A hundred kinds of rice raise a hundred kinds of people, just like some people are vegetarian and some people eat meat.

Vampires are no exception. Among thousands of vampires, there will always be some wonderful flowers.

Dracula is one of the best. During her hundreds of years of counseling career, Dracula has found and accepted many vampire followers who are similar to her own temperament. As a result, the whole vampire Town, that is, Dracula's territory, has become more and more famous in the whole supernatural world, such as vampires, wolves, Guangming church and London sanctuary.

After the great change of the earth, there were more and more super powers, mutants, superheroes and super villains on the earth. Even later, even the existence of magicians, fighting spirit and aliens gradually became very common in the society, and Dracula began to gradually open up his territory.

In the same way, because of Dracula's "prestige", even the abnormal clans hidden in the darkness of the earth regard Dracula as one of the most powerful among the vampires, and invite Dracula and Serena to participate in the plan of the abnormal clans to rule the world. They even give Dracula and Serena the blood and blood core of their blood clan ancestors, making them powerful, Earth shaking changes have taken place.

When she first entered the abnormal race, Dracula still had a lot of advice in her heart, especially Serena's reputation among vampires. However, she killed Victor, Marcus, William the werewolf and a large group of strong men with real weapons, which really brought out her reputation.

But later, Dracula found out that although Serena was also invited to the abnormal race's plan of ruling the world, Serena, like herself, was also an alien among vampires.

When Serena's strength was only in the first stage, she was not afraid of sunshine, and she could eat and drink as well as human beings. She even became a pure human lover.

In Dracula's eyes, although Serena is not as cautious as her own, she is not the same kind of person as ordinary vampires and monsters of abnormal race.

Shortly after that, while absorbing the blood and blood core of life in the city of forgetfulness, Dracula found that Serena secretly transmitted the information of the abnormal race to the outside world, even to the eternal race.

An undercover spy hiding among vampires and abnormal people!

After learning the secret, Dracula counseled for a long time, and because she was afraid of Serena's murder, she did not dare to tell the other side.

Until the blood and blood core of life are absorbed, the abnormal race begins to let Dracula and Serena go to the outside world to accept and inform the whole vampire group, waiting for the abnormal race to join in when the plan to rule the world fully breaks out.

This makes Dracula even more uneasy.

Hundreds of years ago, Dracula did not dare to fight with others, and even did not dare to catch people and suck blood. He could only rely on acting to intimidate the world and hide himself.

Now let Dracula rule the whole vampire clan, and then cooperate with the abnormal clan to fight against the Eternal Clan, coalition government, Avengers alliance, aegis and so on. Naturally, Dracula is more scared.

So the first time Dracula and Serena come out of the city of oblivion, Dracula finds Serena and confesses everything.

At Serena's suggestion, both sides came to Dracula's territory together.

On the surface, Dracula and Serena tell the abnormal race that they are going to build the vampire town into a vampire headquarters, and cover up their development with tourist attractions.

But actually, vampire town is a real tourist attraction.

On the one hand, it deceives the abnormal race, on the other hand, it deeply conceals the connection between Serena and the eternal race.

In this way, Dracula will be able to avoid offending both sides. When the war starts and the situation becomes clear, Dracula is standing up and putting himself into the arms of the victorious side.

At the same time, Dracula also hid his last way back, that is, there is a channel of dimensional world in the secret base deep in his vampire castle. If he has to, Dracula will escape into the dimensional world and hide.

However, all this, after the arrival of Jordan, was in vain.

During the stage performance, Serena recognized jordani very early, and Dracula also felt the power of jordani.

After the end of the stage play, Dracula simply communicated with Serena, and soon made a decision, ready to betray the abnormal race completely and join the "justice" side.

Because in Jordan, Dracula felt the power to kill himself.

You know, Jordan has the inheritance of God, the way of light and the way of life. His restraint against vampires is extremely serious.

In addition, in the disasters of the earth, Jordan has shown his incomparably strong fighting power for a long time. Even in some circles, he is called "the strongest Avenger", "man beyond God" and so on.

This is also the reason why Dracula talked about everything honestly after he met Jordan.

Listening to Dracula's nagging and telling all his experiences from birth to becoming a vampire to now, Jordan fell into a strange feeling.

The tyrannical Duke of Dracula, among all the vampire legends, the top three vampire celebrities, even their prestige, have been vaguely comparable to the ancestors of vampires.

Even Selena's super record among vampires over the years is just as important as Dracula.

Who could have thought that Dracula was such a master of "Gou" Tao.

Under the strange emotion in his heart, Jordan was stunned for a long time. Finally, Jordan could only pat Dracula on the shoulder with complicated emotion. Looking at Dracula's nervous expression, he comforted: "don't be nervous, don't be afraid, Duke, whether it's the coalition government or the Avengers alliance, You don't do it to a peace loving man like Duke Dracula

To say such a thing, even Jordan himself felt that the egg hurt.

But Dracula was surprised and full of gratitude, and said: "Mr. Jovovich, thank you for your understanding. You really said that in my heart, my greatest wish in my life is to be able to have world peace, never to have war, casualties and so on..."

Dracula has a face of grievance and wants to talk to Jordan.

Jordan interrupted quickly and said, "OK, I see. We'll talk about it later. Where's Serena?"