After seeing the situation of Jordan, master Gu Yi frowned and looked at Natasha, Wanda, Saifu and others.

The expression on master Gu Yi's face makes Natasha and others feel more confused and afraid. If even master Gu Yi's existence can't help Jordan, no matter how unwilling they are, they are really helpless.

Master Gu Yi has lived for hundreds of years. Almost at a glance, he can see the psychological changes of outstanding people. He said: "the injury of Jovovich is really troublesome, but it's not that he doesn't really have any hope and opportunity!"

Hearing the words of master Gu Yi, all the people on the scene were in ecstasy. They all looked at master Gu Yi with bright eyes.

Master Gu Yi said with a faint smile: "let me explain the situation of Jovovich first! After the war of exterminating hegemony, when Jovovich was in vakanda, he once asked me a question, that is, what will happen if the Godhead is completely broken! "

"Maybe Jovovich is a very insecure person. He needs a card, so I told him how to break the magic grid and keep the best shot!"

"Normally speaking, after a person's Godhead is broken, his spirit and will will suffer heavy damage first. If it is serious, just like a vegetable, he will be in a state of eternal coma. Secondly, after the Godhead is broken, his divine power begins to fade and his body suffers heavy damage. The whole person gradually loses his long life and degenerates into an ordinary person, even weaker."

As soon as master Gu Yi said this, Natasha and Heidi suddenly sat down on the ground, sobbing.

Among all the people present, only Natasha and Heidi were the most guilty and painful, because they knew what was the reason for Jordan's last blow in order to save their lives.

Seeing Natasha and Heidi's complete emotional collapse, master Gu Yi also sighed.

For a long time, when Natasha and Heidi's emotions were a little more stable, master Gu Yi continued to say: "the situation of Jovovich is strange. I can be sure that his divine personality has been completely broken and disappeared. Even after this kind of heavy damage, his spirit and will have persisted from the risk of eternal coma!"

"But the strange thing is that in his body, the divine power has not disappeared. The original divine power of life, death, light and darkness seems to merge together, and even gives birth to a new change. The fusion of the five attributes of divine power can not achieve a perfect fit, and it lacks the control of divine personality..."

The ancient one master says, feel some not very good description.

Just then, Tony didn't know when he came into the room and said, "it's like a car out of control, right?"

Master Gu Yi nodded and said, "this metaphor is very vivid, but it's a little inappropriate! Jovovich himself is the car, and his personality is the controller. "

"If you want to repair this car, you have to rebuild a new controller for it, but the most troublesome thing is that this car is still running!"

Master Gu Yi showed a difficult expression on his face.

Tony's face changed and he said, "so, this car can't be repaired at all?"

Master Gu Yi shook his head, frowned more and more, and said, "no! It's much more dangerous than this. This car can't stop. Once the fuel runs out, it will be scrapped! And at this speed, we can't get on the car to help it, because any accident may cause the car to deviate from the driving direction... "

Once a high-speed vehicle deviates from the driving direction, the only result is vehicle damage and death.

Listening to the words of master Gu Yi, the faces of all the people on the scene couldn't help choking.

Originally, it was a very difficult thing to make a decision. Now when we hear what master Gu Yi said, people are more worried and dare not take any action.

But at this time, Wanda almost forbeared the collapse of the mood, strong way: "master Gu Yi, you said hope, in the end is what?"

Master Gu Yi sighed and said, "this is what I just said. This analogy is not appropriate! After all, Jovovich is not a car. The car will not repair itself, but people can! "

"Make up enough energy for him to ensure that there are no obstacles and obstacles on his road. In the process of driving, we can only hope that Jovovich can repair his own divine personality."

"His divine body, divine power, and even his understanding of the mysteries of the laws of the universe are very sufficient, so he has the ability to condense a divine character again in the desperate situation!"

"The only problem is that the divine power attribute in his body has changed. If he can't realize this change, he will never be able to wake up. Only when he realizes the true meaning of his own strength can he realize self salvation!"

This is also the most difficult part for master Gu Yi.

Except for a very small number of people, like Natasha and may, who have made a great leap because of accidents, everyone can only rely on themselves for their own evolution.

If Jordan can't understand the true meaning of his power, even if Gu Yi mage and the Avengers alliance snatch a divine personality from the outside world, they will also help Jordan.

Hope for Jordan's own miracle!

This hope, let everyone present, feel a kind of deep disappointment, followed by the kind of helpless pain.

Tony was in a daze for a long time. After all, he said, "that's the decision. I believe in Joe. I always believe in him, even more than I believe in myself. Joe will succeed."

Such words are like self consolation and self hypnosis.

Because for everyone, there is no other way. This is their only hope.

Master Gu Yi sighed, took out the soul gem, and said: "I can't help Jovovich on the way to understand my own strength, but I can temporarily pull out Jovovich's soul. This time can't be too long. I hope it can help Jovovich and you!"

After that, the soul gem in master Gu Yi's hand began to bloom with a beautiful red light.

The red light, like running water, didn't go through the medical cabin, didn't go into Jordan's body, wrapped his soul, and then pulled out little by little.