Far away from the eternal King City a distance above the sea, jizel and Jennie two people, tit for tat stalemate, suspended in the void, powerful momentum, just like a shell, constantly bombarding.

By this time, gizel had taken off the shield and sword behind him. He was fully armed and surrounded by bright lights.

On the other side, Jennie is also not the slightest downwind. After a meal of the staff in her hand, powerful black energy is constantly converging, forming strange animal forms at her feet.

Between them, there was no chance to relax, and even the verbal confrontation was ignored.

A sea breeze swept through, and waves surged between gizel and Jennie.

Then, two violent gas engines collided and smashed the wave. Gizel took the lead and jumped. A huge hole was blasted out of the wave under his feet. With a powerful shock wave, he held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. In the middle of the air, he jumped in the direction of Jennie.

Gizel's speed and strength are extremely violent.

But Jennie's action is not so bad. She looks like a magic wand in her hand. She actually swings it like a spear, carrying a black energy, and directly blows with gizel.


One hit collision, two shadows on the sea, just like lightning light, the same crazy collision, every time the explosion, there must be extremely violent energy release, blow up one after another sky waves.

This pure power and speed of the fight, Jennie is obviously weaker than Giselle on some.

But soon, Jeanie's staff in her hand and a violent shock wave pushed gizel back. After pulling apart the distance, she stretched out her hand, and the surging black energy turned into Python and beast. Just in the blink of an eye, it formed a scene like a tide of beasts, turned into a torrent, and rushed towards gizel.

Bang bang!

In the face of this violent wave of energy beasts, jizel's hand moves more quickly and fiercely. The whole person is like a female leopard. She blocks the attack with a shield in her hand, and wields a long sword to spread the cross swordsmanship that Jordan is very good at. She splits one energy beast after another and keeps approaching jizel's direction.

The combat effectiveness of the two women is not much different. Gizel is better at close combat, while Jennie is better at long-range attack.

Looking at the amazing fighting scene, Jordan became more and more painful.

This level of fighting, even if it's Jordan's hand, in a short period of time, they can suppress them at the same time. Maybe they will fall into the mire and be beaten by the two women.

However, if we let the two women fight on like this, I'm afraid it's hard for them to have a result even if they fight for three days and three nights.

As a last resort, Jordan can only take out the war horn from his space backpack and push it a little bit, then there will be a huge galaxy projection behind him, rolling Star Force and converging towards him.

The powerful energy wave spreads all over the sea in an instant.

In an instant, jizel and Jennie, who were aware of this energy fluctuation, retreated one after another, showing their extremely vigilant combat preparedness posture.

Jordan's heart is bleak, I'm afraid it's hard for him to go back to the old days.

Madder, girlfriend and lover are so strong that they have to use the supreme artifact to keep both sides calm. This is just jizel and Jennie. If three girlfriends and three lovers get together, what will happen? I'm afraid I'm not going to die.

it's too hard!

Trying to endure his indignation, Jordan saw that they had finally stopped, and then said, "Giselle, we're not here to fight with Jennie."

"Jennie, believe me, I'll never hurt you..."

The eternal race and the eternal King City, after all, are related to the internal stability and unity of the whole human race.

After hearing the words of Giordani, although gizel was still very upset, he put away his shield and sword.

After giving Jordan a "ferocious" look, jizel just looked at Jennie and said, "bichi, are you uniting with the eternal, the superpowers and the Titans to split the earth?"

Jennie showed no weakness and said, "do you think I will be as mean as you bichi?"

Jizel angry, said: "coquettish fox, is not enough?"

Jane: "yes, today..."

Both of them are hot tempered. Before they finish two sentences, they are about to fight again. Suddenly, Jordan gets in the middle of them and says, "Giselle and Jennie, we are all family after all..."

"Shut up

Almost at the same time, Giselle and Jeanie, two people, one voice denounced Jordan.

In the end, may explained to Jennie the worries and speculations of Nick Frey and others in the dark Avenger base.

For a long time, although Jennie still didn't have a good face, she finally stepped back and said, "it's better to go to the King City first. Even if you don't come here, the eternal clan will eventually find the official level now. It's more complicated..."

After stopping the fight, Jennie greets the soldiers of the eternal race, and soon enters the eternal King City with Jordan, gizel and may.

It is different from the architectural style of the earth, Asgard and even most parts of the universe.

The whole eternal King City, with a breath of incomparable vicissitudes, is made of incomparably huge ancient boulders. Even if there are many places in the city, with the changes of the earth's history, there are many changes, but we can still see many traces of ancient and even prehistoric times in this city.

And on the road of eternal King City, Jennie also tells us some information.

Just like many of the information collected by Giordani and others, the eternal race at this stage is constantly gathering the eternal race, attracting the super powers with the greatest strength, and even connecting with many branches of the eternal race that had been separated from ancient times, including some of the Greek Protoss, the Greek Protoss in the ruins of the mount Austin Atlantis kingdom of one of the sea, asgadatha Protoss, and even the eternal Titans in the universe and so on.

Some of these eternal clans, which have been separated for a long time, have come together early, and some have not heard from us.

But the ultimate goal of all this is not to split the human race, but to deal with the eternal race's old opponent, the abnormal race.