Some things have gone wrong. The damned Bolivar has made all kinds of plans and preparations since he came back to this era.

Up to now, from the mouth of these advanced intelligent life, we know that Bolivar is so crazy that he wants to merge the two time and space of the whole earth.

It's much more serious than going through time and space alone or just a few people.

If not, the convergence of time and space will lead to entropy changes on the whole earth. Under the huge energy of time and space, those intelligent machines in the future will go back to this era and make trouble, which is just a small problem.

The real big problem may directly cause the whole earth to fall into the turbulence of time in this huge entropy change, or even directly cause the earth to turn into dust in the process of time-space travel.

Tony, Dr. Benner and others were talking madly, their faces worried.

Jordan, on the other hand, is somewhat specious. He summed up that once Bolivar's plan is launched, the earth may directly enter the vagrant age.

It is not wandering in the space, but directly into the endless dimension and endless space-time segment.

Perhaps one day, the earth will suddenly enter the Jurassic era, and infinite prehistoric monsters will suddenly appear on the earth.

Or maybe one day, the earth will enter the age of the Lord of the rings. The infinite monsters and orcs in the demon world will appear on the earth, causing boundless destruction.

In that case, the earth seems to be motionless, but in fact, it has been shuttling through infinite dimensions and time.

Let alone the earth now. Even Asgard, who was at the peak of his time, could not resist the chaos for a long time. Sooner or later, he would be driven mad and killed by the chaos.

Even if an entropy change is not right, under the pressure of endless space-time energy, the earth will burst like a balloon reaching its limit.

Big head, even Tony this pride to the limit of genius, in the face of this situation, there is a kind of helpless feeling.

If enough time is given to Tony, Dr. Benner and others to correct the frequency and variation of the magnetic field at the north and south poles and on the earth, human beings will be able to make some corrections.

But the point is, people don't have that time anymore.

According to those advanced intellectual lives, Bolivar has never really come to this era from the beginning to the end. Even if he comes, he is just a separate body separated from himself.

The real Bolivar has always existed in the future era, quietly carrying out his own plan to adjust the earth's magnetic field changes and frequencies in the two eras.

The end of the magnetic field change and frequency adjustment of the present era indicates that the future change has been completed simultaneously. Then Bolivar may launch his own plan at any time.

"It is impossible to directly adjust the magnetic field and frequency on the earth. It will take at least a few months to calculate the next meeting point between the earth's magnetic field and the celestial bodies in the solar system, and then adjust it slowly. It will take a few years to launch the whole mankind to carry out this plan!"

In a sense, this kind of change is basically equivalent to the transformation and operation of the earth.

Listen to Tony's words, all the people in the whole Avenger alliance are silent for a while.

Hobbes was a little angry and said, "Damn, how do those intelligent robots do it? Are we so much worse than those bastards who are neither human nor ghost? "

Dr. Benner sighed and said, "it's not that we're so different! But what these intelligent life mainly changes is the future of the earth, the sun has gone out, and their speed is naturally much faster than ours! "

The future Earth, and even the entire solar system, is already the back garden of intelligent life, no matter what.

Moreover, the intelligent life doesn't have to worry about natural disasters. Even if the whole earth is damaged, it can easily migrate to Mars, even further into the universe, and even the transformation of the ecological environment can be avoided.

As Dr. Benner said, the most difficult point to intervene is that most of the changes are in the future, not in the present.

Even if the Avengers alliance has the ability to fight against the sky, it will not be able to fight to the future after several decades.

"Falk, can we find the present Bolivar and kill it completely? Can we change the future?"

Even Clint, who was used to little transparency, had a feeling of scratching his head after he understood it, and some of them roared angrily.

Tony said with a wry smile: "the time travel of Bolivar, Professor X and magneto has changed the history and the future in a certain sense. Because of the change of the earth's magnetic field, we are now in a time closed loop of time travel. Only by breaking out of this time closed loop can we really change the future, Otherwise, when the time closed loop completely collapses, it's time for us to start wandering in time and space! Of course, it's also possible that Bolivar's plan was successful, and the intelligent people of the future came to our times.... "

Tony's explanation has been as brief as possible.

For instance, the big guys like Jordan and Hobbes are still a little dizzy. After a long silence, Jordan said: "this is special and too troublesome. Can't we find a simple way to kill the damned Bolivar directly? I wish I could go straight across to the future and kill ya... "

Jordani's scolding Tucao was born, but the unexpected words, like lightning, make complaints about Dr. Toni and Dr. Bennet.

Just when the crowd was silent, Tony and Dr. Benner looked at each other and ignored the different eyes of the crowd. They ran to a large analog computer in the avenger base and began to discuss in a way that the crowd could not understand.

The discussion between Tony and Dr. Benner lasted four days and three nights.

When Tony and Dr. Benner came out of the lab, their tired faces were covered with unexpected surprises.

Then Tony said, "you guys, give us a few days to deal with things. In seven days, we'll probably go to the future for a space-time tour."

Tony's words, like a deep-water bomb, make the whole Avenger alliance people, are a burst of force, and then boiling up.

"Tony, I'm just talking about it. You won't really go to the future first and kill the damn Bolivar," he said