The power of the Phoenix is to choose Natasha. To be exact, it is half of the power of the Phoenix and Natasha, and the other half of the power to increase the negative emotions, but I don't know where to go.

This parasitism of Phoenix power has both advantages and disadvantages for Natasha.

The advantage is that with this kind of power, Natasha's life evolution speed will be even faster than that of May who jumped to the third level before. She will be able to soar to the peak of the third stage directly. With a little emotional increase, she will be able to enter the sub heavenly Father level directly. If the firepower is fully opened, it will be the same as before, Can beat the existence of master Gu Yi.

Of course, this kind of emotional increase with full fire will inevitably have an unparalleled impact on Natasha. It will imperceptibly affect Natasha's emotions, making her extremely sensitive, and even eventually assimilating to infinite amplification, just like the Phoenix in the white hot room.

By that time, Natasha will probably not be Natasha any more.

After all, when a person's every emotion is infinitely increased, the person's own will, in fact, has been assimilated by the pure enrichment.

For example, it's like Natasha's mood is coming and she's ready to join Jordan.

However, with such an increase in mood, Natasha may become addicted to one hundred or ten thousand hair at a time.

This was originally a way of catharsis, but after unlimited growth, it changed.

The only solution is to try not to use the power of emotional amplification before completely controlling the will of Phoenix.

Phoenix will itself, without any bias, can even be said to have no will, just a simple blessing.

The key still depends on the host itself, whether it can control its own emotions after happiness.

This is not a bad situation.

The advantage is that Natasha has an almost invincible card, but also out of thin air to enhance their own strength to the peak of the third stage, from the auxiliary role of the Avengers alliance, all of a sudden to the top main level.

The disadvantage is that the sequelae of this card is too terrible. It's like a time bomb. If it suddenly explodes one day, the damage it can cause will be natural disaster level.

Knowing the change in Natasha, all the people present also flashed different ideas in their hearts.

Such as Jordan and Tony, naturally feel happy, at least Natasha's life.

For example, Nick Frey and Steve are happy, but they have a kind of fear like treading on thin ice. Sometimes, they even have the idea of how to limit and guard against Natasha.

Another example is Mie ba. It's just a pain. It's too difficult for NIMA to invade the earth when he meets such a monster.

Just as Jordan and others were filled with emotion, a dark red light burst out from the underground in the opposite of the forgotten city.

In the dark red flames all over the sky, a cheekless figure, like a skeleton, floats slowly, and finally condenses into an empty throne in the sky. The malicious, cruel and cruel meaning it carries, like an endless tsunami, is pounding in all directions.

"It's the red skull!"

The first one to open his mouth was Steve, who had fought with red skull countless times during World War II.

"Damn, the breath of energy on the red skull looks familiar!"

"It's the other half of Phoenix's power..."

"Ma jaafak..."

A series of Tucao and startled voices began to sounded. But when Jordani and others make complaints about the sound of the screams, the red skeleton in the sky seemed to have found Jordani and others, a fire under the fire, the red skull suddenly disappeared across the opposite side of the forgotten city, and so on, and it appeared in the void of Jordani and others.

"Powerful and enchanting power!"

"Steve, old friend, we meet again!"

The red skeleton in the sky, the whole person is showing a kind of distorted color, a sentence has not finished, a dark red flame torrent, has been from the sky.


At the moment when the red skeleton started, Steve had already appeared one step ahead of time in front of the torrent of fire. The pure white fighting air on the Zhenjin shield formed a huge shield, which blocked the flames all over the sky.

On the understanding of red skull, no one can compare with Steve in this world.

During the Second World War, they were like natural enemies. They didn't know how many times to target, study and fight each other.

However, in the Second World War, pure fighting was always Steve's crushing of the red skull.

Now, just two or three seconds after Steve blocked the impact of the fire in the sky, the original surging fighting spirit has been melted away. Even the Zhenjin shield in Steve's hand seems to have some signs of melting.

"Wow, is this guy the legendary red skeleton? He's really ugly!"

The presence of everyone can see that the strongest shield of Avenger Steve, can not afford to make complaints about the red skull, Toni's speed is the fastest, the war armor covered the whole body, with sharp tuckles, has been soaring up, and the arcane Rune of the road has been blooming in the latest Ukrainian armor, forming a road of empty flood, wrapped the red skull.

Tony's speed is extremely fast, the whole person around the red skull circle bombing, arcane torrent is played to the limit, forming a tornado hurricane like void storm.

This is a kind of arcane attack developed by Tony in the seal land under nasaka, comparing with the tide of time and space of the seal.

The terrible torrent of void is condensed by the whirlpool like position. Every minute and every second, its power is rapidly rising in a way of what shape.

If we give Tony enough time and space, if the void storm is exploited to the limit, it can even evolve into an infinite dimensional turbulence.

However, the red skull was obviously not a fool either. After being wrapped up in the storm of void, he gave up completely killing Steve at the first time. Instead, he controlled the fire all over the sky and wrapped himself up to form a huge egg shaped shield. Then the fire all over the sky swarmed out of the egg shaped shield, just like a demon, Abruptly tore open the void storm, and then leaped out from it.

At this time, jordani, Carol, Dr. Benner and others were ready to kill the red skeleton.

However, just at this time, opposite the city of forgetting, the land where red skeletons appeared cracked, and a huge ship, like an eight clawed spider, emerged from the ground.