Jordan's plan is absolutely crazy.

Using meteorites to hit the earth in order to break the existence of the time closed loop, this kind of plan is not as feasible as it is, but the damage to the earth caused by carelessness is also unparalleled.

In this era, human beings are nearly extinct, and the whole earth is covered with thick ice. As long as the size and impact strength of the meteorite are controlled, the safety of the earth in this plan can be guaranteed.

All these problems can be solved by Tony and Benner. With their intelligence, they can easily figure out where to look for meteorites, what kind of meteorites to look for, and how to impact the earth.

After solving this problem, Carol and Casillas soon went into space.

Both Casillas' dark teleportation and Carol's ability are enough to ensure that they can move quickly in the universe, find a suitable meteorite in a limited time, and push it to the earth.

After the two left, Stephen, modu and twinkle also opened the portal again and unconsciously returned to the European region where the king of the stars was.

This time, Jordan and others did not make a big move. Instead, they chose a remote corner. When they came to Europe, they soon dispersed. In a short time, they found the intellectual city where the king of the stars was.

The intelligent life of the king of the stars used night walkers to encircle Jordan and others. Although the location provided by night walkers is not the real home of the king of the stars, it is not too far away from the home of the king of the stars.

The old nest of the king of stars stands on the Mediterranean Sea.

It's a huge flat ice sheet, including the whole smart city, which is covered with snow-white ice. If it wasn't for the Avengers alliance's second visit and careful search, if you didn't pay attention, you would have ignored this city with strong concealment.

With the goal, it is not difficult to enter the city quietly with the strength of the Avengers alliance.

However, what makes jordani and others painful is that the king of the stars has always been in the midst of a large army of intelligent weapons. He is preparing and gathering strength to launch an attack on the last holy city of mankind together with other advanced intelligent weapons.

"These damned intelligent lives are moving too fast. Don't they need a little time to repair?"

"It's just a group of robots. You don't really think these guys need to eat and drink Lasa, do you?"

"What shall we do? Into the army of intelligent weapons? This is the home of the king of the stars. The defense equipment inside is perfect. Once we fall into the army, our mobility will be completely interrupted... "

Compared with the previous trap set by the king of the stars for Jordan and others, the old nest of the king of the stars, with all kinds of defense and all kinds of preparations, is more rigorous and complete, like a huge quagmire. Once the Avengers alliance gets into it, even with super lethal weapons such as crystal bombs, it is also a problem to escape from it.

After a long period of secret discussion, Jordan and others finally decided to be safe and launch an attack on the way to the holy city.

Different from Jordan and others, it is also different from magneto and others.

Although these intelligent machines can steal most of human genes and power, they still have no real transmission skills.

Whether it's the portal on the magic side, the portal on the arcane side, or the time gate on the power side.

These technologies and capabilities are still a blank in the life history of intelligent machines.

So when these intelligent weapons are engaged in large-scale expeditionary war, they can still only rely on large aircraft for transportation, which gives Jordan and others a chance to sneak on the way.

In more than two days, Wan ciwang and others even went back to the holy city to tell Delia and many other human leaders everything, and then returned to Europe.

Those intelligent life, just gradually completed the preparation, riding one by one like a black box aircraft, formed a huge expedition team, from the intelligent city, slowly launched.

It's about 800 kilometers away from the intelligent city in Europe. Among the teams of Giordani and others, Tony first appeared in the mid air. With his meow hammer spinning wildly, he gathered infinite thunderstorms in the high air. With the help of the natural forces of heaven and earth, he formed a huge thunderstorm field and crashed into the team of intelligent life.

At this moment, the whole sky seems to be torn apart by thunder and lightning, and the terrible electric snake cuts the sky, tearing up a large number of aircraft directly.

For a moment, on the whole battlefield, those intelligent lives, just like dumplings, fell madly towards the ground.

The furious hawk, like a behemoth, comes out of the cage completely at this moment. Where he passes, the intelligent weapon life falling from the sky will be directly destroyed by the team composed of hawk, Hobbes and Clint before he can form any effective attack team.

This is a counterattack, even revenge, by the Avengers.

Just when the battle on the ground is in chaos, Tony has also found the car of the king of stars in the aircraft in the sky.

A golden red voice circled through the sky, and the arcane runes flashed, forming a terrible storm gap.

As like as two peas in other space vehicles, the star of the sky, the slender figure, had to break the barrier and run out of speed, and Toni ran off the arcane blockade and headed for the direction of his old nest.

The king of the starry sky, obviously aware of his own crisis, even directly abandoned the whole army under his command. Relying on his strong ability and speed, he ran quickly on the wilderness glacier regardless of his own.

The king of the starry sky was very smart. In the process of escape, he did not even dare to fly. He just ran close to the ground.

However, just before the king of the starry sky escaped from the battle circle, a shield, with a strong fighting force, whirled rapidly in the mid air and directly hit the king of the starry sky's head in a proper way.

The king of the stars was staggered by the shield and almost fell to the ground.

But the shield, in an extremely unscientific way, rebounded several times and fell into the hands of a figure who was pacing out. It was Steve who was lying in ambush on the road of the king of the stars.