For human beings, the solar uprising caused by Robert Reynolds is a great disaster, even a natural disaster that even many strong Avengers can't stop.

But after swallowing the plane, a strange whole is formed among the earth, the solar system and the tree of life.

For the whole earth, this disaster is accompanied by an unprecedented opportunity to grow together with the ancient trees of life. The resources, environment and even volume of the whole earth are growing in a slow and firm trend.

After the disaster of almost the end of the world, with the space ring as the technical support, the recovery and optimization of the whole earth is also recovering at an unprecedented speed, even explosive growth.

To a certain extent, Delia, as the goddess of life, can also control the recovery of some Gaia consciousness on the earth, so that the relationship between the whole earth, human beings and animals begins to become extremely harmonious.

For example, the beach where the avenger base is located, before, the environment was also good.

But in fact, there are many reefs and big waves along the coast of Avenger base. From time to time, all kinds of marine garbage are swept up. Tony's maintenance robots alone in the offshore field cost an astronomical sum of money every year.

Now, the whole Avenger base is close to the coast. Although the general environment has not changed, the reefs have disappeared. The water is blue like gems. In the clear spray, all kinds of once extinct marine life are gradually recovering.

Even if there are traces left by the disaster, the environment of the whole world seems to be improved countless times.

Just as Jordan is observing the changes of the surrounding environment, Peter, who has become a half size group in the avenger base, is the first to discover the appearance of Jordan.

"Uncle, you're back at last. God bless you, if you don't come back again..."


Peter is a talker and has the ability of spiders. When he sees Tony, he rushes up to Jordan with a very fast speed. He opens his mouth and seems to be ready to talk for half an hour.

Jordan was very decisive to interrupt each other's words, and then gave birth to a strange feeling.

"Peter, I remember you never called me uncle before!"

Jordan's expression is strange, the whole person has a very complex state of mind.

Once upon a time, Jordan was also a famous romantic prodigal in the Avengers League. He not only had three formal girlfriends, but also had lovers like may, Jennie and Serena.

May and Peter, in particular, were very familiar when Jordan was just a normal person.

However, as the earth becomes more and more chaotic, Jordan, Natasha, gizel, Heidi and others become more and more powerful. May, Jane and Serena, perhaps because of their strength, or because of their age, or for some other reason, are no longer in touch with Jordan. To be exact, Jordan is no longer allowed to mess.

Gradually, Jordan's regular girlfriend, only Natasha, Giselle, Heidi three people.

As for Peter, he almost grew up with Jordan's eyes. When he was a child, he was also called Jordan uncle. But as may gradually separated from Jordan, Peter had not been called Jordan uncle for a long time.

This address, let Joe Daniels instant time to produce a sense of vicissitudes.

And accompanied by the daze of Jordan, Peter's face is also a little red, looked at Jordan, and then looked at the nearby Avenger base, a want to say and don't know how to say.

Jordan missed touching Peter's head and the stubble he hadn't pruned for a long time. He said, "Peter, what happened?"

Peter pause, very difficult way: "uncle, you and Mr. Tony and others are not on the earth during this period of time, a lot of things have happened, the earth for a month, there have been many major natural disasters, the loss of the whole earth are unparalleled..."

What Peter said is about the solar explosion and the earth disaster.

"I've learned all this from Delia, Peter," he said. "I think what you want to say is that it happened in the avenger base, right?"

Peter is an honest boy. He can't even lie. He hesitates when he comes across something around him.

Just like that, Peter has been secretly aiming at the avenger base for more than ten times.

Listening to Jordan's words, Peter soon settled down. In Peter's eyes, since he was six or seven years old, Jordan was half a father of his own. He was an omnipotent hero.

Of course, there are always some shortcomings in this hero, which can be ignored.

At ease, Peter said, "yes! It started after the end of the disaster. Delia was crowned as a kind, powerful and fair goddess. After the end of the disaster on the earth, Delia blessed and baptized the earth for several times. Many people, even many animals, were born with something different. "

Jordani knows clearly that Delia's unique power of law and authority as the goddess of life can help many lives and open the shackles of her own life genes to a certain extent.

However, this ability is not based on Delia's own will, but on the blessed life itself.

If the blessed creature has great potential, even if it leaps to become a god of the universe, it's no problem. If the blessed creature's potential is not enough, even if Delia's power is exhausted, it just makes the other person healthy and long-lived.

At this time, Peter continued: "with the blessing of Delia, Aunt May, Ms. Natasha, Ms. gizel and Ms. Heidi have all gained some benefits in life evolution. Among them, Aunt May has changed the most. Aunt May has become young, just like a 20-year-old girl, and has three life transitions at once, We have reached the level of the strong in the third stage.... "

Once ex girlfriend suddenly became the God of the universe, Jordan Leng for a moment.

Then Jordan said sincerely, "isn't that a good thing? With the evolution of life, Aunt Mei can live more freely, live longer, and don't worry about meeting any bad people!"

Peter looked queer and said, "yes! Before your news comes back, it's a good thing. The rise of a universe God who is good at life magic is of great benefit to the whole earth. Aunt Mei even built a life temple with many people, not to publicize faith, but to publicize the beauty of life and rescue life in danger! "

"But since the information of uncle and Mr. Tony came back from Asgard more than a month ago, things have changed. Aunt may seems to have a big conflict with Ms. Natasha, Ms. gizer and Ms. Heidi..."