Other people can't detect this kind of illusion, but Jordan has experienced the kind of illusion life which is almost the same as the real world.

When he first fell into the cave, Jordan didn't notice anything wrong.

But the first time the rickety old man appeared, Jordan instinctively felt that there was something false in this side of the world.

At the stage of Jordan's evolution, even those like Guyi and Odin can't appear around him without disturbing his feelings.

But when the rickety old man appeared, a strong psychological hint made people deliberately ignore this strange imagination.

For example, Ares, bill marmian and Tessa are either simple minded or have too much desire in their hearts. Naturally, they will be caught in the flaw and fall into the illusion of psychological suggestion.

Only hawk, only anger in his heart, may never fall into the illusion.

For example, Giordani, Tony and Casillas were threatened and didn't have much strong psychological desire, so they didn't fall into hallucination. They could detect the flaws of the rickety old man.

However, all the people present have no ability to break illusions.

Even if the three of them noticed something wrong, they couldn't expose or destroy the strange illusion.

The rickety old man didn't seem to notice the little movements of the three men, or even if he did, the other side didn't seem to care much. He just talked about his miserable life of being cheated by Gao Tianzun.

"Joe, I feel more and more wrong!"

Tony already knew that he was in the illusory world, but he couldn't break the illusory world at all, and his heart became more and more restless.

Just at this time, cassilias pointed to that kind of human body and said, "look, there's a change in him!"

Along the direction of cassilias, Jordan and Tony look at the green, tentacle covered human body. The smooth and greasy tentacles have begun to produce a large number of folds in a short time, and become dry and old.

Tony frowned and said, "what the hell is this?"

Casillas is also dignified brow, only Jordan, suddenly opened his mouth and said: "his vitality is being deprived! The deeper you immerse yourself in this damned illusion, the easier it will be controlled by that monster! "

At the end of Jordan's voice, the rickety old man suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the three of them, revealing a terrible smile.


Tony was startled and couldn't help it. He went straight to the rickety old man with a handgun.

It's a pity that Tony's shaped charge gun, which can make a hole in the tank's armor, just like passing through a water curtain, penetrated through the rickety old man's body without causing any waves.

This scene, let Jordan and Casillas also show a very dignified look.



Jordan frowned and released the magic of the two lights, but it didn't work.

However, when the extremely rare energy is released, Jordan can clearly feel that there is extremely rare vitality in his body, which has been extracted.

"Tony, Cathy, try to reduce the energy output. I feel something's wrong!"

Jordan is acutely aware of something wrong and tells Tony and Casillas.

Then, Jordan looked at the rickety old man, and again tentatively released a death magic. With the consumption of divine power in his body, another wisp of vitality was quietly extracted.

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

Jordan pauses, remembers what he was doing in a real dream created by a shadow nightmare, and then looks around him.

No illusion can be without flaws.

In this damp cave, the size of a football field, Jordan's eyesight can almost see the end at a glance, but even if he is scanned and observed by Jordan inch by inch, he can't feel any flaw.

Suddenly, Jordan looked up at the two rivers of time and space that crossed overhead.

In those two long rivers of time and space, there is an endless sense of danger, as if every spray can completely annihilate people.

It's the confluence of time and space, the collision of all the forces of time and space, and the forbidden zone of terror that the father level strong can't even step on.

It's also the only flaw in the whole illusion.

In the whole cave, there is no danger at all. Only the river of time and space above the cave makes people tremble and frighten. Does it mean that the creator of illusion doesn't want people to step in that direction!

Once the idea rose, it was like weeds, growing crazily in Jordan's heart.

It's just a very dangerous decision. It's even a big gamble involving life. For example, Dorothy Denny's guess is wrong. Once he steps into the long river of time and space, he will die without life.

You have to try!

After this idea came into being, it became more and more vigorous. There was a constantly changing look in Jordan's eyes. At last, it gathered into a firm touch. With a slight flick of his feet, his power surged, and he began to soar in the direction of the river of time and space above his head.

"Shette, Joe, what are you doing? Are you dying?"

"Joe, stop, damn it..."

See the action of Jordan, Tony and cassilias two people, immediately began to crazy stop Jordan.

Jordan's action, in the middle of the mid air slightly a meal, eyes in Tony and cassilias two people's body swept one eye, heart gave birth to a strange idea, Tony and cassilias these two people, will also be their own illusion.

Perhaps in the first time when he had doubts about the illusion, the other side specially created Tony and Casillas who had the same doubts, in order to confuse himself.

Think of here, Jordan no longer doubt, body shape into a streamer, toward the long river of time and space over the intersection, crazy impact in the past.

Boom boom!

The boundless time and space waves burst, and the endless time and space turbulence tore the whole person apart.


At the moment of his death, in the fog of chaos, Jordan suddenly opens his eyes and finds himself wrapped in strange energy silk, like a rice dumpling, tied in the void.

In the same way, Tony, Casillas, hawk, Tessa, Ares, bill with horse face, double headed man and humanoid are all tied to the void by strange energy silk like Jordan.

With the struggle, walking and energy release of any one person, there is a vitality, which is extracted from each person and passed along the energy silk to an unknown area under the endless chaotic fog.