In fact, the number of joint battles between jordani and master Guyi is not much, but in terms of cooperation, they are perfect.

This wave of attacks, not only the routine of a wave of exterminating hegemony, but also face-to-face play with domam.

From that dark dimension out of the first time, whether it's Jordan, or Tony six or not, are all in a mess in space.

But soon, in the space ring defense system, someone found the traces of Jordan and others, and soon drew them all into the space ring defense system.

This battle with domam and mieba was not so dangerous, but it absolutely exhausted everyone's strength.

Even master Gu Yi, after returning to the earth, immediately attached the seal of the Argo motorcycle and began to recover his injury and magic power. He could not even care about his once noble demeanor.

There is no cover up for the return of Jordan and others.

Soon, Nick Frey, Steve and many other people appeared on the outermost space ring.

"How's it going? What kind of response do we need to make? "

Compared with the physical condition of jordani and others, Nick Frey is more concerned about the fighting situation of people in the dark dimension.

Jordan struggled to give each other a middle finger, then spread out his left hand, blue space gems, appeared in front of everyone, said: "damn black brine egg, if someone destroys from the inside again, steal the space gems again, I promise, the earth will not have a second chance, I will kick your ass hard, and then take home with me, Since then, he has entered the universe and will never come back... "

The space gem was brought back, which should have been a happy thing.

But after hearing Jordan's complaint, Nick Frey's face turned black and purple.

At present, every move of Jordan and others after their return is watched by all the senior leaders of the coalition government. I, Nick Frey, don't want face.

Black face to black face, Nick Frey quickly took out the special equipment, put the space gems away, and said: "this time, the space gems will be placed in the eternal palace, and the United Government, the military, aegis, Avengers alliance, and the eternal clan will jointly send people to guard them in rotation!"

"Unless the space ring falls and the earth fails, this space gem will never disappear in people's sight. This is also my guarantee!"

Tony laughed and said, "it sounds very reliable. Congratulations, Nick. You've saved your ass for the time being. Besides, Joe, I didn't expect that you would be interested in Nick Frey too..."

A slut is a slut and can never be changed.

For Tony's mocking power, Jordan can only use another middle finger to express his feelings.

Space gems are brought back to the earth, no matter what, after all, let the original earth extremely tense situation, with a moment of relaxation.

But just laughing for a moment, Steve became serious again and said, "the relaxation time is over. Let's not forget that the problems of the abnormal and alien races have not been solved. The traces of Odin and sol have not been found. Outside the solar system, the army led by umuhou, under mieba, is approaching us!"

In an instant, people who are a little relaxed become nervous again.

As Steve said, this is far from the time for everyone to relax. There are still many crises facing the earth, and it may even capsize again at any time.

In a short time, people gathered around Jordan and others began to disperse.

Jordan and others, after recovering a little, soon returned to the base of the first space ring with Steve, Nick Frey and others.

After entering this base, Nick Frey looked at Jordan seriously again and said, "I know that you have brought out two infinite gems in the dark dimension!"

Nick Frey just made a start. He didn't even have any problems.

But in an instant, Jordan had understood Nick Frey's subtext and said, "there is a real gem in my hand. I need to make sure that no one can gather six gems at the same time even if the space ring is broken again. Moreover, real gems are of great benefit to my life evolution."

Jordan didn't hide at all. He told all his thoughts directly.

Jordan has a space backpack. If Jordan wants to put the real gem into the space backpack, even if the God Group gathers and God is reborn, he can't gather the six infinite gems together.

Similarly, when Asgard was fighting with the doomsday warriors of the dark elves, Jordan had already realized that the role of the gem of reality had an unparalleled effect on his ability to integrate and comprehend his most fitting law.

How many lives do you have to fight for!

For the answer given by jordani, Nick Frey had no objection at all. He just nodded solemnly and said, "I believe you can grasp the seriousness of infinite gems. Now, we need to discuss how to deal with the next war!"

Skipping the real gem thing, Nick Frey's eyes swept, leading to a projection from the outer solar system.

On the periphery of the solar system, the vanguard led by ebony throat and the dense army of the Zetas are driving towards the earth at a slow and steady speed.

Obviously, in the case of the failure of the plot of exterminating hegemony and Domaine, this is a doomed war.

Mieba is a bigot with great perseverance. The opponent should have returned to his own space ship from the dark dimension. However, the actions of his fleet have proved that mieba has never given up the purpose of collecting six infinite gems from the beginning to the end.

Most of the people, such as Tony, frowned.

Only may, who had never participated in a similar meeting before, showed shock and fear on her face and said, "Oh, it's the alien spaceship fleet that bought the cake. God bless you. I want to know, do we have any plans to deal with it? For example, the space fleet that belongs to our earth, or the Star River secret service team, etc. can also... "

All of you: --

After a pause, Heidi, who was the worst to be dealt with by Mei, said, "the earth fleet is built by the coalition government and the military. Don't give me too much hope!"

"Against these alien fleets, our most advantageous weapons are the Argo motorcycle seal and the space ring defense system..."