It's impossible to give Jordan a supreme artifact. Don't you see that after Odin took gungnier away and used it to suppress nighod, HeLa, as the current king of Asgard, had to use the weapon left by sol.

If you really have the supreme artifact, you can't get Jordan in turn.

The lake looked only a few tens of meters in size, but in fact, when Jordan was bewitched to fly over the lake, he was directly suppressed on the ground by a huge force.

It's impossible to fly. Even the original ancestor of Asgard waded through the water on foot. Just now he broke a branch from the little tree and turned it into gungnier.

After understanding this, Jordan gritted his teeth and prepared to go directly into the water.

However, as Jordan stepped out, he just touched the surface of the water. When he came back, he found himself in an endless sea of stars.

The sea of stars is long, with almost endless space.

And the original colorful tree, in the eyes of Jordan, also turned into a rooted in the sea of stars, the world of terror tree.

Each branch and leaf supports one big star after another. On the trunk, there are nine huge galaxy countries.

This is the source of Asgard's power, the real world tree.

In the outside world, even if people go to the nine countries, or even draw up the star map of the whole nine countries, they can't find the existence of the world tree at all, as if the world tree is just a myth spread in Asgard's mouth.

Only in this original land of Asgard can we really see the shape of the world tree.

And after learning this, Jordan was a little confused.

In the face of such a super world tree supporting countless stars, not to mention breaking a branch from its body, a world tree can be crushed to death if it falls down.

Don't even think about the supreme artifact.

Jordan began to think, little sister HeLa, what's the intention of letting himself in here.

It's impossible to pit himself here on purpose, but in the vast sea of stars, Jordan has no ability to break free from it.

Just when countless thoughts flashed through Jordan's mind, the vast world tree in the far distance began to vibrate suddenly. A rainbow of seven colors rose from the world tree, as if it had the power to create heaven and earth, making the whole sea of stars tremble.

Hongguang is amazing. It sweeps and annihilates the emptiness. In the endless nothingness, it splashes out the power of geomantic omen, earth and fire, and makes the already huge space of Xinghai extend a little.

The world tree is growing and the Xinghai world is expanding.

When the tremor of the world tree is over, the mighty life essence spreads out from the nothingness of the earth, water, wind and fire, and begins to derive everything.

This is the growth process of the world tree. It does not occupy the space of the universe, but opens up more space, energy and material from the endless nothingness. On the contrary, it is a supplement to the universe.

Looking at this scene, Jordan's whole body suddenly froze and was enveloped by the seven rainbow lights. It seemed that he had fallen into a strange state. The whole person's divine personality began to burst out wisps of divine light. From Jordan's body, he began to touch and blend with everything outside.

It is the law of life that first spreads a breath of cosmic law in Jordan.

In the process of the world tree's opening up the world and deriving everything, the first thing that Jordan keenly grasped was the ubiquitous Qi of life. It seemed that he had completely mastered the power of the law of life, and a surprising light of life began to spread throughout the whole person.

But just as the light of life flickered and leaped, and began to become more and more exuberant, and even gathered a magic fire, Jordan's body once again spread a terrible destructive force.

To be exact, it's not just the power of destruction, but the death born in the endless destruction of earth, water, wind and fire.

Eternal, silent, the breath of strands, people have almost the same feeling of suffocation.

This is a touch of death power brought by Jordan himself after he came through. Under the present opportunity, he absorbed the air of destruction and death in the creation of heaven and earth, and turned it into a real law of death.

The law of death is one of the most destructive laws in the universe, and it is also one of the most terrible and difficult to control.

When this kind of death gas machine just appeared, Jordan's whole hair began to turn gray, his skin began to relax, and even his teeth began to fall off. A kind of rotten and death gas machine came out of Jordan's body from the inside out.

This Law of death is embedded in the body of birth and Jordan.

What happened to Jordan is much more terrible than the scene of little sister HeLa being eroded by death two thousand years ago. If he is not careful, Jordan will be assimilated by death, completely annihilated and turned into ashes.

At this time, the fire of life that originally appeared on the top of Jordan's head began to fall down and integrate into Jordan's body, fighting against the terrible death and reviving Jordan's body.

It's like Jordan's whole life is out of reincarnation, one moment decaying, one moment full of vitality.

At the same time, in this fierce confrontation, the life gene shackles inside Jordan's body are being broken bit by bit.

When this genetic shackle of life is completely broken, Jordan will step into the level of sub heavenly father.

Unfortunately, though the power of life and death is extremely powerful, the genetic shackles of life in Jordan's body are even more difficult to break through. After being broken in half, he stops completely.

In the process of life evolution, whether it is divinity or divinity, the more complex it is to comprehend, and the more difficult it is to climb to a higher level of life.

This is also why Asgard has been handed down for countless years, and those powerful people will only give one God's name and authority.

Only such a person with outstanding talent can be granted the name of binomial deity.

The more power there is, the stronger the fighting power it can bring into play, but it will also become a kind of restriction, an evolutionary restriction on the level of life in the future.

It's like Jordan, who stumbles all the way. He doesn't even know how he can gather the power of life, death, light and dark.

This has made Jordan the first fighting force on earth in addition to Gu Yi. Even in the third stage, he was able to compete with the strong of sub heavenly father. But in the same way, he was embarrassed in this half step of sub heavenly Father's evolution.

This process of life evolution and life transition is extremely dangerous.

If he can succeed, he will be able to fly into the sky. But if he fails, Jordan's best end is that his divine power will be broken and he will turn into a useless man. A slightly worse end is that the power of the law will be rampant and he will turn Jordan into ashes.

The universe is extremely fair to any living creature.

How many benefits do you want to get? How many risks do you have to take? Once God was so powerful that people could not imagine. He wanted to take a step closer. After his failure, he also became a kind of nutrition supplement to the universe.

Now, Jordan is facing the same danger.

And just when Jordan could hardly hold on, on the back of Asgard, on the moon mountain, big brother Odin and big brother Guyi, who were suppressing the black dragon niederhogg, suddenly looked at each other and seemed to notice something.

Soon, old man Odin showed a wry smile on his face and spoke to old man Gu Yi: "supreme master, it seems that someone needs our help!"

Master Gu Yi nodded, with a smile on his face from beginning to end, and said, "they are the future of the universe. It's our duty to help them when we can!"