At Gao Tianzun's banquet, Jordan and others have attended many times. After getting what they deserve, they spent three or four days in the champion building. Before they felt that the time flow of Saka was about to change, Jordan and others asked to leave.

For this, Gao Tianzun didn't refuse. On the contrary, he enthusiastically took four of them to the spaceship storage base of champion building, and personally selected an extremely gorgeous and powerful spacefighter for them.

I have to say that the cooperation with Gao Tianzun is really pleasant.

On the spot, the money and goods were cleared, but Gao Tianzun also gave all kinds of after-sales services, including one space fighter.

After saying goodbye to Gao Tianzun again and again, not long after that, Jordan, Tony, Dr. Benner and Casillas had already started the fighter plane and flew out of the champion building. They just circled on Saka, and then started the zigzag flight, turned into a light spot and disappeared directly over Saka.

There is a special identification signal on the fighter given by Gao Tianzun. The space-time golden line defense circle around nasaka will not cause any interference to the fighter taken by Jordan and others.

After a zigzag flight, when the fighter broke away from the sub speed of light, it appeared in the outer region of Saka.

There are some differences between space fighters and spaceships.

If it's a spaceship, its huge size is enough to carry more energy sources and more power furnaces. If it's the top spaceship, it can even continue to fly at warp speed in the universe, which is no less than the jumping point of the satellite network.

However, spaceships of that level, even among the three space empires, are also the most advanced military security level.

The space fighter presented by Gao Tianzun is also very high-end, but the fighter is a fighter. It's a great thing to be able to sail at a curvilinear speed in a short distance. If you want to launch the next curvilinear speed, you need to store energy for at least half a month.

"Jarvis, what part of the universe are we in now? Have you planned the route of the jump point of the star network?"

It took nearly four months on Saka. Although the flow of time was different, less than a month had just passed in the outside world, a strong feeling of homesickness had already permeated inside the fighter plane after the four of Jordan came out of Saka.

"Sir, we are located in the extraterrestrial area of the Taiyo Galaxy in the Tianlu system. We are connected to the cosmic star network, and the jumping route has been planned. We still need to jump 1347 times to return to earth..."

Jarvis's voice, in the cabin.

And hear Jarvis's voice, Jordan and others are bursts of wailing.

Interstellar jumping, even in space navigation, is a very disgusting and painful thing. Although it is not as strong as crossing wormhole space directly, there are too many times of jumping.

Tony is one of the weakest chickens in the crowd. He immediately wails: "Damn, more than 1300 interstellar jumps, have we come to the edge of the universe?"

Dr. Benner also frowned slightly, slightly serious, and said: "the difference between the Uranus and the Milky way should not be so far. When I was on earth, I studied the known star network covering the universe with Professor Eric. Jarvis, are you wrong in calculation?"

Eric shavig, the mentor of Saul's girlfriend, a famous astronomer, physicist and so on, was recruited by the aegis and the military, and had a good relationship with Dr. Benner.

With Dr. Benner and Professor Eric as the two scientific giants, the judgment should not be wrong.

Jarvis quickly projected a star network overlay, enlarged part of it, and said: "Sir, the Tayor galaxy is the territory of the red king, the God of the universe. In the contact zone at the edge of the Tayor system, we are fighting with unknown cosmic forces, and a large number of interstellar jumping points have been blocked, so we can only make a detour!"

Tony soon got interested and said, "space war? Shall we go and have a party? "

Dr. Benner and Casillas just rolled their eyes and didn't want to talk to Tony.

On the contrary, Jordan, a rare fish without salt, said: "Jarvis, can you find out who is the belligerent with red king?"

Jarvis's voice came again, saying: "Sir, we need to authorize the invasion of other countries' networks in the universe to investigate!"

Tony's eyes twinkle, network invasion of other countries in the universe this kind of thing, say up, he has not tried it.

As soon as Dr. Benner saw it, he knew that the situation was not good. He said hastily, "Hey, hey, Tony, calm down, it will cause a cosmic accident!"

Tony took a deep breath and shrugged that he knew.

There are countless capable people and black technology everywhere in the universe. Tony's level of artificial intelligence and network is already very high, but if he is placed in the universe, he may not be so outstanding.

At least, the supreme wisdom of a Kerry empire can crush Tony directly in these two aspects.

It's better to save such things.

Just after Jordan and Tony accept their fate, they are ready to let Jarvis go directly to the jumping point and leave by detour according to the planned return plan.

However, just when jordani and others had just made a decision, the jumping point in the direction of the battle site of the Taiyue system suddenly became bright, and two familiar space fighters, one blue and one red, rushed out of it.

"These two space fighters seem to have met each other before..."

The fighters of Jordan and others are not very far away from the blue and red space fighters. The signals on the fighters can clearly search and capture the shape of each other.

Of course, the opposite is true.

Jordan, Tony and others are still wondering where they have seen these two space fighters. At this time, the blue and red fighters have crossed and are approaching Jordan and others.

Di Di Di!

A series of alarms suddenly sounded in the fighter planes of Jordan and others, but in the blink of an eye, Jordan and others had been locked by the blue and red fighters.

"Damn it, Jarvis, get out of the way!"

"Could it be that the remnant army from the fighting place of the Taiyue department took us as the enemy?"

"Wipe special what, at this time which still manage so much, dry him!"

In the middle of the cabin, the voices of Tony, Dr. Benner, Jordan and others rang out repeatedly.

Tony and Dr. Benner, have quickly come to the main co pilot seat, and Jordan, is directly into the fire cabin.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Dada dada!

Different firing sounds flickered almost at the same time. Three space fighters, in a piece of space, began to roll wildly, tearing the void with violent light. Occasionally, they would hit some meteorites floating in the air and smash them directly.

In fact, Dr. Tony and Dr. Benner's driving skills are very average, but the whole fighter plane is equipped with super strong artificial intelligence Jarvis assistance. In this kind of space flight war, in the face of the blue and red fighter planes, they are not inferior.

The two blue and red fighters can't be underestimated either. In the case that the performance and optical brain computing of the fighters are far inferior to those of Jordan and others, they compete with Jordan and others by virtue of their extremely sharp driving skills.

"Elegant? Fuck, see? It's too arrogant to play with space fighters... "

During the fighting, Tony's voice never stopped.

When he heard Tony's cry, a flash of light flashed through his mind and said, "these two fighters, do you want to be the fighters of xingjue and bald Tang?"

Only skinhead Tang, a racing hunk, can drive the space fighter out of the elegant level.

Tony was also stunned, and then said: "Jarvis, send a call request to the other party!"

It won't take long for a call to connect.

Jordan's voice soon rang out and said, "bald don? Little golden Bryan

In the red fighter plane, the bald Tang looked confused and said, "Joe?"

"Yes, Joe, it's me, Bryan O'Connor!" he said

In the blue fighter, star Baron said furiously: "Shetter, FAK, damn Jovovich, I, star Baron, Peter Quayle, I'm the captain, this is my ship!"