For Asgard and Odin, Sirte, dark elf and hell devil are never real threats.

Sulter was once the defeated general of Odin, and the dark elves were exiled to the dark airspace by Asgard.

As for hell, Asgard has his own Heim underworld.

The only thing that can threaten Asgard and Odin is the black dragon, Ned Hogg, who constantly gnaws at the root of the world tree under the world tree.

The world tree is the foundation of Asgard and even the whole nine realms. The origin of Odin's life and all his forces are bound together with the world tree. Once the world tree goes wrong, everything in the whole nine realms will come to an end.

Now, the terminal control room of rainbow bridge has been recaptured, the doomsday army offered by the dark elves has been blocked out of Asgard's shield, the Dreadlord has died, and the threat of the remaining sirtel and headless Knights has also been greatly reduced.

The main enemy that Asgard had to face was a black dragon, Ned Hogg.

On the back of the moon mountain, old man Odin and master Guyi, just like ancient statues, still stand on the vast square.

In front of them, one side of the moon well, which is similar to a pool, has completely got rid of the previous dry state, and endless starlight converges in it, forming a kind of energy spring with a huge pure atmosphere.

This moon well is the core of suppressing the black dragon niederhogg, and the pure energy spring is the energy source of the whole huge seal.

Before that, the Dreadlord and the headless knight in hell contacted Sirte and the dark elves to attack Asgard. The long-term battle and huge consumption restrained Asgard's great energy and energy reserves, which made the spring water in the moon well dry.

In order to supplement the consumption of the spring water in the moon well, old man Odin and master Guyi had to appear on the back of the moon mountain just now. They replaced the spring water in the moon well with their own strength to suppress the crazy Black Dragon nighod.

The hell demons unite with Sirte and the dark elves to attack Asgard. They are instructed by the strong in the abyss plane and want to take the opportunity to help the black dragon niederhogg out of the trap.

Heironnie de Hogg is a real powerful and powerful existence in the abyss plane.

At his peak, niederhogg once ruled the 88 level abyss in the abyss plane. He had hundreds of millions of abyss troops under his hand. He was the most good at penetrating the dimensional plane and swallowing the law treasure of the heaven and the world.

In a sense, the birth of the whole world tree is closely related to niederhogg.

In the years that I don't know how long ago, in the abyss plane, there was a crazy invasion against the universe.

Niederhogg was the vanguard General of the master of the endless abyss at that time. With his talent, he came through a channel between the two universe masters.

At that time, the ASAR Protoss was not a Protoss, but just a group of cosmic races that had just come out of the earth.

As soon as they came out of the earth, they met the invasion of the whole abyss plane. At that time, Buli, the first king of the ASAR Protoss, carried a seed of the world tree from the earth, and cooperated with Amir, the ancestor of the giant Kingdom, to irrigate it with the spring of wisdom that the giant Kingdom guarded for generations, so that the seeds of the world tree could take root and germinate, blocking the whole abyss passage.

With the growth of the world tree and endless wars, niederhogg was finally suppressed under the root of the world tree.

Relying on the world tree, the ASAR Protoss has finally grown into the leading role of the universe in an era. In a long time, they have established nine kingdoms and Asgard, and become the real overlord of the universe.

But in the same way, niederhogg has become a huge hidden danger of the world tree, gnawing at the roots of the world tree all the year round.

The comeback of the abyss plane this time seizes a good opportunity. The three empires in the universe are fighting endlessly, the crazy titans are slaughtering the universe, the God Group is still licking the wound after being severely damaged by big brother Odin, and big brother Odin is gradually aging and declining in strength.

If we can take this opportunity to release niederhogg and let niederhogg devour the whole world tree, we can make niederhogg grow up to the fourth stage, or even a higher-level strong man, and once again connect the main world of the universe and the abyss plane, engulf the whole nine countries, and then sweep the whole universe.

Originally, the plan of the abyss and hell demons was very feasible.

Old man Odin and master Guyi are trapped on the back of the moon mountain. The hell devil, Sirte and the dark elves are about to break the last struggle of Asgard. Once Asgard is destroyed and the gods of ASAR come to dusk, Odin's power will be weakened again. Master Guyi alone can no longer resist the counterattack of niederhogg.

However, with the arrangement of fate, Jordan, Tony and others, together with a large group of xingjue and bareheaded Tang, crossed from the huge "devil fart limit" of CASA, and just arrived at the Wulu metal deposit area of Asgard.

Tony this goods and restless encourage Joe Denny, steal the precious mineral of old man Odin's family.

In this case, old man Odin had a full excuse to directly capture Asgard from Jordan and others. He not only took away the soul gem for old man Gu Yi to use, but also let Jordan and others work for Asgard and take part in the war.

With the soul gem, it will be easier for big brother Odin and big brother Guyi to suppress niederhogg, and little sister HeLa and Asgard will be able to use more power of the world tree.

In addition, the variables caused by jordani and others, which were originally very conducive to the abyss and hell demon side of the war, were directly broken in a few days.

This time, old man Odin pulled Hella and Jordan to the back of the moon mountain. The purpose was to take this opportunity to thoroughly understand the root of the disaster.

Once niederhogg is fully understood, Asgard will never have to worry about the twilight of the gods. Even big brother Odin can return to the peak state again with the help of the world tree's recovery, enter the heavenly Father level, and become Asgard's sea god needle for a long time.

In a sense, it also has incomparable huge benefits for the earth.

Although the ASAR Protoss has been separated from the earth for a long time and is known as the cosmos Protoss, in fact, this can not change the fact that the ASAR Protoss is prehistoric human beings.

Asgard, as the Lord of the nine realms, as the earth's barrier and guardian, can remain strong enough. On the one hand, the earth can also usher in a long period of peaceful development.

Of course, there are big risks to big gains.

The black dragon niederhogg, who was once the leader of the endless abyss, had reached the peak of the heavenly Father level before the rise of the Athar Protoss, and could enter the fourth stage at any time.

Now, even if it is a combination of big brother Odin, master Guyi, Jordan and Hella, who occupy the geographical advantage of the world tree, it is not a simple thing to deal with niederhogg.