Mieba's power is far beyond everyone's expectation. First, he uses the power of infinite gloves to break the siege, and then he uses the power gem to destroy Natasha and Jennie. Even though they are held in the left hand by modu and Casillas, they can still stimulate the real gems, It created a fierce dilemma for master Gu Yi.

Between the rise of the rabbit and the fall of the stork, even if the sky even counted the meteorite, it turned out to be a black hole.

Not to mention the power required, the fighting wisdom and calm thinking of mieba alone can make people tremble.

At the very least, no one can solve the problem of black hole. Even the attack made by mieba with real gems has unparalleled power.

In the face of this terrible blow, master Gu Yi's face was also a little ugly. He stretched out his hand with all his strength. It was obvious that he used a kind of taboo magic. In the incomparable crisis, he turned the terrible black hole into a flying butterfly.

The ancient body of HOGGS, even among the countless magic of the supreme sanctuary, is also one of the most bloodthirsty magic.

Even if master Gu Yi casts such a magic, it will cost a lot.

What's more, after master Guyi had just defused the black hole attack, the terrible dark tentacle from domam road had turned into a huge spear and blade, running through to master Guyi.

Bang bang!

At the moment of extreme crisis, there was a little magic halo blooming at the foot of master Gu Yi, and two fan-shaped magic weapons appeared in his hand, cutting off the dark spear.

Until this time, master Gu Yi just had time to look at Jordan who was flying by.

Jordan is also very painful, shouting: "boss, don't look at me, the archangel sword is very exclusive of the power of darkness and death. If you use the Holy Light magic in public in this dark dimension, you will suffer a lot!"

Although Jordan can do some magic, he is not proficient in it. Eight of his strength is concentrated on the physical combat effectiveness. Even the magic attacks, most of them are attached to weapons.

To deal with such a big guy as domam, if you choose the floating cannon, no matter how high the attack power is, you can't cause any damage and trouble to him.

The holy sword is sharp, but its attribute is not suitable.

In this case, even if Jordan has borrowed the power of the war horn, but also can not contain the terrible Domaine.

Master Gu Yi sighs, but he can only deal with domam together.

On the other side, modu and Casillas restrain mieba's left hand with scarlet chains. Even if they are seriously injured, Natasha and Jennie also take the opportunity to burst out a powerful energy impact again, and restrain mieba's right hand and the real gem power.

At the same time, Tony ejected a silver light again, accurately hit mieba's left palm and covered it up to form a repulsive position. He quickly stepped forward to take off mieba's infinite gloves.

"You never understand that the real strong never rely on external forces..."

"Do you think I really rely on the power of infinite gems..."


Just as Tony was getting close to mieba, mieba finally went crazy. His right leg was lifted up in a flash and turned into a lightning knee bump, which broke the armor on Tony's chest.

Then, mieba's left hand swung violently, taking the scarlet chain as the medium, pulling Casillas and modu, and smashing them into Natasha and Jennie.

Mieba has been hiding himself all the time. Even if he doesn't have unlimited gems, his real strength has reached the level of heavenly father. The law he controls is the law of balance.

The strength of this law is just like the supreme artifact controlled by Ares, which can bring its own strength and the enemy's strength to a balance level under incomparable disadvantage.

One to many, the enemy's power will be scattered, and the power to destroy hegemony will naturally reach the level of crushing.

If it's one-on-one, mieba can keep invincible even in the face of Odin.

Three or two, he broke up Tony, Casillas, modu, Natasha, Jennie and others. Mieba was very calm and broke off the scarlet chain on his hand.

But at this time, no one noticed that Wanda, who disappeared as soon as he entered the battlefield, held the soul gem in the middle of his hands.

"No matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to gather six infinite gems, I, Wanda said!"


In the middle of Wanda's hands, the soul gem was crushed by Shengsheng, turned into pieces and scattered around.


Seeing this scene, Tony and others, even if they are in a state of embarrassment, smile one after another. Only mieba, at this moment, utters a very violent roar.

Then, the space gem launches, mieba appears at Wanda's side in a flash, and the power gem on hand erupts, sweeping Wanda away with pure power.

That is to say, Wanda's Scarlet power has been developed to a certain extent, otherwise, under this blow, it will be powdered on the spot.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the soul gem is gone. Even if mieba has the ability to communicate with heaven, the plot can't be realized.

Just when Tony, Wanda and others showed a touch of relaxed color, they saw a green energy flow wrapped around mieba's arm where the soul gem was broken, but it activated the power of the time gem, turned the time, and restored the soul gem to the original again.

In an instant, Tony's eyes widened. Wanda, Natasha, Jennie, Casillas, modu and others were also shocked.

Horizontal trough, and this kind of operation?

This is so special. It's just a cheating device. How can NIMA fight!

Seeing that the soul gem was restored, mieba's face gradually eased, showing a touch of ease. He picked up the soul gem with his right hand, and was about to move forward on the infinite glove.


At this critical moment, a sharp death light came from a distance, just hit mieba's finger, and then hit the soul gem one after another, flying it out of the unknown distance.

"Mieba, do you think I didn't defend you? I'm the man who has seen 23 Marvel movies! "

Looking along the death light, we can see that in the middle of the sky, Jordan and nadomam are in constant battle. Behind them, a floating device is rotating, bursting out a series of magic bullets.

As a super marksman, even hairdressing is easy, not to mention the thumb size soul gem.

The duck to the mouth was hit and flew out.

At this time, mieba's anger reached the limit. As for the 23 movies that Jordan said, mieba was regarded as the other party's ridicule and provocation.