Big brother Odin can traverse the universe for thousands of years and lead the whole ASAR Protoss to the highest state. Naturally, he can't be a pure brute.

The so-called direct recklessness, of course, is just a simple bluff to Jordan.

As a matter of fact, there is an almost insurmountable gap between the heavenly Father and the sub heavenly father. It is impossible to use the power of the sub heavenly father to attack the strong of the heavenly father.

Unless the father level strong man, who is just like the feather snake god, has been trapped in the tide of time and space for millions of years, and has spent all his strength, otherwise, it is just a joke to attack the father level strong man.

Jordani and Hella, one with the supreme weapon war horn, can summon endless star power, and the other is Asgard king, who can use the power of Asgard.

Such strength, in the sub heavenly Father level, has been enough to be invincible and invincible.

However, even if they join hands, they may not be able to last three or five minutes against the father level strong. The main forces to deal with nadehog are old man Odin and master Guyi.

I don't want to talk about Mr Odin. He used to be one of the most powerful men in the heavenly Father class. If it wasn't for Asgard's declining and dragging down Mr Odin, he would have stepped into the fourth stage and even a higher level of life evolution. That's the way that Mr Odin would explore in the future.

For a long time, when he was promoted to the heavenly Father level, Gu Yi's soul gradually dissipated and integrated into his body. When he opened his eyes again, in the endless indifference, there was a touch of Smart vitality.

At the same time, Odin roared, and a powerful divine power ran through the whole moon. It fell into the endless void and had a huge resonance with the whole Asgard. Then, in Odin's treasure house, the destroyer armor, which had been settled up again, followed the huge divine light and quickly broke through the air.

Gungnier to the ground heavy meal, a set of rotten silver armor, fast cover in Odin big man's body.

At this moment, old man Odin's rickety and short body suddenly became tall and straight, like a spear that could fight through the sky and the earth. His divine power stirred up the clouds and thunder in the sky, forming a terrible vision covering most of Asgard.

This is the recovery of Odin's long-standing divine power. Odin is returning to the peak of his father.

Carrying Asgard and the world tree for thousands of years, old man Odin's old illness is gone now, and his sharp edge is more amazing than that of old man one.

Odin's body has not become more tall, but his silver hair is vigorous, and his momentum is as broad, vast and powerful as the sky.

"Father, your weapon!"

Seeing that old man Odin was about to enter the place of seal in high spirits, HeLa quickly opened her mouth, looked at gungnier with her eyes, and reminded her.

Because in order to sort out the energy context of seal, moon mountain, Asgard and the world tree, Hella can't move at all.

But at this time, that gungnier in Odin big man's eye signal, but came to the hand of Hella.

Until this time, old man Odin said kindly: "HeLa, my eldest daughter, from now on, gungnier, it's just your weapon. It's the right of Asgard!"

Saying such words means that Odin has really recognized that Hella can become the king of Asgard.

Similarly, it also represents the overlapping and inheritance of final rights among asgards.

From her birth, heila's younger sister has experienced endless wars of blood and fire, and then spent more than a thousand years in the underworld of Heim. All along, what she really wants in her heart is her father's approval.

In a sense, the eldest daughter and two sons of Odin are all under the same pressure because he is too strong and effective. It can be regarded as a family inheritance.

Really got the approval of Odin, Haila little sister was moved to cry.

The father daughter relationship between big brother Odin and little sister HeLa is really moving.

But at this time, Jordan, looking at the golden gungnier, has no origin in his mind, and a very magical word rings out.

So, this is your IDA, Pooh, your gungnier?