Tony, borz and others are all in the process of cleaning up. After all, the Avengers and may are very familiar.

When we had to fight before, standing in the camp of Natasha, gizel and Heidi, we all know that we couldn't fight at all.

When the Avengers get out of the whirlpool, it's normal for them to relax their relationship with may and explain something.

Natasha gritted her teeth angrily, but she also knew that business matters.

In a few words, a group of little guys in the avenger alliance were sent away. In the whole manor, soon there were only the people of Life Church, as well as Jordan and Natasha.

Looking at May and Natasha fighting like big eyes, Jordan egg pain, but also had to stand up.

After glancing at all the people in the Church of life, Jordan finally looked at May and said, "may, we have something to talk about, and these two, Icarus and Gilgamesh, come together!"

May is a little rebellious, but Jordan pulls may and Natasha to a room in the manor tower.

Icaris and Gilgamesh, on the other hand, look at each other and follow the three of them into the room.

Just as they walked into the room, suddenly, a shield of holy light appeared in the whole room, forming a kind of boundary, wrapping the whole room.

When Jordan reached the level of sub heavenly Father, he became more and more aware of the power of the law, and the power of this magic was also more and more powerful. With such a boundary, the whole room seemed to be wrapped up and integrated into the infinite dimension, and disappeared in the induction of all people.

Natasha didn't react to the action of Jordan, and may didn't panic too much.

On the contrary, Icarus and Gilgamesh, after a moment of confusion, soon calmed down and said, "Mr. Jovovich, you are..."

Jordan looked at each other and said, "no, I'm supposed to ask you. What's your intention when you show up at May's side and strike the confrontation and disorder within the avenger alliance?"

May actually has a lot of trust in Icarus and Gilgamesh, but obviously he has more trust in Jordan.

At the beginning, may didn't ask about Jordan's actions. After ikaris and Gilgamesh spoke, may just stood by Natasha and looked at Natasha with a little doubt.

Up to now, the Church of life has only been established for a short time.

May and Jordan have been in a relationship for more than ten years. Even though Natasha, Giselle and Heidi are annoying, if they really meet something big, may will not hesitate to stand on their side.

Hear the words of Jordan, Icarus and Gilgamesh two people obscure look at each other, no before calm.

Icaris seems to be a mild artist, but in fact, he is much more arrogant. In the face of Giordani's inquiry, he doesn't answer immediately, but stealthily exudes a trace of energy, trying to break the barrier in the room.

This kind of detection is very hidden. It should be a unique energy use skill that the eternal clan has groped out in the development of countless years.

For the first time, Jordan almost didn't notice the subtle energy detection.

It was only after this kind of energy touched the boundary of the holy light that Jordan realized the existence of this kind of alien energy with a more acute perception of the law.

Soon, the Holy Light border was slightly shocked, blooming a layer of bright light, which scattered the energy of Icarus.

Jordan said again: "don't try anything, unless you two are heavenly Father, otherwise, without my permission, you two can't leave here!"

Icarus's face changed.

On the contrary, nagelgamesh, on the surface, looks like a muscular asian with five major features, but with a tough figure, he has a kind of gentleness and tenderness like an old farmer, and even a little chubby feeling. He laughs and says: "Mr. Jovovich, our church of life, just in the spirit of caring for our companions, in the past, It's just a pressure. There's absolutely no malice... "

Jordan's eyes were sharp and silent, just staring at them.

Gilgamesh soon had sweat on his forehead, wiped it off and said, "Mr. Jovovich, I promise ikaris and I will never again..."

This time, Jordan directly interrupted Gilgamesh's words and said, "eternal family? Don't you know that you are leaning towards the ruling world camp? Or the honest one? "

Just a word from jordani changed the faces of Icarus and Gilgamesh.

Even may, who didn't quite understand, said, "Joe, what do you mean? They are just my assistants in life church! What is the eternal race and what rules the world? "

"IKA, Jill, what are you hiding?"

Icarus's face became more and more gloomy. Gilgamesh laughed awkwardly and said: "we don't have any malice under Jovovich's crown. We just..."

Just as Gilgamesh was about to say something, Icarus suddenly exclaimed, "Gil, that's enough!"

After icaris yelled, Gilgamesh's chubby, simple face became more and more embarrassed. His expression was very rich, and he finally gave Jordan a smile and stopped talking.

At this time, Icarus just said: "Jovovich is crowned, since you already know our identity, you should know that we have no malice towards you..."

When Icarus was tough and ready to say something, a lightsaber appeared in the void, and the tip of the sword was on Icarus' throat.

Icaris's face suddenly changed. In fact, it was a little weaker. He said: "under the crown of Jovovich, our eternal race is no doubt against you, but we..."


Another lightsaber appeared in front of icaris, but this time, the new key directly aimed at icaris's next three ways.

After thinking about it, the lightsaber shakes slightly, deforms in the air and becomes a hammer.

All of a sudden, icaris and Gilgamesh were afraid to move. There was a cold sweat trickling down on their forehead.

Now, can we start talking again