The dimension of darkness is more profound and vast than Jordan and others' imagination. Endless darkness covers everything, but the strangeness will not make people's eyes really covered.

It is not pure darkness, but a law of infinite darkness, which endows everything with the attribute of darkness.

Seeing Jordan's shock, Casillas, after entering the dark dimension, explained: "domam was once a powerful and admirable mage on the earth, but when the other side fought against the external disaster of the multiverse again, he fell into the dark, and the whole human soul, thought and consciousness were eroded by the dark, Today's domam is actually a part of the dark law. In order to strengthen its own strength, domam has been annexing and assimilating other planes and dimensions for countless years... "

In Casillas' words, darkness itself is neither evil nor terrible.

It was after domam got involved in the darkness that he controlled the darkness in turn, which gave the dimension of darkness a powerful erosiveness.

Even the stodgy guy modu, who hated the power of darkness, nodded in favor of Casillas' words.

After Tony invented the infinite energy reactor, the changes in the wizard world are also ongoing.

If according to the normal plot, after Mo Du discovered that master Gu Yi had used the dark power, the whole person would become a super villain because of the collapse of faith and ideal.

But now it's different. The emergence of the infinite energy reactor has played an important role in the mages' understanding that power itself has no attributes of good and evil. It is the living beings who always give the color of these powers.

Jordani nodded. Tony, Natasha and others also showed surprise.

After a pause, Jordan spoke again and said, "well, now is not the time to discuss power attributes and good and evil. We need to find the place where Master Guyi is as soon as possible!"

Tony clapped his hands, looked confident and said, "let me solve this problem."

With Tony's voice, in Tony's back armor, suddenly pop up a buckle, in which a golden red swimming fish, immediately flying out.

After the appearance of these golden red swimming fish, they just gently wagged their tails in the void, and then they all got into the void dimension one by one and spread in all directions.

"What are these?" he said

For Tony's means and scientific and technological achievements, Jordan still knows a lot, but he has never seen this kind of black technology that can travel through the space dimension.

Tony laughed and said: "these are some of the gadgets that I invented with void arcane as the root. Each of them is equipped with powerful void scanning ability and arcane sensing ability. Originally, they were designed to deal with the cosmic search and rescue operation like hawk's disappearance. Now, they are very convenient for detection."

Tony's words were calm and peaceful, but his face showed a proud expression of "praise me quickly".

Jordan was surprised in his heart, but he still scorned to compare a middle finger to the other side. On the contrary, Casillas, modu, Wanda and others unconsciously praised him.

Tony's face became more and more proud, and he gave Jordan an expression of "you don't know the goods".

The dark dimension is extremely vast, but for a detector that can travel through space, no matter how vast the world plane is, it will only take more effort at most.

Tony's black technology, since Saka star and Asgard came back, I don't know how many times it has been secretly updated by Tony.

In particular, Tony has already touched the arcane law in spirit, and now the other party's black technology is beyond the whole earth for hundreds of years.

More than 100 swimming fish detectors spread out, sensing energy on the basis of arcane rules. After collecting enough energy fluctuations, they are transformed into information and pictures. By means of arcane resonance, they are transmitted back to Tony's information cluster device across space. Through Jarvis, they are transformed into real-time intelligence.

In a short time, Tony's face changed slightly and said, "I've found the battlefield between master Gu Yi and domam and mieba. Master Gu Yi's situation is not very good. We'd better get there as soon as possible!"

With Tony's words, an arcane crack appears directly in front of the public.

This is an arcane teleportation method developed by Tony himself according to the mage's teleportation gate. It's not very mature. In the process of teleportation, it's very bumpy.

But in this unfamiliar dark dimension, even if Tony tells Casillas and modu the location, they don't know how to open the portal.

The portal of a mage can only go to the places he has been and experienced.

For example, master Gu Yi, who once roamed the infinite multi universe, naturally can open the portal at will and lead to most parts of the universe.

But Casillas and modu are obviously not knowledgeable enough.

Looking at the rugged and changeable arcane crack, Jordan's face ached, but he didn't hesitate to open some of the purest divine shields, enveloping everyone and diving into it.

Different from the stable and gentle transmission of the mage's portal, Tony's arcane transmission is like putting a person into the rotating drum of a washing machine. In a short moment of transmission, people feel dizzy and nauseous after being rotated for more than two hours.

Fortunately, there was no accident. When Jordan and others jumped out of the arcane crack, they had come to the boundless darkness.

Take a closer look, the dark curtain that blocks the sky and the sun is actually a huge and incomparable face.

The dark god domam, this is the real state of the other party. It has been completely integrated into the dark law. There is no so-called entity, and even the energy is not the real state of the other party. It is a strange force between nothingness and being, which can manipulate all the dark forces, materials and so on.

Under the dark curtain, the endless dark tentacles turned into the purest spears and swords, dense and endless, and constantly attacked Guyi, who was full of orange energy.

In addition, in that battlefield, mieba's body had soared to more than five meters high. On the left hand's infinite glove, there was a rainbow force running through his whole body. A series of terrorist attacks broke out, breaking all kinds of parts of master Gu Yi. On several occasions, mieba almost injured master Gu Yi seriously.

And the most important thing is that the soul gem, which was originally inlaid on the forehead of master Gu Yi, had fallen off and floated in the void above the battlefield.