The existence of life is the most magical existence in the whole earth and even the whole universe, and the evolution of life has been an unsolved mystery in the universe for countless years.

From the group of gods countless years ago to several changes of human civilization on earth, no living creature has been able to explain the mystery of life evolution.

But there is no doubt that the evolution of life is closely related to the energy system of life.

For example, human beings, from the most basic breathing to eating, more complex exercise and so on, are actually an evolution of themselves.

On the basis of this kind of bioenergy, super soldier serum, super powers, protoss, eternal race and so on are all further evolutions. Even guru Yi, who is at the forefront of evolution, can't explain the reason for this kind of evolution.

The injuries on Jordan and tezara are not fatal to modern technology and magic. Even with their strong vitality, they can recover themselves as long as they have enough time.

But the bad thing is that the energy transmission system in their bodies has been damaged in the eyes.

Helpless, they were buried in the ancestral land of vakanda.

This is a place where heart-shaped herbs are planted, and it is also the source of the inheritance power of the vakanda royal family.

Every generation of vakanda Royal heirs, after experiencing adult experience, will come to this cave, drink the potion made of heart-shaped herbs, and bury deep in the earth to receive the gift from the Panther God.

No one seems to have seen the real Panther God, but after every successor of the vakanda royal family drinks the heart-shaped herbal medicine, he will come to a magical ancestral place.

According to the rumor of vakanda, this ancestral place is where the Panther God lives. After the death of every successor of vakanda royal family, the soul will come to this ancestral place and become the servant of the Panther God.

It can turn an ordinary person into a powerful and extraordinary person, and give people extraordinary power in silence.

This is also the only thing that the Avengers alliance people can touch, which is suspected to have mastered the mystery of life evolution.

Perhaps the gods that vakanda believed in did not really grasp the mystery of life evolution, but their control and understanding of power obviously exceeded that of the most powerful Guri on earth.

At least, master Gu Yi can't make an ordinary person become an extraordinary person without any reason.

Dead horse should live horse doctor, this is the attitude of the Avengers alliance.

"Natasha, do you think that Panther can really help Joe?"

Outside the vakandazudi cave, Wanda has been in a state of great worry since she woke up from a coma, and her energy has become very unstable.

Natasha glanced at the deep cave and said, "it will be successful. Su Rui has already said that in addition to panther, there are White Ape God, crocodile God, lion God, and Tiger God which is even older than the universe in legend..."

After experiencing countless things on the earth, especially with such "gods" as Saul and rocky, Natasha did not have much confidence in the God that vakanda believed in.

But now, the vakanda God is the last hope of all Avengers.

Listening to Natasha's words, Wanda looked a little better and said, "Natasha, there's news from Dr. Benner. Giselle, Heidi, Jenny, Serena and may are about to recover. Do you want to tell them about Joe?"

In the final World War I on the space ring, Natasha and Wanda, because one was supported by the power of Phoenix, and the other was under the power of chaos magic, they just fell out of power and were in a coma during the war, and did not suffer too serious injuries.

But gizer, Heidi and others are different. They have the upper limit of strength. Everyone has been seriously injured in the battle. Therefore, in the convalescence and recovery stage of gizer, Heidi and others, Natasha and Wanda did not tell several people about jordani's condition.

But as long as we wait for gizel, Heidi and others to recover, we can't hide the news about Jordan.

Natasha thought about it and said, "wait a minute. The heart-shaped herbal medicine will lose its effect in three days at most. When you get the news from Jordan, let them know."

Wanda nodded bitterly and looked at vakanda's ancestral cave with extremely worried eyes.

At this time, deep in the ancestral cave, in the middle of a green plant, above a solid piece of buried land, only one face of Jordan was exposed.

Ancient and supernatural sacrificial sounds reverberate in the caves.

Around the place where Giordani was buried, several old Witches of the wakanda nationality are dancing an inexplicable sacrificial dance, which forms a mysterious resonance with the ancient and strange sacrificial sound.

A cup of heart-shaped herbal medicine was unconsciously poured into Jordan's mouth.

With the deep resonance of the cave, the heart-shaped herbal medicine diffuses in Jordan's body, forming a kind of magical energy. It is actually binding and pulling Jordan's mind and will, passing through the ancient and profound place of the origin of the universe, and falling into a mysterious and strange space.

In this strange space, Jordan, who hasn't had any thought fluctuations for more than a month, soon blinked his eyelids and began to live with a touch of will.

With the opening of Jordan's mind carrier, this strange space changes rapidly. In a flash, it forms a city in the memory of Jordan.

But in this city that only Jordan can see in his dream, there is a misty fog all around, full of a strange life Qi, but there is no living creature.

"Yangcheng? Or hallucinations? "

"Is anyone here?"

When Jordan saw this scene, he didn't panic, but frowned. After thinking for a while, he cried out to the thick fog.

However, it is different from what Jordan imagined. Despite Jordan's shouting, the fog is rolling, but there is no new change.

Jordan frowned and began to walk around the city.

But strangely, with Jordan's movement, the fog that originally shrouded the city seems to be moving with Jordan's movement.

"Mieba, are you playing tricks with the soul gem? This kind of trick is useless to me. Come out... "