From Mephisto's mouth, I learned that, in fact, the red skeleton is just a cover used by the abnormal clan leader Hydra to put on the table, including the forgotten city and offering sacrifices to demons, which are all used to confuse the Avengers alliance, the Eternal Clan and other forces.

The power of the Phoenix, the ancient power of sacrifice, itself was taught to Mephisto by the abnormal race.

Such a thing, the abnormal clan in the incomparably long years, do not know how many times the sacrifice, but the power of the Phoenix fell into the world, it is not even a case happened.

Even in the cognition of many abnormal people, the so-called power of the Phoenix is an ignorant deception.

The abnormal clan put the red skeleton, Mephisto and others in front of the stage, and deliberately leaked the news, so that the Avengers alliance, Eternal Clan and others traced to the forgotten city.

If you can have the opportunity, with the help of the Phoenix will come to destroy the avenger alliance and eternal race, naturally is the best.

If they can't, they don't care about the lives of red skull, Mephisto and others at all. From the beginning to the end, they all aim at the eternal King City in the Pacific Ocean and the space ring defense system in space.

Taking control of the Yongchen palace in the eternal King City, the supreme war artifact created by the abnormal race for countless years can be completely completed. Holding the supreme war artifact, the supreme power of the fourth stage life evolutors can be perfectly exerted, and it will become the ultimate card of the abnormal race to rule the earth and the universe.

To control the space environment defense system is to integrate the alien race into the abnormal race. From beginning to end, no matter the abnormal race or the alien race, they have never given up, ruled all human beings, and never gave up, building the earth into their own nest.

However, even the abnormal race did not think of it.

The power of the Phoenix, which has not been accepted by the abnormal clan for many years, is a special success this time.

Of course, this does not hinder the plans of the abnormal race and the alien race. On the contrary, the red skeleton and Mephisto, who have gained the power of the Phoenix, can drag out Jordan and others for a longer time, which is more conducive to the action of the abnormal race.

After listening to Mephisto's plan of the abnormal race, Jordan and others, whether they are the Avengers or the eternal race, are not too anxious.

The space ring defense system and the eternal King City are basically the ultimate cards.

If someone destroys from the inside, it's worrying. But if someone attacks from the outside, it's not so easy. Even the great forces of the universe, such as the anti hegemony army, Asgard and Kerry Empire, may not be able to break through.

The space ring defense system has long been connected with the seal of Argo motorcycle, and it is based on space gems and time gems.

The eternal palace is the supreme defense guarantee of the Eternal Clan for countless years, and the Eternal Clan's human defense.

The most urgent task for jordani and others is the red skull, which is already infinitely destructive.

The red skeleton, which has been almost completely assimilated by the power of Phoenix, has now become a complete disaster. Even if it is exiled in the dark airspace of the universe, sooner or later, it will cause great harm to the whole universe.

Mephisto's idea is sinister enough, which is extremely beneficial to Jordan and others, as well as the whole universe.

As for the contract signed with Mephisto or something, Jordan and others don't pay much attention to it.

Without the power of immortality, Mephisto can no longer be a hidden danger to human beings even when he returns to hell. Even if he returns to hell, whether he can survive or not is a matter of two.

"Master Guyi, do you know where you can send the red skeleton into the abyss universe?"

To open the channel of the abyss universe is not to open the subsidiary dimension of the universe. On the one hand, it is extremely difficult to connect the two universes. On the other hand, the abyss universe is extremely dangerous. If one can't get it right, he will be seized by the abyss demon and attack back.

Master Gu Yi took a look at the red skeleton who was still fighting and said, "there are many places in the universe that can connect with the abyss universe, but..."

Just then, master Gu Yi seemed to think of something, and his face was slightly pleased, then slightly stunned.

At this moment, Jordan also thought of something, said: "Asgard!"

Guru Yi just nodded his head with a smile.

Places that can link up with the abyss universe are extremely dangerous places, such as the deep hell guarded by Lucifer in hell, and the place where the black dragon niederhogg was suppressed under the Asgard world tree.

If it had been before, it would not have been easy to find a place where the red skeleton could be safely sent into the abyss universe.

But now, under Asgard's world tree, it is the best choice.

Niederhogg, the magic dragon, has just been removed by old man Odin and old man Guyi. Soon, the passage to the abyss universe should not be completely closed, and there is no magic dragon interference. As long as the red skeleton can be controlled for a period of time, it can be easily expelled to the abyss universe.

"Master Gu Yi, I'm going to subdue the red skeleton. Please go to Asgard first. It's better to use the rainbow bridge to send us directly under the world tree!"

Jordan's injury at this time has been restored to a 778, after finding a way, the whole person is more energetic.

This matter is not small or big.

But if you want to succeed, you have to deal with Asgard and little sister Hela. It's most appropriate to let Gu Yi go.

For Jordan's proposal, Gu Yi just nodded, opened a portal and disappeared in the meteorite belt.

At the same time, Jordan once again burst out of a strong light from the body, the whole person into a streamer directly into the battlefield.

"Tony, Giselle!"

With the tacit understanding of cooperation all the year round, Jordan just yells during the flight. Tony and gizel have already understood Jordan's intention.

"Arcane forbidden!"

In the void, Tony was swimming away with the red skeleton, and the fighting armor suddenly accelerated, yelled, and the arcane runes on his body bloomed.

The red skeleton is just infinitely inclined to destroy emotions, not without any thoughts.

Hearing the movement of Tony, the red skeleton was suddenly red and generous, forming a huge semicircular shield in the direction of Tony.

But at this time, jizel didn't know when he was behind the red skeleton. His wristbands collided with each other. A bright thunder burst out and attacked the red skeleton heavily.

This attack is not to kill the red skull completely, but to focus on the instant stiffness.

At the same time, the twelve pairs of light wings on Jordan's body spread out, and his speed reached the limit, which once again bound the red skeleton.
