The gem of reality can ignore the laws of science and rewrite reality.

In a sense, the real gem is almost the most powerful of the six infinite gems, but in fact, the real gem is also the most difficult to use.

It's OK to modify some things in a small range with real gems. After all, real gems have huge energy.

However, if we want to modify the reality in a large range with the gem of reality, or even distort some destiny against the will, it will affect the whole universe, even the infinite future, and all the innumerable multiverse.

In that case, the price that users need to pay will be unimaginably huge, even if the users themselves are destroyed, it is difficult to succeed.

For example, now, when Jordan just let the Red King show the data, he didn't feel that there was any problem.

However, in his mind, when all human beings on the earth are born with the "player" attribute, Jordan will feel an unprecedented sense of fear and death crisis.

If we transform human beings into real players, the growth potential and terror level of the fourth natural disaster can undoubtedly subvert the whole universe and even cover all the worlds.

Don't say that Jordan is only a sub heavenly father now. Even a real heavenly Father, with infinite gloves, six infinite gems, and Twelve Supreme artifacts, who sacrificed the whole world tree, may not be able to bear this level of reality.

Don't you see that in the movie Avengers, mieba only dares to destroy half of the population of the universe randomly after collecting six infinite gems, and dare not have other ideas.

The purpose of mieba's collection of infinite gems is to balance the universe, so that the universe will not be consumed too much by the rapid development and high expansion of the population.

There are many ways to solve this problem, such as doubling the size of the universe, doubling the speed of resources consumed by creatures, and so on.

With the insight, wisdom and strength of exterminating hegemony, can't we really think of any other solution?

Not necessarily. Anyway, it's just like making a wish. There are too many ways to solve the problem of the balance of the universe.

Why don't you use those other methods to exterminate hegemonism? It's not unexpected, but you dare not.

It is the easiest and least costly way to wipe out half of the creatures in the universe immediately. Even so, with the strength of its heavenly Father, the extermination of hegemony will have to pay an arm's price.

In any other way, I'm afraid that the desire to exterminate hegemonism has not been realized, and I'm just like I've gone up in smoke.

Come to this point, when Joe dennington put his mind that tricky ideas, to the clouds.

As long as he can get rid of the hegemony army, as long as he can keep the earth safe and stable, Jordan feels that his life now is very good.

There is no shortage of money. There are brothers and sisters, three girlfriends, three lovers, and a large group of good friends.

I'm tired of staying on earth, and I can travel to the universe from time to time to see all kinds of Customs in the universe.

This is the peak of our life. What else do we need.

After a look at the real gem in his hand, Jordan forced himself to hold down the small flames in his heart, and soon put his eyes on the battlefield again.

With the arrival of Saul and rocky and the death of the red king, the Avengers alliance has slowly gained the upper hand in the battlefield.

As long as the high-level combat power of mieba and its subordinates can be eliminated, or the seal of agomo can be driven out, the remaining avant-garde guards and qitari will no longer be a problem, and the war will be won sooner or later.

However, when Jordan is ready to turn into old Yinbi again and sneak into the battlefield to give mieba a ferocious back stab, on the seal of Argo motorcycle outside the space ring, a huge Super Space warship has evaded the firepower blockade of the space ring defense system and appeared on the seal of Argo motorcycle.

Click, click!

The sound of mechanical deformation is like thunder rolling. As the space warship slowly draws close to the seal of the Argo motorcycle, the huge cabin door pops open at its contact part. In the interior of the space warship, powerful vanguard guards gather in a series of giant siege machines, turn the ferocious gear, and pass through the loopholes on the seal of the Argo motorcycle, Crash on the space ring.


After landing on the ground, the huge spherical machines quickly transformed into extremely ferocious combat forms, and in a very fierce speed, in a twinkling of an eye, they had rushed out of the battlefield.

Those giant machines are just like the super mecha in the shape of beast, but they are more reckless and more fierce. Even the space rings made of all steel are ploughed away, which are just like the chasm.

A large number of self-propelled guns, defensive fortresses, electromagnetic turrets, etc. on the space ring could not stop the crushing and collision of the giant mecha, and the place where they passed was a mess.

There are dozens of hundreds of meters of ferocious mecha. Once they are allowed to spread, the internal defense of the whole space ring defense system will be completely disintegrated in a short time.

"Hold on, hold on

On the outskirts of the battlefield, general Ross had turned into a four meter tall red giant, roaring and shaking. Behind him, hundreds of giant soldiers of various colors, in groups of three or five, leaped in front of those ferocious mecha with flesh and blood.

However, although the giant Legion's combat power is strong, it can't stop this super war weapon of hundreds of meters.

Just in a moment, hundreds of giant soldiers have been killed and wounded as many as 60%. In a few minutes, I'm afraid the whole giant army will be completely destroyed.


In a critical situation, the strong in the Avengers alliance, which was under siege, had to withdraw some of their hands to stop those huge and ferocious weapons of war.

In this series of wars, hawk's body size has soared to more than six meters, which is the soul of Dr. Benner and the limit that he can bear at this stage.


Only six meters high, Hawk is small compared with the ferocious war weapon of hundreds of meters. However, when he blows out his fist, it is hard. He smashes a large piece of armor of the war machine. Then, like a ferocious beast, hawk rushes into the interior of the ferocious war weapon and forcibly demolishes the whole war weapon from the interior.

At the same time, Wanda also broke out completely, the eyes of the incomparable red Mang, burst out of the incomparable red power, forcefully lifted up the two war weapons, and then collided in mid air.