In Jordan's impression, although mieba is very strong, it should not be strong enough to defeat the current Avengers alliance by itself.

Today's Avengers alliance is stronger than the Avengers alliance that Joe Denny saw in the movies in his last life. I don't know how many times. In this case, he was beaten to the ground by mieba. It can only be said that the unlimited gloves brought about too much growth to mieba.

So in the case of the whole Avengers League almost exhausted, Jordan chose to destroy the infinite glove.

The holy sword, carrying the inheritance of heaven, burst out with unprecedented bright light. It collided with the infinite gloves in the mid air, and even the six infinite gems burst out with a kind of grand and incomparable energy at this moment.


Colorful light, all over the battlefield, the kind of dazzling color, shaking people's eyes can not open.


At the moment when Jordan's sword cuts the infinite gloves, the whole person of mieba in the distance gives out a heartbreaking roar. He almost ignores it, allowing the great energy to erode his body. The ground made of steel under his feet is suddenly stepped out of a big pit.

The next moment, mieba had already jumped into the air, grabbing at the infinite glove.

However, when mieba's palm touched the infinite glove, the sword and the infinite glove in Jordan's hand broke apart, turned into a sharp blade, and shot away in all directions.

Poop, poop!

Mieba and jordani were at the core of the whole explosion, a father level strong man and a sub father level strong man. They didn't even have the strength to resist. They flew away like shells.

In this process, mieba was pierced with more than ten transparent holes by the broken blade hole, but in mid air, he grabbed two infinite gems that had been blasted away.

Jordan's situation is also not so wonderful. His body is bleeding from holes. He falls into ruins, holding an infinite gem in his two hands, and refuses to let go.

The remaining two infinite gems, however, fell into the cracks of the torn space in the violent explosion and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

More than ten minutes of energy.

When the explosion was over, there was a huge pit on the whole battlefield. If it wasn't for Pietro running around in the battlefield and moving all the members of the Avengers alliance to the edge of the battlefield, the whole Avengers alliance would be cut by more than half on the spot.

However, even so, after a decisive battle with mieba, the whole Avenger alliance was almost completely crippled, and everyone was seriously injured. Without a long period of cultivation, it was difficult to recover.

Fortunately, in the last wave of explosion, mieba also suffered heavy losses, unable to attack the Avengers alliance.


A piece of gravel rolling, on both sides of the deep pit of the battlefield, mieba's body was scarred, but after all, he was still very firm, struggling out of the gravel.

At the same time, Jordan also broke through the ruins, revealing half of his body, almost worn-out body, but with a tragic smile.

Before they could say anything, just at this time, outside the space ring, a bright meteor light, wrapped in a human figure, passed through the deep space and was coming towards the space ring at a high speed.

"Mieba, it seems that your space fleet has been completely wiped out. I hope you can adapt to prison life on earth in the future. As an old friend, I will visit you often!" he said

To be able to fly at top speed in space, there is no one but Carol.

Mieba's face is very ugly, but he knows that his current state is not Carol's opponent at all. What's more, this is the home of the earth. There are countless earth armies waiting for him outside the blocked space ring battlefield.

Looking fiercely at Jordan, mieba didn't agree with the name of the overlord of the universe after all. The original frustrated mentality was soon adjusted and said: "when I come next time, it's the time when the earth will be destroyed and mankind will be cut off. I hope you can still be so stubborn as now!"

Mieba said calmly. At this time, Carol had already come to the sky above the space ring, and his speed reached the limit. With a ferocious posture, he directly hit mieba in the direction of mieba.


Carroll hit the space ring battlefield like a meteorite. The whole separated space ring battlefield was shaking and almost broken.

But in the place where Carol fell, the figure of mieba had disappeared completely.

It turned out that the moment before Carol fell, the mieba bomb opened its right hand. In the palm of its hand, the space gem burst out a layer of light blue light, shrouded it, and directly disappeared on the space ring battlefield.

Until the sound of mieba completely disappeared, Jordan finally couldn't hold on. His body was soft, and he completely lay in the ruins and passed out in a coma.

In Jordan's hands, a gem of reality and a gem of soul fall on the ground.

In the previous explosion, the holy sword and infinite gloves broke at the same time. At the critical moment, mieba caught the gem of space and power. What Jordan caught was the gem of reality and soul.

Compared with the tyranny of space gems and power gems, it needs extremely powerful blood power to withstand the energy impact of gems.

The energy of real gems and soul gems is much more gentle. Otherwise, in the state of Jordan's oil exhausted before, if he was killed by two infinite gems, it's still two to say whether he can survive.

At the moment when Jordan was in a coma, some disheartened Nick Frey came out of the corner of the battlefield and ran quickly to Jordan. He took out two special instruments and put away two infinite gems. Then he began to call the coalition government and aegis personnel outside the battlefield, Unlock the blockade of the space ring battlefield and send a large number of people to start rescuing and cleaning the battlefield.

At the same time, in the outer part of the space ring, domam, the dark god, who is fighting with guru I, saw mieba running away, and immediately roared angrily.

In the alliance with mieba, domam fought two wars in the dark dimension and the outer space ring. He made a lot of efforts, but he didn't get any return.

Now, even if it's a stalemate with master Gu Yi, there will be no result. In the end, it can only retreat.