Professor X, the bald youth, is the most erudite person among the old building group, so he was called a professor. But even so, Professor X did not even know the history of the previous decades.

Although Professor X said it was understated, Natasha felt extremely uncomfortable with the terrible future.

In Professor X's narration, almost from the beginning of Professor X's notes, he was taken by his mother and has been on the run, from one human gathering place to another, from one battlefield to another.

At the age of 12, Professor X's mother died in an encirclement and suppression by sentinel robot troops, and Professor X was also in that battle. His whole lower body was eroded by a strange flame energy, and he could no longer walk.

Professor X, who survived by chance, met his little friend [magneto] Eric lancher. With the help of magneto, they went into exile and fled in the war again and again, and used Professor X's telepathy ability to find all the surviving human beings, and gradually established a relatively safe and hidden human refuge.

But in the end, the human sanctuary built by Professor X and magneto Wan was finally discovered by the sentinel robot troops. After thousands of resistance and failure, all the remaining human beings had to launch an extremely risky plan, that is, to travel through time and space and return to the past, so as to completely eliminate the culprit of the time of human extinction.

The greatest support for Professor X and magneto Wan and others in this time-space crossing came from a human scientific research base hidden on Mars, a female scientist named Morgan stark, who sealed up the remaining instruments of this time-space shuttle before the base was destroyed. In addition, Professor X and magneto Wan at that time were under their command, There is a super human named Pietro III, who can briefly activate the power of time. Professor X and magneto Wan have just come to the present through time and space in their near death.

Professor X's experience sounds like a tragic science fiction story.

But it has to be said that this story is quite wonderful, and in some inexplicable details, some people are extremely familiar with it, and even the Avengers alliance now has some connections.

Morgan stark, for example, is now the smallest and most loved little public example in the Avengers League.

And the last human research base on Mars mentioned by Professor X is likely to be the last garrison of the Avengers alliance in the process of losing the battle with the sentinel robot in the future.

Because in the broken base described by Professor X, there is the symbol of the Avengers alliance.

Another example is the inexplicably familiar pitero III and the power of time. Among the abilities of the Avengers, only pitero Maximov's speed ability can match the power of time. Master Guyi once commented that if pitero can develop his speed ability to the limit, maybe his speed will surpass everything and enter the field of time.

But the man who has the power of time in the future, also known as Pietro III, has to make people doubt whether he is the grandson of Pietro's Playboy.

Of course, Natasha did not think about whether these people had any special purpose to make up such a story to approach the Avengers alliance.

But it was a coincidence that Natasha was able to meet these people.

Moreover, it is impossible to pretend the special temperament of these people and the instinct of vigilance like a swimming fish. Even the most elite veteran soldiers in the army are not as vigilant as these people.

Thinking of this, Natasha slightly relaxed her guard against these people and said, "I probably understand your origin. Although it's very, very incredible, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable, but I still have some questions. I hope you can answer them!"

Professor X seemed to want to express his kindness, but he was reluctant to smile on his face and said, "of course."

Natasha nodded and said, "if you live in an era and a world where there is no history or civilization about the past, how do you know that the culprit of sentinel robots destroying the human world is Bolivar teslak and the body of Robert Reynolds."

This time, Professor X didn't speak. Magneto stood up and said, "it's the last human scientific research base on Mars. Under the ruins of that human scientific research base, I sensed Morgan Stark's sealed laboratory. In the laboratory, we found a broken artificial intelligence program called Jarvis, It records the results of the human organization's investigation into the sentry robot incident. "

"Although the records are rather fragmentary, we still piece together a piece of information. 50 years ago, a man named Bolivar teslak stole a super human corpse named Robert Reynolds, and finally made it. When Natasha took out this badge, Professor X, magneto and others' faces changed, Kaili, one of the more jumpy ones, was even more excited and said, "that's it. I remember it very clearly. It must be like this when the data is restored!"

In the mouth of PHS, it was finally confirmed.

But Natasha is not so happy, even has a very strange feeling, after all, in this group of people, is to get their own death, even the death of the whole Avengers alliance.

Looking at the little smart phone, Natasha said: "Robert Reynolds is a general of the military in this era. His army is called human sentinel organization in outer space. Robert Reynolds is human sentinel in outer space. Unfortunately, in an alien invasion war a few months ago, The human sentinel is missing... "

It's said to be missing, but it's more likely that Robert Reynolds has now turned into a corpse in the secret base of Tesla industries.