Not long after Odin came to earth and lived in seclusion, he disappeared in the North Sea of Norway with the family of frica, sol and rocky.

In the Avengers League, it has always been a mystery.

No one knows where the family of Odin has gone, but they have captured some evil breath from hell in the North Sea of Norway.

But in fact, according to the information clues of jordani and others, even Mephisto, the old Yinbi, was banished to the endless abyss world in the whole hell. The so-called hell, there should be no living creature who can cause the slightest threat and damage to the family of Odin.

It's also because of this that Jordan asked rocky curiously at the first time when he got out of trouble.

Rocky's eyes fell on the battle between sol and Ares, and without looking back, he said to himself, "yes! It was a wonderful journey! Lucifer, the first demon in hell, sent someone to Beihai and invited our family to visit a battlefield in the depths of hell. Those days are really unforgettable

Rocky said it easily, but when Jordan heard the news, his scalp exploded.

Yes, if there is anyone in hell who can please big brother Odin, I'm afraid it's only Lucifer, the unfathomable fallen angel, who has seen him once.

Jordan looked solemn and said, "what's wrong with the entrance to the abyss deep in hell?"

Rocky was surprised. He didn't expect that Jordan knew Lucifer was guarding the entrance of the abyss. Then he turned his head and said, "the death of niederhogg under the tree of the world angered shalivan, the Pope of the dark Council in the endless abyss. The other party sent twelve demons of the dark Council, led countless abyss monsters, and madly attacked the abyss entrance of hell!"

"Lucifer is entangled by the Pope of the Diablo Council, shaliwan, and the overall situation of the abyss battlefield is not presided over, so he sent a fallen angel to Beihai to ask his father to help him. Well, by the way, after solving the crisis of Asgard, my father, who is in a good mood, took this opportunity to let sol and I experience in the abyss battlefield!"

"Now that the dark Pope shalivan has been defeated by Lucifer, and with the help of his father and mother, sol and I are no longer needed in the abyss battlefield, so we have come back from hell first."

Rocky's words were lighter and more pleasant, but at least he gave a thorough account of the cause and effect of the matter.

Jordan nodded, looked at sol and rocky with a smile, and said: "no wonder your brothers have grown up so fast. They have been trained by your majesty Odin."

In an instant, Rocky's face became very strange. For a long time, he just looked at Jordan bitterly and said, "if you have this gossip time, you'd better worry about the war situation in front of you. Mieba has been rampant in the universe for thousands of years. It was once called the Emperor of the universe. Even the God Group has pursued mieba, but there has never been a result, He is not as simple as you think

After that, rocky was quickly covered by the traditional Asgard combat clothes. He threw out two daggers with both hands, and his whole body was filled with cold air, blocking the dead blade general from the third resurrection.

At this time, by the infinite gem power supply, a lot of life force washed, Jordan's body injury, also quickly recovered.

If it wasn't for the routine played by the dead blade general before, and then the spine broken by Ares, Jordan would not be as embarrassed as before.

Ignoring Ares and the general of the dead blade, Jordan, after recovering, immediately focused on the red king in the sticky battlefield, joining hands with the exterminator to suppress all the Avengers.

A few months ago, when Jordan, Tony, Dr. Benner and Casillas had just left Saka, they met the stalemate between the army of the exterminators and the army of the red king in the universe.

Even if it is because of the geographical advantage, the red king can compete with mieba for a short time, it is enough to prove the strength of the other side.

Compared with mieba's tall body, although the red king was also very tall, it was not beyond the scope of normal people, but the other side's appearance was as ugly as mieba.

Jordani make complaints about himself. Perhaps in the universe, the stronger uglier, the stronger he is?

He's been attacked by Ares, and he's learned a lot.

As far as these invaders are concerned, there is no need to talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality at all. It is simply irresponsible for them to play alone and fight head-on.

With a flash of real ruby red light, Jordan's whole physical form has changed, turning into a transparent substance like a breeze, passing through the battlefield without any trace of Ruth.

Then, when the red king's violent energy shock wave drove Steve away, Jordan's figure showed up and fell on the red king's back with a stab.

Subsequently, the mark of death, 12 pairs of wings burst out endless God awn, the red king completely shrouded.

Boom boom!

The extremely violent energy of death exploded, and Jordan's sneak attack was enough to blow up most of the moon directly, gather them together, and blow the red king to pieces.

A wave of energy swings open, the red king's helmet falls to the ground, jingles, and his whole body turns into gravel.

It was a beautiful surprise.

Steve, Hobbes, and Decker, who are trying to contain and besiege the red king, all have a moment of confusion.

Joe Dani waved to the three people, showed a proud smile and said: "don't thank me, this is what I should do!"

Steve three people muddle force, Jordan is after saying that, the whole person will be transparent again, disappear in the battlefield.

However, at this time, a touch of sand, which was originally scattered, was like running water. Unconsciously, it wound around Jordan's arm.

Then, with the gathering of sand and gravel all over the sky, the red king, who had been blown to pieces, gathered together again. On his ferocious face, he showed a cruel smile and said, "Jovovich, I've got you!"

At the moment, the red king has no physical state. Instead, he turns into quicksand completely, wrapping around Jordan's limbs with powerful energy.

Boom boom!

Jordan naturally won't be captured. Even if he is trapped in all his limbs, the twelve pairs of wings behind him will burst out all over the sky and form a torrent to blow up the red king again.

However, this time, the red king was obviously well prepared. A handful of quicksand gathered in the air, forming a huge shield. The gravel rolled endlessly, but he was able to carry the wave of energy bombing of Jordan.


At this time, a gold shield came in midair with a strong fighting spirit, breaking the vein of quicksand transportation.

At the same time, Hobbes turned into a complete steel man, just like a heavy tank, smashed part of the red king's body, while dyke was extremely sensitive. After he got close to the red king, his hands turned into sharp blades, and on the spot, he chopped the other half of the red king's body.

Wait until the crisis is completely solved.

Steve just picked up his shield and said to Jordan, "you're welcome. This is what we should do!"

Jordani: "it's..."