The strength of sentry rezoz is well known to all of the Avengers, especially the potential in the opponent's body, which is enough to hold the power of millions of stars. Once he grows to the peak, it's normal to fight even with a big man like King Odin.

In the calculation of the Avengers alliance, the strength of the sentry rezoz is separated, and the whole person is imprisoned under the tree of life. With the root of the tree of life, he extracts the strength of the whole tree of life day by day to support the growth of the whole tree of life. With the care of Delia, the goddess of life, the sentry rezoz basically has no chance to turn over.

But no one thought that sentry rezoz, trapped and locked to such a point, could find a gap, and even contact with the devil in the abyss.

Now I think that behind the signs of the attack of the anti hegemony army, the oppression of the Kerry Empire, and the Secret Invasion of the scurru Empire, there may not be the promotion of the abyss demon.

Listening to Delia's story, the faces of Jordan and others became more and more dignified.

It is not only because of the time closed loop caused by Bolivar, but also because behind all this, the trace of the abyss God has brought enormous pressure to people.

Jordan has long realized the power of the abyss God. Even Odin needs to join hands with master Guyi to get rid of the black dragon nighod.

The demons of the abyss dark Council are free to stir up the whole hell to invade the real universe.

Although all the disasters have completely subsided on the surface, in private, those abyssal demons are still carrying out all kinds of crazy erosion plans.

Steve was more practical. After a moment's silence, he said, "we don't need to consider the problem of abyss demon. We'd better solve the problem of intelligent life first."

This is the most practical and realistic problem.

If we can't kill Bolivar and get rid of the trouble of the time closed loop, the best outcome for the earth is to fall into the time entanglement of chaos and fight with countless enemies from the past and the future.

A little more serious, the whole earth will continue to wander in the turbulence of time and space under the influence of the huge entropy upheaval. It is more likely that the whole solar system will be directly detonated in the entropy upheaval.

When I heard Steve's words, people's attention also concentrated.

Jordani looked at Delia and said, "Delia, you know more about this era, the power division of Bolivar and intelligent life, and the things after the fall of heaven..."

Delia frowned slightly and said, "the battle of heaven falling is the battle of the real rise of intelligent life! Among the information I have collected over the years, before the fall of the sky, although intelligent life was already extremely powerful, human beings could still stand in a deadlock with those intelligent life relying on the defense system of the space ring. "

"I don't know the specific reason. I only know that in the fall of the sky, all members of the Avengers alliance were destroyed. Joe, who had been silent in the strength, broke his own divine personality and entered into the realm of heavenly Father in a short time. He had a final battle with those intelligent weapons, smashed the whole space ring defense system and wiped out the vast majority of advanced intelligent weapons."

"However, even so, although the number of advanced life of the intelligent group decreased sharply, they still began to expand wildly, ruling the whole earth, cutting down the tree of life, occupying the whole solar system, and even the energy of the sun was stolen by those intelligent life."

"Without light source, water, food and science, human beings have fallen into a real doomsday! When the tree of life was felled, I took a part of people to hide in this undersea relic city. By using the blessing and power of life, I helped the remaining human beings to enter the extraordinary era and open up this city.... "

What Delia is talking about is the history before Bolivar, Professor X, magneto, etc.

Even more cruel than Jordan and others imagined, the whole Avenger alliance, even a person did not survive, in the avenger alliance all members of the suicide attack, only little Morgan, in that catastrophe, escaped.

In the following decades, little Morgan inherited all kinds of technologies left by his father. In the process of running around, he developed some black technologies more suitable for this doomsday era, and finally escaped to Mars.

Even so, little Morgan's situation was still pushed to the limit when the Zhizhi clan cut down the tree of life and began to occupy the entire solar system.

"Ma jaafak, I must kill the damn Bolivar..."

Listening to Delia's words, even when he said that all the Avengers died in the war, Tony didn't respond. Until he heard little Morgan's miserable life, Tony finally gave out a roar like a beast.

In everyone's heart, there is a beast.

When taboo is touched and beauty is destroyed, the beast will be released completely.

Looking at Tony's ferocious red eyes, Delia gave a wry smile and said, "Mr. Tony, you need to calm down! Morgan Stark is not really dead. In the Martian war, I have recovered. Although I failed to save the last scientific research base of mankind, I also saved Morgan stark! "

Hearing Delia's words, not only Tony, Jordan and others, but also Professor X and magneto Wan were stunned.

Delia did not delay, but quickly took the people out of the chamber and came to the deepest and most central part of the holy city.

"Is this the place where Superman's body was stored?" he said

At present, in the deepest part of the transformed holy city, there are still some images of Jordan's memory. The body of Superman was stored in the last secret laboratory of the deep-sea ruins.

Delia nodded and said, "I'm proficient in life magic, but I don't know much about science. At that time, there were not many scientific research talents among the remaining human beings, so I had to rely on the instruments here to save Morgan Stark's life. For more than ten years, people in the holy city have been studying relevant knowledge, hoping that one day, Can wake up Morgan stark from his deep sleep

"In this era of bewilderment and cruelty, I can do too few things. I can only barely open up a gathering place to survive and produce a small amount of living things. But Morgan Stark is different. She is the last brain of human beings and the prophet on the road of wisdom..."