Before he usurped the throne, old man Odin was once the prince of Asgard. He had a long life evolution and training. He realized the integration of his own power and the law of divine power through countless battles and long time of perception.

In fact, Jordan doesn't have the deep accumulation of old man Odin.

So in the eyes of old man Odin and master Guyi, the fusion of divine power and law in Jordan's body is not a real fusion.

It's the law of divine power in Jordan. Life and death, light and darkness are opposite. At the first time of forming, they form a state of confrontation and entanglement.

Jordan doesn't know whether it's good or bad.

But in this state, Jordan felt a kind of unprecedented strength, different from the previous third stage, just like the gap between the world running champion and the toddler.

When Jordan's life level has reached the level of sub heavenly Father, there is a strong sense of extrusion in the mysterious Asgard secret place, which pushes him out.

Back in the garden deep in the golden palace, the first time Jordan opened his eyes, he saw HeLa's little sister's caring and worried eyes.

In fact, there is a special feeling between jordani and Hella's little sister.

It's not like a perfect relationship between a man and a woman, but it's closer than a common friend. It's probably the legendary relationship between a friend and a lover.

In the past, Jordan also knew that heila's little sister, a very powerful woman, didn't need love or anything like that.

Jordan occasionally some color heart, in the face of Hella little sister, there is no color gall.

But this time, maybe it's the illusion of endless power brought by the power of sub heavenly father. After seeing the affectionate eyes of little sister HeLa, Jordan naturally put his hand on her face.

Then, Jordan will give her a full and affectionate kiss.


With a powerful force and a sweeping momentum, Jordan was quickly coerced by a strong force, and the whole person, in a face down posture, was severely pierced on the ground.

Then little sister HeLa's face with a flash of red, quickly disappeared in the depths of the golden palace.

It took a long time for Jordan to rub his cheek and get up from the ground.

Mad, maybe he's the best one in the legend. He even dares to talk to little sister Hela.

Half an hour later, in the middle of the golden palace hall.

As always, the little sister of HeLa was dressed in gorgeous Queen's robes, and she was sitting on the throne of Asgard with a powerful and incomparable majesty.

At the feet of Hella's little sister, fenriel, who had recovered from death, lay there quietly.

Under the throne, Bader, the God of light, tyre, SHIV, the goddess of harvest, the three warriors of fairyland, the Warner gods and other asgards have strong fighting power. Everyone is extremely tired and is reporting the information from all sides of the battlefield during the previous war.

In addition to the Asgard gods, Jordan, cassilias, xingjue, bald Tang and others stood idle in an open position.

Originally, Tony and Dr. Benner were also going to attend this meeting, but Tony was eager to use Wulu metal to build a strong war armour that could give full play to all his strength. Dr. Benner was also very interested in Asgard technology, so they are still immersed in Asgard's technology laboratory.

The war will continue to break out at any time, and the return of Asgard's gods is very simple and clear.

However, with the number of casualties being read out, the whole golden palace hall soon filled with a very dull atmosphere.

Different from human beings on the earth, ordinary people in Asgard also have a life span of 5000 years and a far greater power than human beings.

But also, the benefits of this species greatly limit the population of Asgard.

This is how life propagates. The more powerful the creature is, the more difficult it is to reproduce its offspring.

Odin didn't know that he had worked hard for thousands of years, but he just gave birth to two babies, HeLa and sol. Jordan has three girlfriends, and gizel has been pregnant for more than a year, and there is no change now.

Under the circumstances of extremely difficult fertility and reproduction, some of the casualties in this war made the Asgard gods feel extremely sad and indignant.

"Sire Hella, we can't be so passive. Asgard must end the war as soon as possible. Even if there is a need, we must push the battlefield out of Asgard's territory!"

Bader, the God of light, is not only one of Asgard's strongest fighting forces, but also the consul of the whole Asgard.

However, when Bader proposed this proposal, the whole golden palace hall was silent.

Everyone present knows that this kind of war on Asgard's territory will bring enormous damage to Asgard. But now, even though Asgard has summoned the elite army of the dead who are sleeping in the hall of the spirit, it is still very weak in the face of siege and suppression by the armies of nasulter, malkis, the Dreadlord, the headless knight and so on, Only defense, but no counterattack.

Bader just started. After a moment's silence, the gods of Asgard began to argue.

However, this kind of argument is meaningless. In the final analysis, the way to break the situation is to take the lead in recapturing the control terminal of rainbow bridge.

After much discussion, even Casillas, xingjue, bald Tang and others occasionally cut in and participated in it.

In the end, little sister HeLa finally made a decision.

In the previous World War I, some of the strengths of sirtel, malkis, Dreadlord, headless knights and others have been preliminarily tested. So this time, Asgard will take out the sealed destroyers from Odin's treasure house, completely unseal them, and join hyra, jordani, Tony, Bader and Tyr together. Unexpectedly, Defeat the enemy's best power completely.

To be exact, it is not a complete defeat. Instead, after the enemy's high-level forces are held down, Casillas, xingjue, bald Tang and others make a surprise attack on the terminal of rainbow bridge and rescue hamdal from the siege. At that time, with the help of rainbow bridge, there may be a chance to wipe out the main enemy forces in this war.

As for the details of the next battle, it is the God of war, tyre, who will plan.