The king is a tiger, and the woman is also a tiger. When the two creatures become one, they will become extremely unreasonable.

Jordani feels like he's on the hook.

Knock on NIMA, what did you do? I helped you resist the invasion of the Allied forces from the flame Kingdom, the dark elves and the abyss of hell, and helped you avoid the destruction of Asgard.

Even if you don't agree with each other, how do you report yourself?

What's the difference between this special thing and the killing of donkeys? Bah, what's the difference between this special thing and the good bow hiding of flying birds!

Jordan felt that he was too wronged, and Bader, tyre, heimdar, Tony and others looked at him with admiration and sympathy.

The atmosphere on the rainbow bridge was a little strange. HeLa's little sister looked coldly at hamdal and said, "hamdal, carry out the order!"

Heydal suddenly woke up and regained the look of his poker face. He solemnly supported the sword with his hands and inserted it into the slot of the controller. With a sudden turn of his hands, gears in the terminal room of rainbow bridge began to rotate wildly. The fierce lightning and thunder broke into the void.

Then, the energy from the world tree, from that terminal, reversely converges, and begins to feed back towards Asgard. A continuous energy shield starts to spread around Asgard, gradually forming an inverted bowl.

At this time, malekis in the void has also found this scene. With a roar, the real gems on his forehead, with surging energy, burst out a red light again and disappeared into the army of doomsday, accelerating the transformation of the whole army of doomsday again.


The bleak and forceful roar of war kept shaking in the void. Among those doomsday armies, the doomsday soldiers who had been transformed first broke away from the army, and the doomsday flames surged around them, turning into meteors and meteorites, and crashing into the sky where asgardna was still completely closed.

Boom boom!

Some of the doomsday warriors collided with the slowly rising energy shield, while a few of them crashed into Asgard's interior like shells.

This kind of forced transformation of doomsday warrior, without any emotion and wisdom, can see the other side's skull through his eyes, and has completely turned into lava.

The powerful body makes these doomsday warriors fall from high altitude without any damage. Putting them together, they are like killing puppets. Inside Asgard, they are frantically destroyed.

Strong, invulnerable and painless, these doomsday warriors can only bring doomsday disasters.

Dong Dong Dong!

A doomsday warrior smashed a tower in Asgard and walked out of the ruins of the deep pit. Every step down, he would melt the ground under his feet into a magma pit. Where he passed, everything would be ignited and everything would be melted.

A small group of Asgard soldiers quickly surrounded the doomsday warrior.

However, the gap in strength made these originally extremely powerful Asgard soldiers turn into weeds and be swept away by the doomsday soldiers.

"Mad, heartless girl!"

Jordan, who had just returned to Asgard, flew over the sky and saw the doomsday warrior in the process of destruction.

Originally, Jordan, who was angry, was not prepared to take care of these things. Instead, he expressed his resentment through nonviolence and non cooperation.

But after flying out for hundreds of meters, Jordan could not help but turn around and fall directly in front of the doomsday warrior.

"I'm so cheap. I owe them all!"

Landing moment, Jordan's eyes, there is already the law of death, the right to form a network, from the doomsday warrior's body swept by.

The doomsday warrior is close to the peak of the third stage. Compared with the king of fear and the headless knight, they are only slightly weaker.

If not for the IQ of this doomsday warrior, even Asgard at his peak may not be the opponent of the dark elves.

But even a strong man at this level is nothing in Jordan's eyes.

After all, there are only a few doomsday warriors among asgards.

But under the scanning of the law of death, in this doomsday warrior, Jordan can't see any weakness at all.

That is to say, unless the doomsday warrior is defeated, otherwise, it is the existence that can not be killed.

This makes the original aggrieved Jordan, suddenly came to some interest.

This is the first time that Jordan has found this strange creature between life and death since he was promoted to the sub heavenly Father level.

Life and death, under normal circumstances, are almost absolute opposites.

In the body of a living creature, life and decay are two different kinds of existence, and they are always quite different.

For example, the division of life and death in the body of normal living creatures such as the Athar Protoss and human beings is often very obvious. In the youth and the prime of life, life Qi is extremely strong, which firmly suppresses the power of death and decay.

In the old age, the vitality is still reduced, the power of death and decay begins to destroy the body function, and the life span is reduced.

Even if it is like a headless knight, the body is full of the power of death and evil Qi, but its soul must also have a strong life Qi, supporting each other's thinking, action and so on.

The opposition between life and death is like an irreconcilable natural enemy.

But in this doomsday warrior, Jordan found a strange scene, the doomsday warrior's life and death, as if under the interference of a strange force, to achieve a composite superposition.

Life and death intertwine and repel each other, just like the collision of positive and negative poles will produce huge energy.

This superposed and mutually exclusive force of life and death is the reason why the doomsday warrior can leap over the shackles of life in a short period of time and burst out with extremely powerful combat power.

If you want to make a normal doomsday warrior, you need the fragment fusion of etheric particles, which can continuously supply the strange power to reconcile life and death. Therefore, a normal doomsday warrior can exist for a long time and has a very long life.

The doomsday warriors forced by malekis, without the support of etheric particles, consume the vitality of those doomsday warriors.

Once the vitality of these doomsday warriors is consumed, they will disappear completely.

How long these doomsday warriors can survive, Jordan doesn't care much, but he is very interested in the arrangement pattern of life and death forces in the doomsday warriors.

Including the strange power to reconcile life and death, Jordan is also very interested.

In Jordan's view, this may be an opportunity for him to integrate his four laws and powers, explore and walk out of his own unique evolutionary path.

In the third stage of the leap forward of life, we need to constantly polish the divinity, and through the rune mysteries in the divinity, we can understand and master the law mysteries in the universe.

When you have mastered a certain degree of law mystery, you will enter the stage of sub heavenly father.

The evolution of the sub heavenly Father level needs to polish its own laws bit by bit. When the laws are full, it begins to try to communicate with the will of the universe through its own laws, and has gained enough real power of the laws of the universe.

It is the real existence of the heavenly Father that one holds part of the power of the universe.

This is also the reason why the heavenly father is extremely powerful. He is with the universe and can use the power of the universe to crush the enemy anytime and anywhere.

Jordan doesn't have to think that far.

Now, the most urgent thing for Jordan is to straighten out the rules he understands and determine the road he will take in the future.

Life, death, light, darkness, Jordan can not all go to polish, even if the universe God has a very long life, it may not be able to support Jordan to the full up of the four laws.

Therefore, the best choice for jordani is to choose one of the four laws to polish, such as the law of death. Jordani is born with a little right to die. If he chooses this road, he will be the easiest one to step into the father level in the future.

Or, Jordan can choose to merge and stack, from the entanglement of the four rules, out of a road of his own.

For example, God used to be able to create the world and understand many laws. But in the end, he only chose the law of light, which is the combination of light and the law of life. For example, old man Odin chose the law of sky, which is the combination of wind, cloud and lightning.

If you only think about it bit by bit, this process will be an eternal time that will last for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

But now, the strange state of the doomsday warrior's body gives Jordan a chance to take a shortcut.