The correction power of the world is very huge. Although the emergence of Jordan has changed many things in Marvel world, the main impact is also on the environment.

Things like hell kitchen in New York, gangsters and so on, they will never disappear.

Frank caster, before all kinds of "Superman" appeared, was the most outstanding special operations soldier in the entire U.S. military. He won all kinds of medals and even filled a drawer.

Unfortunately, after all kinds of "Superman" appeared, Frank was a bit out of date.

Frank himself received injections like super soldier serum, but because of his constitution, he did not get much increase, because Frank himself, in exercise, has reached the limit of human beings.

Later, several events such as mutation virus and blessing of life happened in succession. Frank was not lucky and did not gain special ability.

Seeing young men surpass themselves in the newly established coalition government, Frank chose to retire a few years ago with a complicated mind.

But it's more sad that shortly after Frank retired from the army, he was having dinner with his family in the park when he accidentally witnessed a gang lynching incident.

Frank didn't want to cause trouble, but the gang members were reluctant to shoot.

Frank's wife and daughter were killed on the spot. On the contrary, frank, relying on his extremely strong physique, survived after being shot several times in succession.

After that, Frank discharged from the hospital, began his journey as a Punisher. With Frank's strength, even those criminals with super power can't stop Frank..

It didn't take long for Frank to find his enemy and execute him cruelly.

But what Frank didn't expect was that less than three months after he killed his enemy, he appeared in front of Frank again, almost strange to the convenience.

Once again, the enemy's face is broken. It seems to be mended with patches. No matter where he goes, he has a rotten stench of death.

Each other's pseudonym puzzle, thoroughly, has become a dead alien like a Frankenstein.

Don't be afraid of guns, don't be afraid of pain, even if you are torn apart, you won't die.

The jigsaw puzzle has become a nightmare of the punisher. The other party does not kill the punisher completely as soon as they come up, but constantly hunts and kills everyone the punisher knows in the same posture as a cat playing with a mouse.

The two sides have formed a deadly feud, and the more noise there is, the more serious it is.

Finally, the cruel style of the puzzle attracted the X-Men of aegis. All the forces in New York were swept away. Even the puzzle itself had to flee all the way to the underground of the forgotten city.

The puzzle escaped, but Frank did not give up the pursuit of the puzzle.

Two people in the forgotten city underground and on the ground, one after another fight for several years, in a great crisis, it is Serena who saved frank and arranged him in his own team.

Later, Serena went to the vampire town to absorb the blood nuclei of the ancestors of the blood clan.

Frank, however, is willing to incarnate as a werewolf, staying around the forgotten city, constantly trying to kill the puzzle completely.

A very tragic guy.

Jordan and others, just a brief understanding of Frank's relevant information, in frank with a large number of vampires and werewolves after finishing the equipment, the people did not stop, began to go directly to the city of oblivion underground.

The city of oblivion is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. The city in the sky is hard to sneak into.

In the middle of the scavenging area, there is no defense.

The underground part, however, is a mixture of good and bad. Many people have their own secret passages.

Frank is good at fighting, killing and performing tasks. In the past few years, he has already controlled a secret passage to the underground part.

Only this passage, the environment is really some let people make complaints about.

"Damn it, even if you can't take the elevator down, can't you choose a way with a slightly better environment, shette? Look, what's this? It's a mouse, bigger than a cat..."

In the small narrow passage, Frank leads, followed by vampires and werewolves.

Jordan and other Avengers alliance people, is in the last side, all the people are in a long line, the whole space, only Tony this guy's complaints.

Fortunately, this channel with bad environment didn't last long.

Before long, Jordan and others, from the sewer of the underground city, around a big circle, came to a dilapidated hotel in the underground city.


In a room of the hotel, Frank cleanly took out a hand-painted map of the underground city from a secret corner.

The whole underground city, after a super destruction by Giordani and Natasha, has already changed greatly, forming a gourd like terrain.


Frank stretched out his hand to the gourd shaped waist on the map, and said, "this is where we are now. I don't know where the beehive and Mephisto you are looking for are, but this is the territory of red skull!"

Frank was referring to the whole site of the little gourd.

Red Skull used to be the leader of one side in World War II. It was very sharp for the management of the site. The whole site was almost completely separated from the big Hulu area of the underground city. There was only one channel to enter the site, that is, the Hulu waist.

Even the old people in the forgotten city, or even the members of Hydra, who want to enter the little gourd area, have to accept layer upon layer inspection. Even in a special period, they have to have a special pass issued by red skull.

Moreover, it has been proved that in the territory of red skull, there is a special space channel leading to the abnormal clan, and the two sides can support each other at any time.

As for the place where countless hell demons were sacrificed, only a few people, such as red skull, beehive and Mephisto, knew the detailed address. There was no news from the "high-level" such as Selena and Dracula.

If he can, in fact, Jordan doesn't mind pushing the red skull, Hydra, beehive, Mephisto, alien race and so on.

But this is not realistic. In the alliance of the abnormal race, there is also a very powerful core force, which is no less powerful than the Avengers alliance and the eternal race.

Among other things, only one Mephisto is enough to make people drink a big pot.

You know, this Mephisto once needed the joint efforts of big brother Odin and big brother Guyi to completely damage the existence. Even if it was only the sub heavenly Father level strength after leaving hell, Mephisto's strength was also enough to attack the people and delay enough time.

What's more, there is no lack of the strong among the abnormal race and the alien race.

The best way is to sneak into the territory of the red skeleton. After finding out the place of sacrifice, Joe Dani and others can concentrate their strength to destroy the plot completely by means of sudden attack.

As long as you destroy the other party's sacrifice plan, it doesn't matter if you fight with these damned bastards for three days and three nights.