Gao Tianzun lived for a long time, but his own strength is not so powerful. There must be some reason why he threatened the three of them by blocking the whole Saka star.

At this moment, Jordan's eyes like electricity, and even released a trace of energy breath, firmly staring at the body of Tessa.

Sure enough, after Jordan released his threat, the whole party was like pressing the pause button, and everyone stopped. Gao Tianzun, surrounded by a group of servants, came to Jordan, while Natasha, like a guard, came to Gao Tianzun.

Jordan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

At the beginning, Jordan thought that Tessa was just living on Saka. At most, she was like a mercenary and was hired by Gao Tianzun.

But now it seems that Tessa has become a subordinate of Gao Tianzun.

Looking at this scene, Jordan Ni slightly with a hint of irony, and said: "the female warrior God of the great assassins, has been reduced to the point of becoming the pawn of others? It seems that valkiri's glory has been completely lost in you! "

Jordani's words, sharp as a sword, pierced Natasha's dignity.

When Tessa heard Giordani's words, her face turned blue and red. She was angry and ashamed. For a long time, she just showed her determination and said, "since his highness heinel was plotted, the glory of Asgard has been tarnished by Odin. Only by rescuing his highness heinel can she save the whole assassin race, Odin Hella, they are only traitors of the Athar

His majesty Heiner in Tessa's mouth is the eldest brother of Odin.

In a sense, Odin is actually the fourth king of Asgard.

Among Asgard, the first king was Bree, the second was Bauer, and the third was Heiner, Bauer's eldest son.

As his own brother, Odin is more ambitious, gifted and resourceful than Heiner. He pushed Heiner down from the throne of God and suppressed him into a chaotic space-time dimension by a less glorious means.

The nvwushen army was once a sharp sword in Heiner's hand and an iron supporter of Heiner.

This is also the reason why old man Odin tried every means to wipe out all the female warrior troops after he was in power. It's not right or wrong, it's just the problem of the team.

Hearing Tessa's words, Gao Tianzun showed a satisfied smile on his face and said, "Tessa, don't worry. After my plan is successful, I will keep my promise, open the door of time and space, release the crown of heinel from the endless turbulence of time and space, and help you to take back the whole Asgard!"

At this moment, Gao Tianzun is still in heavy makeup. He looks like a mother, but he has already gained the spirit of an ambitious man.

Jordan frowned, looked at Gao Tianzun and said, "Tianzun is a good tool, but I don't know what you want?"

Today's Gao Tianzun, as well as the family of cosmic elders in Giordani's memory, is a newcomer.

In Jordan's memory and news, there are few elders in the universe. Each of them is born with an almost eternal life, accumulating endless wealth, and paying little attention to power and power.

But now, what this high God shows is not the same as in the legend, but is extremely ambitious.

Gao Tianzun didn't delay and said directly: "the universe gods from the earth, you should believe that I have no malice towards you. On the contrary, I just hope to hire you to help me do something. For this reason, I am willing to pay one third of my wealth..."

Jordan directly interrupted the other party's words and said, "your honor, let's just say something!"

For Gao Tianzun's promise and wealth, Jordan Ni is not very interested, to be exact, he doesn't trust each other's words.

Gao Tianzun was interrupted and gave a stiff smile. Then his face suddenly cooled down and said, "I hope you can enter the earth center of Saka, defeat a creature called plumed serpent god, and take down its heart and give it to me!"

Jordan's face was puzzled, but cassilias's face changed greatly, and he said, "the supreme god of Maya?"

"I've heard of the Mayan people. What is this supreme God?" he asked

Cassilias's face was ugly, and said: "more than 4000 years ago, there was a Maya civilization born on the earth, which once flourished all over the north and South America. Among these people, there is a supreme God in the civilization God system, which is called the feather snake god!"

Jordan nodded and said: "the gods worshipped by a group of primitive people, maybe some more powerful monsters, or..."

Cassilias shook his head and said: "no, the plumed serpent god was one of the most powerful enemies faced by the first generation of the supreme mage agomoto one million years ago. According to the records of the supreme sanctuary, agomoto mage one million years ago once united a group of extremely powerful allies to seal the Plumed Serpent God in a turbulent space and time in the universe..."

With Casillas's words, an image that even the first generation of the supreme mage couldn't handle, or at least the heavenly Father level monster, soon appeared in Jordan's mind.

Different from Odin and Guyi, only with the help of external forces can they reach the heavenly Father level.

The plumed serpent god is a real father level strong one who has mastered part of the laws of the universe. Even in the father level, he is also a very powerful existence.

In the description of the ancient books of the supreme sanctuary, plumed serpent, an indescribable and most powerful chaotic creature, is projected into the truth of the universe. It holds the truth law of the universe. In this law, there is no time, space, number, etc., which can tear up all the cause concepts and different worlds.

In a sense, the plumed serpent god was born before chaos, and also exists after chaos was destroyed. The power of every drop of blood is equivalent to the energy generated by endless chaos being destroyed and created countless times.

After listening to cassilias' explanation and words, jordani has completely fallen into a Spartan state.

This is special. It's not Honghuang mythological novel. It's chaos. It's frightening.

Damn Gao Tianzun, even if you want to die, you don't have to wait for yourself.

Not to mention the indescribable chaotic biological noumenon of the plumed serpent god, but the plumed serpent god projected into the universe is already the existence of the heavenly father.

Don't say that the three of them, even if they took all the creatures of Saka, would not be enough to slap each other.

Of course, Jordan's understanding, and cassilias's understanding, there is also a deviation.