The ancient ancestral place of vakanda belief in Panther God is like a strange space, but it is more like a world formed by spirit or spiritual power, which can produce many changes with the change of human mind.

Even after Giordani secretly asked master Guyi for advice, he still didn't get more information about Panther God and its ancient ancestral land of vakanda from master Guyi.

Originally, Jordan also wanted to invite master Gu Yi to vakanda to spy on the spot.

However, considering that vakanda is a close ally of the Avengers alliance after all, and the ancient ancestral land is vakanda's belief and top secret place, Jordan finally cancelled the plan.

The days pass by unconsciously.

From the Avengers alliance since the injury healed, quietly has been a small half a year.

In this small half a year, the Avengers alliance seems to have disappeared on the earth, hiding in the territory of vakanda, quietly developing and accumulating strength.

While in the outside world, although the earth has temporarily recovered its calm state and no external crisis, it is surging internally, with more than one internal struggle breaking out.

The coalition government, together with the military, once put pressure on the aegis three times in a month, asking Nick Frey to hand over the highest authority of the space environment defense system. The reason is that in the invasion war of exterminating hegemony, the coalition government and the military lacked authority, which led to a large number of military forces unable to work together and caused great damage to the war.

This is just a reason. It's also a way of throwing the pot.

It's a pity that Nick Frey's goods are not easy to cause. In two months' silence, although he seems to be suppressed by the coalition government and the military everywhere, he secretly sent a large number of spies, infiltrated into the two forces, and obtained a lot of black materials about the coalition government and the military in various ways.

In the third month, a large amount of black materials, as well as the inaction of the coalition government and the military in the war of extermination and invasion, were directly thrown onto the Internet.

Led by the space environment defense system, the coalition government and the military can not stop the widespread spread of this kind of information, coupled with Nick Frey's behind.

It didn't take long for Nick Frey to stir up the public opinion of the majority of the people on the earth. There were demonstrations all over the world.

In addition, Nick Frey has also united with many forces on the earth, such as the emerging major trade unions, the eye of heaven, the X-Men, the mutant brotherhood, and so on, directly brought an internal change to the coalition government and the military.

Nick Frey is not the kind of politician who can only bluff with his mouth. He has a black heart when he really starts.

A large number of politicians who failed to act stepped down, and some politicians who betrayed the interests of the earth were directly assassinated. Those politicians who represented the interests of major consortia were completely replaced by new forces.

In a short period of half a year, the political power system on the whole earth has directly changed from the original political system of economic interests to the political system of extraordinary forces. Even among the military, a large number of young officers close to the aegis have begun to take over the post.

It seems that in less than half a year, the whole earth's political power has been completely rotated.

In fact, it is also the most popular political system in the universe, such as Asgard, Kerry Empire, scurru Empire, soverin and so on, all of which are the strong and the weak.

This is not a democratic political system, but the universe is like this. The economic system among the major forces and other things will never be able to restrain the real strong. Only this kind of ethos that the whole nation is constantly striving for strength, can the earth really enter into the forest of the strong in the universe.

Entering the interstellar age, the previous economy and resources are no longer the shackles of the earth. The universe is infinite, and resources are numerous. But only power can rule and protect these resources.

Originally, jordani and others thought that under this extraordinary power regime system, there would inevitably be great and long-term chaos on the earth.

But unexpectedly, those old economic capital tycoons, under the suppression of the powerful and extraordinary forces, completely collapsed in less than a month.

The super power class suppressed and manipulated the capital tycoons, the capital tycoons deceived and hired the ordinary people, and the ordinary people screened and emerged the super power.

In a very short period of time, the new political system has been completely stabilized, and a very strange balance has been formed.

The old order of social promotion was broken, and the new order of social promotion took shape rapidly.

After the establishment of this power only political system and social atmosphere, the magic, fighting spirit and genetic evolution that were left to the free choice of the people on the earth began to become the most sought after existence. A large number of extraordinary people at the bottom of the society sprang up like mushrooms.

Originally, the defects in the low-end combat power of the earth began to grow rapidly.

A nearly identical 3D projection of the vakanda palace Council appeared in the conference room. After Nick Frey went online, he looked around the palace Council for the first time and saw that most of the Avengers were in the room. Only then did his worries fade away.

On the one hand, Nick Frey is more concerned about the injuries of the Avengers.

On the other hand, in the past six months, Nick Frey has united a large number of people and forces in the outside world to directly change the political system within human beings. He is also worried.

Since it is a power only social system, the Avengers alliance is basically a powerful group on earth.

If the Avengers oppose, Nick Frey's social order will not last long.

Even if the Avengers don't object, as long as the Avengers don't support Nick Frey, Nick Frey will be in a slump in the new coalition government.

But fortunately, the situation is still acceptable. Since most of the Avengers alliance can participate online, it shows that people still support Nick Frey.

This also has a lot to do with Nick Frey's various welfare promotion and preferential policies for ordinary people at the bottom.

What Nick Frey wants is the control of human beings on the whole earth in the critical period, but he is not greedy, despicable, and even can be regarded as a "good official".

When he felt a little more at ease, Nick Frey looked around and said, "everyone, we have got news from the ketati that mieba has gathered a large number of remnant organizations after escaping into the universe. He has formally allied with the Kerry Empire and will launch an attack on shandar in the near future."

"On shandar's side, he has asked our earth for help and Alliance..."