After thoroughly understanding the strength of the plumed serpent god, Jordan and others will not have the same fear as before. After the tide of time and space has passed, they will fight directly into the turbulent layer and tear the plumed serpent god to pieces.

The flooding time of space-time tide force is not fixed, but in the information given by Gao Tianzun, the longest space-time tide only lasted less than three days.

This time, the tide of time and space is no exception. After a day, it began to fade away.

In a day and four hours, the tide of time and space that originally swept the whole turbulent layer finally dissipated completely, and the force of violent time and space in the whole turbulent layer once again returned to the former relatively calm state.

In this state, the power of violent space-time, Jordan and others can also bear.

As the double headed man of the meat shield tank, he could not stand the provocation of several people, and soon he was the first one to rush into the turbulent layer.

The environment in the forbidden place of time and space is not as chaotic as that in space. The violent force of time and space rises and enters the haze layer. After being heavily filtered, it turns into the invisible power of turbulent time and space, and goes into the stratosphere. After passing through the wormhole of time and space, it is collected by Gao Tianzun and transformed into usable energy.

This is like a complete industrial chain. Gao Tianzun has studied this situation thoroughly long ago.

In all of Jordan's bodies, there is an environmental adapter developed by Gao Tianzun.

Under the influence of this adapter, even the two headed man, a pure physical power of flesh shield, can walk on the ground in this space-time forbidden place.

But when the two headed man passes through the fog layer and Fang enters the turbulent layer, the foreign matter that comes into it still causes some waves of time and space turbulence. It's like throwing a stone into a turbulent river. Although it can't disturb the movement of the whole river, it will always cause chaos in a local range.

The violent force of time and space, just like a sword, gun, sword and stick, hit the double headed man, and even burst out pieces of energy Mars. The double headed man was in the middle of the air, faltering and roaring furiously.

But the chaos lasted less than a minute.

After the two headed man took root in the turbulent layer by using the environmental adapter, the whole person adapted to the environment and soon became stable. The original orange skin produced a strange luster in the process of dense sparks splashing. It was like a swimming fish and integrated into the whole turbulent layer.

This is a kind of natural ability of double headed people. With the evolution and leap of the origin of life, they can adapt to all kinds of dangerous environment in the universe, and integrate into the environment, so as to exert their greatest power.

In the fog layer, Ares, Mamian bill and humanoid were not surprised.

On the contrary, Jordan and others looked at each other in surprise, but it's reasonable to think about it.

Gao Tianzun established the champion arena for two or three thousand years, and he selected four champion gladiators in order to deal with the feather snake god.

Double headed people and humanoid people can enter the team at the peak level of the second stage. If they don't have the ability, it won't make sense.

After the double headed man established himself in the turbulent layer, the human like body, which was also the second stage, entered the turbulent layer. A strange green mist surrounded the human like body. After entering the green fog, the violent force of time and space was directly eroded and even turned into nourishment, Let that kind of human breath become more powerful.

At the same time, Ares and Mamian bill also went directly into the turbulent layer without any vision, just as the violent force of time and space could not have any influence on them.

"All right, let's come to an end, too!"

Jordan shrugged and looked at Tony, Casillas and hawk. He also passed through the haze layer and entered the turbulence layer.

Suddenly, the violent force of time and space, as fine as rain, with an extreme sense of destruction, washed on Jordan's body.

This is a pure annihilation force, which can not be absorbed, integrated and transformed by personal strength.

However, like Ares and mameibil, this violent power of time and space may cause considerable trouble for the existence of the second stage peak, but it does not pose much threat to the third stage of the universe gods.

There is a big gap between every stage and every stage of life evolution.

The higher the degree of life evolution is, the greater the gap between these stages will become. In the end, it will be almost impossible to cross the gap, just like the gap in the universe.

The power of time and space that can pose a strong threat to the strong in the second stage, Jordan can adapt himself to this environment as long as he slightly mobilizes his own divine personality.

