It's really rare for two countries on the earth to fight each other. It must be a small-scale friction, and then they talk to each other in the international arena. Then they try to fight each other, and then they push forward with planes and tanks. To a certain extent, no one will use powerful missiles or nuclear weapons.

If it is said that weapons such as Star Destroyer guns are the final trump card in the anti hegemony army, then the charging and attacking of this kind of space fighter regardless of all costs is at least the strong promotion of aircraft and tanks.

Come up and play so hard, what to do next.

Let's play each other's ultimate moves, and then play their own GG, which is the curtain call, becoming the dust in the universe?

This is too abnormal. This kind of almost suicidal attack will easily cause too many casualties. Once the casualties are too large, it will easily lead to a situation in which both sides will not die.

Listening to Steve's words and analysis, all the people present could not help frowning.

Tony is a bit anxious, said: "Captain old man, you mean, should not be to let us in the war against these damned invaders, right?"

Steve shook his head and said, "of course not. I'm just a little upset."

Prince tezara of vakanda, who rarely appears in the Avengers alliance, also appears on the space ring this time, saying: "I never think anything will happen. My sister Surui once participated in the merger plan of the space ring defense shield and the Argo motorcycle seal energy shield. She has calculated it many times, even if it is a real Star Destroyer, as long as it does not have more than 100 attacks, At the same time, attacking at one point can not really have any impact on our current Earth Defense! "

Tony looked weird and said, "Oh, wait a minute. What's the merger plan of space ring defense shield and Argo motorcycle seal energy shield? Why didn't I get invited to this plan?"

Tony looks puzzled, turns to sweep around the crowd, and finally looks at Nick fry.

Nick Frey's egg hurts. I don't know how to explain it.

In the end, tezara spoke modestly and said, "well, maybe it's because vakanda funded a large amount of funds and funds for the space ring defense system not long ago."

A smiling coalition official added: "Mr. stark, in fact, the coalition government has invited Mr. Tony and the stark group in previous projects, but your company refused because of economic reasons!"

"After all, most of the investment in the construction of the space environment defense system is difficult to recover the cost, and the amount is huge..."

Suddenly, Tony felt a little sad.

For a while, Tony whispered to Roddy, "Roddy, tell me the truth, am I no longer rich?"

Roddy slightly can't bear it, said: "don't worry, Tony, most people in the alliance with the Avengers, you are still very rich!"

The Avengers are a group of people, a group of poor people who never know what the balance and savings are. If it wasn't for the extra funding of the stark group, at least half of the Avengers would have to be tramps on the street.

Compared with these people, Tony felt that Roddy was mocking himself, but there was no evidence.

Just when Tony felt some doubts about his life, there were some changes on the battlefield outside the space ring. If he attacked for too long, it would lead to the overuse of those weapons in the space ring defense system. He needed to stop for a short time and recover to a certain extent.

At this time, a large number of earth space fighter formations and steel armored regiments, mainly composed of meat shield like space tanks, have begun to move into deep space from various spaceports on the space ring.

Although the seal of Argo motorcycle can block all external attacks, the coalition government and the military can not tolerate the continuous suicide face to face self explosion of the enemy.

Sooner or later, the army on the earth will go to the universe and the interstellar depths. The battle at the door of the home is also used as a kind of trial.

The mixed forces of space tanks and space fighters once broke out extremely objective damage and combat effectiveness when fighting with hell Corps.

This time, with the addition of deep air steel armored forces, the tactical flexibility and variability are more abundant.

All the soldiers had high morale before they went to war.

However, this high morale was caught off guard by the army of exterminators at the first time when they entered the space battlefield.

The space fighters under the command of the anti hegemonic army had no intention of going back and forth at all. The suicide self bombing attack almost crippled more than ten human mixed forces just in one face.

As a last resort, the military can only order a large number of mixed troops to withdraw quickly from the battlefield.

Not long after these mixed forces withdrew from the battlefield, a less wonderful news came from the military.

The fighting time between the two forces before was not long, but Roddy's deep space armored forces still captured more than 40 enemy space fighters.

What makes people think big is that those space fighters are not the Class-A space transport planes as people imagine, they are just some extremely cheap eliminated fighters in the universe. What's more shocking is that the pilots of those fighters are cheap clones made by the Zetas, not even the clone fighters in the New York war.

"F.. K, what the hell does this purple potato man want to do?"

More irascible Hobbes, dyke and others, after learning the news, scolded on the spot.

However, no one in the audience could answer this question, and no one could figure out what kind of idea mieba had.

Because it looks like it's doing a kind of useless work.

With mieba's understanding of the earth, we will not be unaware of the strength of the space ring defense system and the seal of the Argo motorcycle. This kind of suicide attack can not have any impact on the earth at all.

For a while.

"All I can guess is to procrastinate and consume," he said, holding Natasha's waist

Steve frowned and said, "delay? Why is he stalling? There is also consumption. The energy of infinite gems is endless. We have space gems in our hands and the support of the eternal palace. What can he consume? "

Jordan egg pain, said: "so I said it was a guess, if I knew, I would have said it!"

Steve: "and

All of you: --