With the participation of jordani and others, the situation that both sides insisted on in the space ring was soon broken.

Many of the commanders with high combat power were soon intercepted and suppressed by Giordani and others. The army was in chaos and was soon intercepted and defeated by the forces on the earth.

At this speed, even if there are a large number of vanguard guards and zitari legions in the anti hegemony army, it will not take long to clean up the whole battlefield.

In the course of the battle, Tony cut off the formation of a zitari Legion by bombing in the void. He soon fell on Jordan's side and said, "Joe, do you think mieba's purple sweet potato will die in the strangulation inside the seal of Argo motorcycle? I have calculated the energy index inside the seal of Argo motorcycle, which is no less than that of the rainbow bridge that Asgard often falls behind, but I always have a bad premonition... "


Just as Toni make complaints about Jordani's Tucao, a blue light is flashing. The fists of the bully have been like the shells that have been on Toni's belly armor, and have been flying dozens of meters away, falling into ruins.

At the same time, mieba's left hand clenched, and the mighty power of infinite gems gathered together, forming a huge and incomparable force of imprisonment, which directly imprisoned Jordan.

"Come on, Eminem!"

Jordan's body was imprisoned by the power of infinite gems, and he couldn't use his flexible speed. He immediately ran through the direction of mieba's head with a sword in his right hand.

However, although Jordan's response was quick, it was not as full as the one he had planned for a long time.

Bang bang!

Two punches in succession broke up the strength of Jordan's body, and mieba grabbed the holy sword and ran through Jordan's right arm.


When Jordan left again, he was caught by mieba.

At this time, on mieba's face, there was a ferocious smile. On his body, his golden armor was broken, and he didn't know how many bloodstains and wounds there were, but he suffered a lot of trauma inside the seal of the Argo motorcycle.

"The struggle of the weak is always so weak and fragile!"

"What are you doing, to make me bleed? If so, you succeed, but the earth will be punished the most severely for this

At the moment, mieba's left hand, with infinite gloves and infinite power, pinches Jordan's arm and holds it tightly, while his right hand, little by little, plucks the real gem from Jordan's wrist.

At this time, other people on the battlefield have noticed the reappearance of mieba, but they have no time to rush to where Jordan and mieba are.

I saw that mieba threw away Jordan and put the last real gem into the infinite glove.

All of a sudden, a powerful wave of energy swept the whole battlefield. On mieba's body, there was an unprecedented powerful gas engine, forming a colorful column of energy, which soared up to the sky.

"Peace will be restored to the universe, and the world will be shining with glory."

The powerful power of infinite gems runs through mieba's body. Mieba is obviously extremely painful, but it has a will that ordinary people can't imagine. Under the erosion of this energy, it still maintains a very high mood and makes a neurotic announcement.


Seeing that mieba gradually recovers under the strong energy impact, holding his left hand high, it is about to start to instill his ideal for thousands of years.

A terrible shock wave of fire melted everything and hit mieba's head on the spot.

At this critical moment, Natasha completely stimulated the infinite emotional amplification power of the Phoenix in her body. Originally, there was only the power of the third stage, which soared hundreds of times at this moment.


The terrible fire, with the power of destruction, is even fiercer than the battle between Guri and domam outside the earth.

But the terrible fire of destruction was blocked by mieba's left fist.

A kind of seven rainbow light like shield bloomed on the infinite gloves. Despite the spread of the terrible flame, it completely melted the space ring where everyone was, but still could not hurt the key point of mieba.


The power of Phoenix is extremely powerful, but Natasha herself can't sustain this level of energy release for too long.

After a full three minutes of impact, mieba's whole body had already been roasted, but he persisted in the end.

On the contrary, Natasha, after releasing this wave of attacks, fell from mid air and fell into a coma on the spot.

"What's the use of tenacious resistance? I'm destiny!"

Mieba was also severely injured, but his strong vitality supported him. He was still standing in the same place. Even his injuries were recovering slowly and firmly.

"Let's go together. We can't use the power of infinite gems until he recovers!"

Steve roared, his shield in his hand flew away and bombarded him in the direction of mieba.


Steve's unscientific flying shield attack was held in the palm of his hand for the first time.

At this time of exterminating hegemony, he was also in an incomparable rage.

If you want to use six infinite gems, you need to pay a huge price. In the heyday of mieba, although the price is serious, it will not be ignored by mieba.

But now, if mieba uses six infinite gems to ring his finger, I'm afraid that after the ring, he will almost have GG.

A group of defeated soldiers on the earth, even the natives who had completely stepped into the interstellar space, forced themselves to this point.

For the sake of ideal, mieba is not afraid of death at all, but if he can live, it will be better.

What's more, mieba also wants to see the coming era of the universe after he has cleaned up the disaster of the universe.


With the infinite glove trembling on mieba's hand, the blade of balance that mieba had left on the battlefield instantly flew into mieba's hand.

It's better to solve this group of disabled soldiers first, and wait until you recover a little bit, then ring your fingers.


In an instant, mieba leaped forward and quickly came to Steve, kicking out. The venom armor on Steve's body was like a splash of water.

"You have admirable will, but you don't have the power to match it!"

Mieba, after all, is the existence of the heavenly father. Even though it is heavily damaged, it still has incomparable strength against the already exhausted Avengers alliance.

What's more, at this time, master Gu Yi was restrained, Carol was far away from the solar system, Jordan was seriously injured, and Natasha was in a complete coma.

The blade of balance falls, and Steve is about to be killed by mieba.

At this time, a black voice like lightning blocked Steve's face. His black Zhenjin armor collided with the blade of balance, and a series of sparks erupted.

"Right now!"

Tezara was slashed by mieba, and even the Zhenjin armor was slashed. However, tezara also took advantage of this opportunity to gather his energy. With a heavy right punch at mieba's feet, a huge anti shock force rushed mieba into the air.