The problem of the coalition government is just a small one. It's not a day or two that the other side wants to reach out to the Avengers alliance, the supreme sanctuary, the aegis and other forces.

Even in the intelligence of aegis, in many crises on earth, these damned political scaffolds all have the traces of secretly boosting the flames.

In fact, for these people, even if they are as strong as Jordan and Carol, there is no good way to eradicate them.

Because the power of this kind of thing, there will always be a steady stream to create a number of puppets.

The best way to deal with these disgusting rubbish is to ignore these bastards. Otherwise, even if the Avengers' alliance has cleaned up the coalition government, there will be a lot of similar people in a few years.

Anyway, these bastards are just talking.

After ignoring the coalition speakers in the conference room, it wasn't long before everyone, including Jordan, gathered on the outermost space ring.

"In other words, are the people in the military ready?"

"So many space fighters, shouldn't we clean them one by one?"

In that space, through the short jump gate outside the solar system, a large number of space fighter formations have begun to appear in the space area near the earth.

I'm afraid that the 10000 space fighters Jarvis returned before are not even the leading forces.

Because in the space ring, when you look at it, the deep and dark space is dense, almost all of which are twinkling with energy.

It's a battle around the world. The extermination of hegemonism may have been in a hurry to rob all the battle formations of the three empires in the universe. Looking out from every angle and direction of the earth, you can see that more or less space formations are approaching the direction of the earth.

"All the active military, even the reserve military, have landed on the space environment defense system and the moon defense base. In the interior of the earth, the coalition government has begun to cooperate with the military, and has begun to recruit a large number of civilians for training all over the world. The military headquarters are ready for a long-term war!"

It's James Roddy who answers the questions.

As the Avengers play a more and more important role on the earth, and as Tony's black technology becomes more and more sharp, James Roddy, Tony's best friend, is becoming more and more popular in the military headquarters.

From a former Air Force Colonel to now, James Roddy has become a powerful major general in the space fleet.

Even more, since the influx of cosmic money and interstellar resources into the earth, James Roddy has formed a strong enough deep space steel armored force in the military with the support of Tony.

Instead of the delicacy and outstanding of Tony's constantly updated steel war armor, he is somewhat similar to the iron overlord of the past, which is solid, solid, ferocious and has outstanding firepower.

In addition to the space ring defense system and the self-propelled guns of the moon deep space defense base, Roddy and his deep space steel armored forces are also the main forces of the bee colony tactics.

Along with Roddy came the space tank forces, the outer space tractor fighters, the outer space sentry defense forces, and the temporarily liberated Robert Reynolds of the power of a million stars.

After hearing Roddy's words, there was no big change in the expression of the Avengers.

In most people's cognition of Avengers alliance, these so-called bee colony tactics, as well as the overwhelming anti hegemony army, are not too big a threat.

Even if the military's defense is inadequate, there are also the space ring defense system and the Argo motorcycle seal.

At this moment, the energy shield around the earth has been fully opened, with the eternal palace and space gems as the energy supplement. Even the heavenly Father level strongmen such as the demon God domam and mieba can't shake such a defense.

Looking at the military forces that are still making preparations and mobilizing before the war, Tony shrugged and said, "it seems that the universal defense forces on earth still have a long way to go. In other words, can't the star reconstruction project led by Dr. Otto and Dr. PIM be started now?"

With the new toy of arcane, Tony's way on the technology tree has been completely crooked recently.

Even Tony himself can't remember how long he hasn't studied the real technology. If Tony didn't invent the infinite energy reactor with enough bugs, I'm afraid even the current stark group would go bankrupt.

Now that black technology is taking off, chili peppers have make complaints about more than once. Stark's foreign technology products are just one of the main products of unlimited energy reactors.

Of course, in terms of high-end technology, stark group, which combines arcane technology, is still brilliant.

It's just that these high-end toys can only be regarded as the toys of the rich, and even pick people. Only the compound talents who come out of the school of arcane can control them.

Hearing Tony's words, Roddy rolled his eyes and complained: "Tony, how long has it been since I paid attention to this? The stark group has divested from the star modification program. Damn it, don't you still know the news? "

Tony was stunned and looked at the pepper beside him.

Ms. Potts glared at Tony and said, "before funding super projects like the star project, Mr. stark, please pay attention to your own financial situation, OK?"

Tony widened his eyes and said, "what did I hear, shette? Is this the biggest joke of the century? My dear, great Mr. stark, is there another day when we are short of money? "

Borz wanted to slap Tony in the face and said, "more than 70% of the recent revenue of stark group is the influx of foreign money from the universe, and more than 90% of it has been transformed into a unique material in the universe by a rich man, paying for a large number of useless and expensive arcane scientific experiments!"

"In fact, as a mother, I have begun to consider whether I should resign from Mr. stark and choose a more suitable company to earn a share of milk powder money for my daughter!"

Tony gasped and said: "pepper, you have to believe me that the combination of arcane and technology is the right direction for the future of mankind. Arcane itself is a kind of sublimation of science and technology. Any small step experiment we have now is bound to turn into the economic benefits and influence of the sea in the future..."

Not moved, Potts said, "so, is this future a hundred years from now? Or a thousand years from now? "

Tony eggache, said: "well, after the end of this war, maybe stark group can launch a project to promote arcane technology, maybe it will be a good idea to hold a new stark Technology Expo again!"

Borz sneered and said, "excuse me, Mr. stark, is this technology Expo going to consume the milk powder money of our daughter, little Morgan?"

What else does Tony want to say.

At this time, Roddy, who was in a cold sweat, said, "Hey, hey, Tony and pepper, let's discuss some important things, OK?"

Jordan watched the party and ate a big melon. He said, "although I'd like to see Tony's embarrassment, Roddy is right. The war is about to begin."