strange feeling.

Natasha's Hungarian mouth is still white and big, gizel's long legs are still long and straight, Heidi's Willow waist is still thin and soft, and Jordan still likes it, but he has no desire. On the contrary, he has a very objective and calm sense of detachment.

Jordan knew that this was the sequela of light. He should have been angry, but he couldn't get any anger in his heart.

This kind of feeling, as if he had become a very rational artificial mental retardation like Jarvis.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it..."

Jordan instinctively wants to smile and respond to his girlfriends, but he is so abrupt that he feels he has forgotten how to smile.

No thought, no thought, this damned sage state.

It's not easy to fool Natasha's three daughters. Jordan takes out the seed of the tree of life from the space backpack, looks around in the void, and soon comes to the place where the roots of the world originally exist.

The root of the world is the same level of existence as the supreme artifact. Even the terrorist force that can destroy the whole plane does not destroy the root of the world that connects the endless abyss.

Highly rational sage state, Jordan in a very short time, has made a decision.

The most suitable planting place for the seed of the tree of life is the passage connecting the endless abyss.

The essence of the tree of life is the nirvana of Delia, the goddess of life. By planting it on the roots of the world, the roots of the world can be engulfed and fused, so that the new tree of life can grow and evolve further.

When the new tree of life grows up, it can not only directly suppress and block the passage of this endless abyss, but also promote the rebirth of Delia, the goddess of life, from the sub heavenly Father level to the heavenly Father level.

Plant a seed and harvest a godfather goddess.

And after the tree of life grows up, even if it can't reach the level of Asgard world tree, it will definitely benefit the whole earth.

Having made a decision, Jordan soon put the seed of the tree of life into the void force in the middle of the root of the tree of the world.

Almost in an instant, the endless power of nothingness began to pour into the seeds of the tree of life.

A touch of tender green light blooms, and the seeds of the tree of life begin to take root and germinate at a speed visible to the naked eye. They break through the earth from the nihilistic force and engulf the roots of the world tree.

Then, the brilliant green light completely enveloped the seeds of the tree of life, and even enveloped the passage of the endless abyss.

"Sheter, what the hell did you do?"

At the same time that the power of nothingness and the roots of the world are swallowed up, Robert Reynolds, who is in the Avengers alliance, suddenly roars at Jordan with a ferocious face.

Robert's roar soon caught the attention of others.

Such as Tony, Steve and other Avengers alliance people, as well as Casillas, modu, Stephen and other supreme sanctuary people, naturally surrounded by Jordan.

A large group of people from the coalition government and the military, by coincidence, stood on Robert's side.

Robert rezoz is an extraordinary young man whom the coalition government and the military have found and won over. He can barely compete with the most powerful forces on earth, such as Jordan and Carol. Even Robert has joined the new outer space sentinel organization set up by the coalition government and the military.

At this time, the coalition government and the military naturally do not want Robert to have an accident.

But it didn't work out. Before the coalition government and the military asked what happened to Robert, the tree of life, which was originally covered by green light, suddenly gave birth to an illusory root. Ignoring the military's interception, it directly fell into Robert's body, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Damn, what the hell is this? It's pumping my energy, FAK, get out of my body..."

When people were surprised by the sudden disappearance of the root, Robert Reynolds, who had a ferocious face, yelled crazily at this moment, gathering a series of pale yellow energy rays and attacking in all directions.

Suddenly, Robert at this time seems to be a mental patient fighting with the air.

"Mr. Jovovich, the coalition government and the military, thank you for your great contribution to the earth and all mankind, but Mr. robertley Rhodes is now the top commander of the military's sentinel organization in outer space. Please stop all your actions against Colonel Robert!"

Robert suddenly launched a nerve, and the air fight.

The coalition government and the military could not figure it out, so they had to send someone out, cold faced, to speak out to Jordan.

Jordan looked at this scene, the whole person is also a little confused, completely do not know what happened to Robert Reynolds.

When Jordan was in a daze, Nick Frey, under the pressure of the coalition government, also tried to say: "Joe, I know the source of everything is because of Robert, but now Robert is a military Colonel, if you really do anything to Robert..."

With a black face, Jordan said, "Nick Frey, which of your eyes saw what I did to him?"

Tony has the potential to laugh and say, "Joe, our director Frey has only one eye."

Nick Frey: "and