Those monsters who have poured into the eternal King City have become extremely strong after the second transformation of the abnormal clan, but they are not too big a threat to the real strong.

Don't mention the existence of sub heavenly father like Jordan and Carol. Hobbes, dyke, Clint and others are randomly selected from the Avengers alliance. As long as there is enough time, they can all be eliminated.

The real threat inside the eternal King City is those abnormal people who have been planning for a long time.

One by one, these monsters look ugly and rough, but in fact, every abnormal race has a very vicious and sinister mind.

Some monsters have the ability to hide, some can integrate into the ground, some are fierce and strong, but without exception, none of these monsters choose to fight with people face to face. Only when the sneak attack fails, will they gather a large number of monsters to encircle the enemy.

This is the nature of the abnormal race, and it is also a fighting instinct formed by the abnormal race suppressed by the eternal race for countless years.

However, under the pressure of absolute strength, with the fierce people like Jordan, Carol, Steve and hawk as the first, and Tony's strong reconnaissance means, those originally extremely difficult attacks of the abnormal race were quickly torn out of a gap. With the cooperation of a large number of people in the eternal King City, they rushed out in just two hours, All the battles inside the eternal King City were wiped out, leaving only sporadic battles, which could no longer cause serious harm.

At this time, Jordan and others, once again converged on the sea outside the eternal King City.

The battle between gizel, Natasha, Heidi, Jennie, may, and Serena, and the core leaders of the eternal race, continues.

Compared with those ordinary monsters, the hundred armed giant and the sea monster kalason are both sub heavenly Father level beings, surrounded by a large number of abnormal monsters, and their combat effectiveness is far beyond the expectation of gizel and others.

Boom boom!

In the sky, the hundred armed giant has 100 arms and 50 heads. Each hand is armed with a sharp weapon. Every time he makes a move, he gathers endless light. Even if he doesn't use the slightest energy to attack, he also has the fury like a tornado or hurricane.

No matter the lightning of gizel, or the flames of Natasha and Heidi, they can't even get close to each other under the absolute power. In the middle of the sky, they are split by the sky knife light.

He is a giant with a hundred arms. Every time he makes a move, he is able to cut the light of the sky from an extremely tricky and vicious angle, making jizel, Natasha and Heidi tired of dealing with it.

"The hundred armed giant is the son of Gaia and uraeus, the goddess of the earth in Greek mythology. Although he becomes extremely ugly due to gene mutation, he inherits the heavy power of Gaia, the goddess of the earth. As long as he stands on the earth, he can have unlimited physical strength, unlimited strength and unlimited recovery!"

Seeing the battle on the sea, Gilgamesh told the record of the hundred armed giant in the Eternal Clan for the first time.

In the history of the eternal race, the hundred armed giants were once the most important enemies of the eternal race in an era. There are very detailed records of the fighting power and characteristics of these hundred armed giants.

Tony screamed and said, "fortunately, this is on the sea. Otherwise, according to Ji Pang, this hundred armed giant can't be killed at all?"

Icarus looked strange and said: "these hundred armed giants, in addition to possessing the heavy power of Gaia, the goddess of the earth, also inherited part of the control power of the goddess of the earth. Their feet will never leave the ground. Under the sea, there are a lot of underwater terrain changed by these hundred armed giants..."

According to icaris, after careful observation, it is not surprising that during the battle between the giants and gizel, the giants never left the sea.

Otherwise, with the power of gizel, Natasha and Heidi, they would have been defeated in the face of such a powerful monster.

In the middle of the battle, when the situation of gizel's three men is not so wonderful, they will quickly pull themselves up and fly into the air.

And those hundred armed giants never break into the air to pursue the three. At most, they gather a large number of stone bullets in their hands and shoot them into the air like shells.

On the other hand, kalason, the Shanghai monster, is much more difficult to deal with than a hundred armed giant. He can not only go up to heaven and earth, but also stimulate endless marine life, and even use the power of the sea to oppress Jennie, Serena, Atlantis and others.

If there would not be such a powerful wet nurse as may, on the sea, Jennie and others would have been unable to hold on.

"Sub heavenly Father level monster, Jovovich, one by one, how about we solve each other first?"

In the face of the hundred armed giant and the sea monster kalason, the eternal race, Tony, Steve and others in the Avengers alliance are all at a loss. Even if they want to join the battle, they need to do a lot of calculation and combat preparation.

The only one who can kill the sub heavenly father is the sub heavenly father.

After seeing the giant with one hundred arms and the strength of Carson, Carol was not convinced of Jordan and rose up again with a look of war.

Jordan's challenge to Carol is actually rejected in his heart.

However, at this time, Tony, Steve, Dr. Benner and others consciously picked up the melon seeds and chose to become the melon eating audience.

With a black face, Jordan said, "OK, you can choose one first."

Carol was not affectable, roared, and the light on her body soared, like a meteorite, even without any defense. With extremely rapid speed, she slammed into the direction of the hundred armed giant.


With 50 heads and 360 degree angle of view, the hundred armed giant naturally saw the impact of Carroll. Without thinking about it, he roared, and the forest of knives slashed toward Carroll in the sky

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

A large number of knife light was broken. For the first time since the beginning of the battle, the hundred armed giant was shaken, and his body swayed, staggering backward toward the rear.

As for Carroll, it was like a ball, which was directly split hundreds of meters away and fell into the sea.

But then, Carroll, the steel female Tyrannosaurus Rex, rushed out of the sea again, still fighting against the giant again.