It's rare for sol to be able to say some great things and make people look at him.

However, as for Sol's suggestion, people chose to ignore it. Jordan said directly, "we can't find the trace of Bolivar. There are at least millions of people in this city. Bolivar is likely to be hidden in it, or in a corner that we don't know. If we check it out, It's going to be a long and tedious job. "

"My suggestion is to find out the source and whereabouts of these teenagers. Bolivar must not build such a city just for viewing. Maybe we can find some clues about Bolivar in the source and whereabouts of these teenagers!"

Ignoring the opinions of Saul and Hobbes, Jordan's proposal was quickly passed by a unanimous vote.

After a discussion, they were quickly divided into four groups, one to investigate the origin of the teenagers, the other to investigate the whereabouts of the adults, the other to try their luck to find out the existence of Bolivar, and the last group to stay where they were.

After collecting enough clues, the crowd came back here to gather.

After the distribution, a group of four people, including Jordan, Natasha, Serena and twinkle, soon came out of the mirror space under the leadership of Natasha, covered up the traces of a group of people and ran around the city. In a short time, they came to an extremely scientific and technological area.

Because of the end of the earth, the city is divided into hundreds of areas, each of which is almost in a closed state. All people's clothing, food, housing and transportation are carried out indoors.

The huge screen can simulate the four seasons and natural scenery. All the food, clothes, etc. are carried out in one studio after another.

Under the disguise of Natasha, the four of them were slightly dressed up and looked much younger. They didn't spend much effort, so they mixed into the crowd.

In addition, according to Natasha's previous investigation, after entering the crowd, the four made a little inquiry in the room, and then followed a long indoor passage to a huge hall.

In every area of the city, there is a hall where people who are already adults are gathered and arranged.

Along with Jordan, there are some adults in this area, which makes the whole hall a little crowded.

But before the four of them could figure out what to do next, white mist suddenly gushed out from all directions of the hall.

See this sudden situation, flashing instinct will use their own powers, directly open a portal.

However, before twinkle took action, Jordan suddenly grabbed twinkle's arm and whispered in his ear: "don't panic, it's a kind of anesthesia fog, no fatal injury, pretend to be in a coma, let's see what the situation is!"

As soon as the words came to an end, Jordan collapsed on the ground with a kind of pompous performance, and squinted at Natasha, Serena and twinkle.

Natasha and Serena are experienced and experienced. After seeing the situation of jordani and others, they are also weak on the ground, as if in a coma.

As for twinkle, although not experienced such a scene, but also quickly understand the meaning of Jordan, very stiff lying on the ground.

With all the figures lying down, soon the white fog in the hall faded away. In a short time, the floor of the hall began to move down slowly after a slight earthquake.

Even Jordan, Natasha and others did not expect that this seemingly open hall was actually a huge elevator.

With everyone in the hall, the elevator slowly sinks.

Three minutes later, the elevator sank into the ground nearly 100 meters deep. The huge elevator stopped steadily.

It wasn't long after the huge elevator stopped, Jordan had found that there were intelligent mechanical life coming out from all directions, like skilled workers, picking and choosing among the human beings in the hall, and in a way of classification, all the people were placed on the four large rail cars.

The railcar began to run very quickly, but the speed was not very fast. In the 100 meters underground, it had walked dozens of kilometers, and almost reached the edge of the surface city.

Then, a place like a machinery factory appeared in Jordan's sight.

Many manipulators quickly pick out the people on the four railcars, just like the items on the assembly line, and put them on a conveyor belt by categories.

With the start of the conveyor belt, a series of manipulators appeared, like assembly tools, to inject a silver liquid into the human on these conveyor belts.

After injecting the liquid, someone reacted violently, died on the spot, and was dragged down by the sensing manipulator into a huge room like a garbage bin.

And some people, after injecting this silver liquid, react slightly. When they are sure to survive, they will install an energy source and become a new intelligent life.

Tony is right to guess that this city is a huge industrial chain.

The final product is the cannon fodder intelligent mechanical life transformed by human beings after a series of procedures.

In this scene, we can see that Jordan wants to crack.

And just when the four of them could hardly help bursting out, a boy on the conveyor belt suddenly woke up, yelled and was about to run away.

But soon, there are several intelligent life appeared in this huge factory, the boy was caught on the spot.


Looking at the boy about to suffer, Jordan could hardly help but burst out on the spot.

However, at this time, Natasha suddenly grabbed Giordani and said, "honey, we can't save everyone. The most urgent thing is to find a way to get out, go back to the mirror space, gather information and find out where Bolivar is. Only by killing Bolivar can we save all this!"

Natasha's words are cruel and cold-blooded, but they are facts.

Jordan or the Avengers alliance, even if it is extremely powerful, it can not save all the people in this city.

Only by finding Bolivar, breaking the time loop, and fundamentally changing the root cause of everything from more than 50 years ago, can we really save everything.