Tony's words made Jordan a little confused. Then he remembered some strange things about Heidi in his arms when Saifu was diverting his attention. Then he thought deeply about the way Saifu's six girlfriends seemed to be familiar with Saifu when she first arrived.

What's so special? I've always been green by myself. Now I'm green by a woman?

After saying goodbye to Tony, Jordan doesn't know whether he should be miserable or angry.

Revenge, must be special revenge!

It's not the body of seifer's skin, it's just revenge!

After all, Jordan has six girlfriends and no separation skills. Natasha, Heidi, gizel, Serena and others have done something about Lala at home.

Anyway, the meat is rotten. It's all in the pot!

Don't blame yourself since Saifu's skin has been mixed in!

If you think about it this way, I'm a little too arbitrary in my previous disdain for trinket. Isn't it just right for a man to have three wives and four concubines and seven girlfriends?

After he figured it out, Jordan was not depressed, but showed a cheap smile.

While Jordan is making plans, Natasha and Heidi, who have gone to New York's Tesla industries for ambush, are also talking about seifer.

"Heidi, you and seifer are too brave. What if Joe finds out about so many people?"

"How do I know Saifu will be so blatant? It's not all Serena, Jennie and Mayna. If Saifu was not invited to make a decision in that negotiation, how could such a thing happen..."

"Forget it, when we've finished Tesla industries this time, let's make it clear to Joe."

"That's the only way. It's really bad luck..."

Make complaints about the two people of Natasha and Heidi, under the protection of the Tesla Arts crafts emporium, under the protection of a bodyguard, only one meter tall Bolivar, soon appeared in the eyes of Natasha and Heidi two people.

"What's the matter, where is Bolivar going?"

"I don't know. Are the movements of General James and general Ross so fast?"

Seeing the appearance of Bolivar, Natasha and Heidi, regardless of other things, soon connected the internal communication of the Avengers alliance and uploaded the image of Bolivar.

"Sheter, is the military so efficient now?"

"This is not a military investigation summons at all. Rose and I haven't filed an investigation lawsuit with the Defense Department yet!"

"Fark, what is Bolivar going to do now?"

"Could it be that Natasha and Professor X sneaked in last night, which aroused Bolivar's vigilance..."

Communication within the Avengers alliance continues.

At this time, Bolivar, led by a large group of bodyguards, got into a luxury car and went directly to the direction of the secret industrial base of Tesla.

Inside the Avengers alliance, the investigation of Bolivar is very detailed.

Among the materials, Bolivar is a typical example of a disabled person with strong wills. He has a self-discipline far beyond ordinary people, and his daily life is very regular. He has done a very good job in the confidentiality of the secret industrial base of Tesla. He has almost never been to the secret industrial base of Tesla publicly.

This special change of Bolivar made the plan of the Avengers alliance disrupted instantly.

At this time, since the Avengers alliance took over the real crisis in the future, the voice of PHS, one of Professor X's group, soon appeared in the communication channel and said, "ladies and gentlemen, the war has begun. I just found out on the Internet that a powerful and cunning intelligent life has been born, It's taking over everything from Tesla industries... "

"Ma jaafak..."

In the communication channel, there was a series of roars and roars.

In the end, Steve made a decision and said, "Natasha and Heidi, you two directly capture Bolivar, James, Ross and seifer. Now you need to go to the military and the coalition government to tell the whole story. At least, we need to delay the coalition government and the military!"

"Everyone else, cancel all previous plans and rush to the secret base of Tesla industries. We must nip those intelligent machines in the bud before they grow and multiply!"

"Tony, you and PHS, take over the core system of the space ring defense system, and start the blockade process for the global strong artificial intelligence and intelligent mechanical life..."

There was an Olympic war on earth, so when building the space environment defense system, we considered the defense means similar to intelligent life.

Tony and PHS take over the space ring defense system, at least to ensure that those damn intelligent life, can not hide on the network.

At the same time, Trask industrial secret base.

All the lights of the huge factory, which was originally silent and empty, suddenly came on. The robots that were supposed to be locked up by people, at this moment, on their faces, a pair of eyes, like eyes, all lit up.

The first one to launch the operation is a robot in the deepest part of the secret base. On its body, the active metals fluctuate like water, but in the blink of an eye, they have become the appearance of Bolivar.

With the "Bolivar" came to the secret base of a closed laboratory, and soon stretched out his palm, through palmprint, iris, sound waves and other ways, but in a flash, opened the huge door of the laboratory.

Inside the laboratory, with the "Bolivar" walking around, the other party quickly turned into the original robot, and came to the front of an instrument with sentinel corpses.

The water like palm of the robot changes into Bolivar's palm in an instant and starts the instrument.

"Launch the sentinel gene and active metal fusion project in an all-round way..."

"Authorize the Apollo spacecraft to enter the earth through the spaceport, address: New York..."

A series of voices and secret plans, spitting out from the mouth of the robot, one by one, are transmitted throughout the Tesla industry and even the whole human society.

At the same time, outside the earth that Jordan and others don't know, inside a huge Mars base, many of the engineering robots that used to be in operation all stopped. There were water waves on their bodies, and they turned into sentinel robots, killing all the human beings in the entire Mars base at a very fast speed.

Then, a huge spacecraft, launched from Mars, began to move towards the earth.