For a double headed person, this adaptability is a powerful power.

But for the third stage of the universe gods, this kind of adaptability is only an application of the power of the laws of the universe derived from the process of evolution.

A little understanding of the threat of the power of time and space, Jordan quickly looked at Tony, Casillas and Hawke.

It's needless to say that hawk's defensive power is no worse than that of the two headed man. He can even continue to evolve. The more angry he is, the stronger he is. There's no need to worry.

Casillas, as a disciple of guru-i, has a better understanding of the power of time and space than all the people present. After entering the turbulent layer, a layer of dark power from the blood escapes, and the whole person seems to blend into time and space and walk freely.

It's Tony who's really worried about Jordan.

Tony's role in the Avengers alliance has always been very powerful, and even has a certain degree of irreplaceable, but he is still a body after all.

But unexpectedly, as soon as Tony Fang entered the turbulent layer, an arcane Rune on his armor began to light up one after another without energy supply.


Seeing this scene, Jordan instinctively thought that something was wrong. He had the light of life flashing in his hand and was ready to rescue Tony at any time.

However, at this time, Tony reached out and stopped Jordan's action, as if he was sensing something.

In a short time, Tony's armor, like running water, faded away, and the whole person was exposed to the fierce power of time and space.


"Is that the true meaning of arcane magic? Thank God, Joe, I feel like I can do anything right now... "

With Tony's words, on his body, strange lines, like tattoos, began to spread on Tony's body, and then bloomed a little white light, instantly converged.

Then, Tony casually hooked his fingers. Right in front of him, a terrible torrent of arcane magic, like a fighter plane with endless gunfire, swooped past. The whole space was ploughed into a void gully.

Even Jordan could feel a sense of extreme danger when this powerful energy ripple dissipated.

For example, Ares, Ma Mian bill and others, as well as Tessa, who entered into the turbulent layer without any sound, suddenly became solemn and even on guard.

Boom boom!

Tony, who has undergone mysterious changes, is just like a child who has just got a brand-new toy. With Tony's every move and the torrent of arcane magic, he roars in the void.

This kind of magical energy can be turned into lightning, flood or flame

A strong horse!

However, when Tony was so reckless to squander his strength, the gray hair visible to the naked eye pulled out from his hair.

Jordan found this scene in an instant. Suddenly, a holy light came down and imprisoned Tony. The magic of life disappeared into each other's body.

"Tony, I think you'd better stop a little bit. You're wasting your life force!"

From the perspective of Jordan, we can only see that Tony should have discovered or understood a kind of universal law, but his own level of life evolution has seriously delayed him.

It's easy to understand that Tony's savvy is too high, but his bones are too weak. He can't keep up with the blood bar and the blue bar, so he overdraw his vitality when he manipulated the power of the law through his own wisdom.

Tony is better than a monkey. After he was stopped by Jordan, he naturally found his own condition. With a smile, he soon summoned the steel armor out again and equipped with enough energy. Then he opened his mouth to Jordan and said, "Joe, guess what I found?"

"Yes, I have discovered the biggest mystery of the universe. You should know the theory of kongzon that has not been determined from the beginning to the end in the scientific community, right? In the explanation of the energy and radiation produced by the orbital change and transition of electron motion... "

"The essence of the so-called gravity is the directed space flow..."

"If we succeed in determining the nature of the space, we will be able to solve many problems about the nature of the universe in the topics of general relativity and information entropy..."

That's what scientists do. From time to time, they have a wave of nerves.

As for Tony's excitement and ecstasy, including his words, Jordan said that he could understand all the words separately, but when combined, he had no idea what the other person was saying.

It's not just Joe Denny, but everyone else, such as Ares and marmeen bill, looks like they're all in a daze.

It was not easy until Tony digested his understanding and feeling that Jordan looked at Tony with a paralyzed face and said, "big scientist, if you're done, we should start to act!"