Infinite gem is definitely a good thing, but for Jordan and others, a soul gem that doesn't know how to play its role is useless for the time being.

If it's a space gem, maybe it's a little bit better. People can find a way to stimulate and open up a space channel to escape.

Two, no, to be exact, under the pursuit of three space fleets, it still depends on two people, bald Tang and little golden Bryan.

The top equipped fighter with stronger performance, faster speed and harder defense is as slippery as a fish in the water under the operation of two people. No matter how many fighters are sent by the three fleets to pursue, they can always find the gap easily and escape from the sky.

Jarvis control of a blue and a red two fighters, in a short time, has been the fleet to directly blow up.

Including Qiao Danni and others, they have also been exposed to the information of mieba, Hongwang and others.

Fortunately, Jordan and others are not too far away from Saka. After less than two hours of escape in the universe, their fighters soon saw the existence of Saka.

Unlike other planets, Saka's location, seen from a distance in space, is like being wrapped by a cloud of nebular storms. The golden lines of time and space are connected with wormholes, forming a dangerous area that makes people feel numb.

"Damn, we're not going through this dead zone, are we?"

In the middle of the cabin, soon came the exaggerated and jumping voice of xingjue.

As for the rumors about Saka star, xingjue has also heard about it in the universe. Different from the barren land where the collectors are located, it is also the habitat of the elders of the universe. The rumors about Saka star, where Gao Tianzun is located, in the universe is a forbidden area for death, which can only enter but can not leave.

In fact, different from what xingjue and others know, there are many creatures coming out of Saka.

It's just that the time flow of Saka is different from that of the outside world. Those creatures who enter Saka have lived on Saka for a period of time. Often, many years have passed in the outside world.

So in the universe, it is said that Saka is the forbidden area of death.

Star Baron's strange name is very fierce. Bald Tang and Bryan turn to look at Jordan, Tony and others with some hesitation.

"Do you think we have a way out now?" he said with a shrug

Boom boom!

At the end of Jordan's voice, a series of artillery lights have been bombarded from behind. The dense pursuit fighters are just like the bees running out of the honeycomb, which makes people tremble.

Unless it has the strength of the heavenly Father level, no one can escape from the encirclement of the fleet with people.

Bareheaded Tang and Bryan clenched their teeth, and their eyes soon became firm. They raised the speed of the fighter to the limit, and almost rushed to the direction of nasaka with a dead attitude.

The overlapping fog of the universe was stripped away, and the fighter plane, like a golden red light, rushed through the space-time golden line protection outside nasaka.

And behind Jordan and others, the continuous sound of explosion, in the sky of Saka star, crazy ring out.

It was the formation of fighters under mieba, Hongwang and Ronan. They couldn't avoid the golden immortal of time and space. They were directly blocked outside Saka, and they looked like they were scattered.

At this time, after the sharp screams of the fighters.

Xingjue groped for himself with exaggeration. After a long time, he just laughed and said: "I knew that with my luck, no matter what the disaster is, I can't help it..."

Glancing at the dancing star Baron, Jordan ignores each other and comes to the cockpit. The guides, don and Bryan, are about to fly in the direction of the champion building.

But at this time, Tony also came to Joe and said, "Joe, are you going to see Gao Tianzun?"

Jordan nodded and said, "we should go and say hello to Gao Tianzun because of our feelings and reason."

Tony shook his head and said: "Gao Tianzun is a very pure person. Whoever is useful to him will be good to him. Now that the plumed serpent god has been killed, Gao Tianzun has got what he wants. Even at the last banquet, I can see that Gao Tianzun seems to want us to stay on Saka and become his subordinates!"

"What do you mean, Tony?" he said

Tony manipulated Jarvis, sent a message to Gao Tianzun, and then said, "I've sent the message and the story to Gao Tianzun, so we'd better go straight to the direction of the cosmic passage. If we don't go back to the earth, we always feel very dangerous outside!"

Jordan nodded and began to guide bald Don and Bryan toward the largest passage in space on nasaka.

At this time, star Baron, rocket and other people also all heard the words of Jordan.

Fierce, Carmela appeared next to Jordan, with no expression on his face, but the tone was not very beautiful, and said, "are you going through that cosmic passage?"

Jordan nodded honestly.

Rocket raccoon immediately jumped up and hit Jordan's knee. He was furious and said: "damn bastard human, do you know what it is? Ma jaafak, it's a wormhole of time and space. It's a special wormhole of time and space. Do you understand? We'll die, everyone will die... "

Afraid of stepping on the rocket, Jordan stretched out his legs carefully and pulled it to the side, saying: "in fact, Tony, Casillas, Dr. Benner and I have been on Saka for a long time, and we have crossed the bigger wormhole more than once!"

"Rocket".... "

Carmela: --

The same is true of all the others, all looking at Jordan, Tony and others with strange faces.

As a last resort, Tony said, "the formation of the environment on Saka is very special, but we have learned the root cause. These cosmic channels look extremely dangerous, but in fact they are also very dangerous. As long as our fighters are strong enough, they can pass through this wormhole. And I promise, this is only a kind of transmission in space, There will be no time travel! "

The cosmic passage on Saka is formed by the tidal power of space-time escaping from the sealed land under the earth. After filtering by the haze layer, it has long lost the function of time transfer.

This has been known for a long time by jordani, Tony, Casillas and Dr. Benner.

The only concern is that this cosmic channel will send people to somewhere in the universe. If it's still in the known universe, it's OK. But if it's in the unknown universe, it's more troublesome.