The sun is very big, which is more than 1.3 million times that of the whole earth. What's more, the terrible temperature and energy on the sun are two problems that can make everyone despair.

"Damn, if I had known, I should have forced a confession before I killed Bolivar!"

Jordan was a little annoyed. He felt that he had been too decisive and quick before.

On the contrary, other people didn't care too much about Giordani's words. Natasha took Giordani's hand and said, "even if we keep Bolivar, we can't pry each other's mouth!"

There was no objection to Natasha's words. At that time, they only had dozens of minutes to kill Bolivar and return to their own times.

Moreover, that Bolivar was obviously bewitched by the new demon God Robert Reynolds. He was almost a crazy believer. Without a lot of time for brainwashing and indoctrination, he could never correct Bolivar's thought. Even if Robert Reynolds had other means to control Bolivar, he would be interrogated for a hundred years, It doesn't work.

Hearing Natasha's words, Tony nodded and said: "yes, Bolivar won't tell us any clues, but I collected some brain wave frequencies of Bolivar, which can simulate and make a tracking system. It should be able to locate the energy core of Bolivar. As long as we can find the energy core, we can find the energy node, but..."

Tony's words came to a halt.

Saul's face was very angry and said, "Tony, if you can't speak well, I can help you open your mouth a little wider. Now, can you breathe a little?"

Tony speechless, looked at Saul with disdain and said: "idiot! Don't you know the obvious? I can locate Bolivar's energy core, right above the sun. Is there any way you can get it? "

With Tony's technology, it's not very difficult to track and locate Bolivar's energy core. After all, when going to the future era, the whole Avengers alliance has been preparing to deal with Bolivar. When catching Bolivar, Tony has collected enough information and data.

But even if we can accurately locate the position of the energy node, the sun itself is the biggest obstacle for people to get the energy node.

Human beings don't even have the skin to understand and explore the sun.

The volume of the sun is only obtained through some calculations. Through the analysis of the dialectical relationship between light and temperature, through spectral analysis and radio techniques, the result that the surface temperature of the sun is 6000 degrees Celsius is obtained.

That's enough to keep the Avengers away from the sun.

If the energy node is hidden in the core of the sun, the temperature of the sun can even reach more than 20 million degrees Celsius, or even hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius.

Not to mention, the huge volume and weight of the sun, once close to a certain extent, are firmly adsorbed on the sun, people can not escape.

This kind of problem can't be solved even if Mr. Odin comes here.

Big brother Odin, who is the father of heaven, may be able to smash stars or even destroy a galaxy directly by using the laws of the universe.

But Odin himself, but also simply can not withstand the power of the sun burst.

Toni was scolded by a rigorous and solemn speech. When he was old, he was a red faced man. The spirit of a lion like him became very inadequate. "Damn mortal, are you threatening me?" You are intimidating a God. The power of God is beyond your imagination... "

Tony looked unhappy and said, "I can calculate the specific position of Bolivar's energy core in two hours. The so-called Asgard God, are you going to take it down from the sun?"

"If my grandfather was still here, he could easily get anything he wanted from the sun. Now the Asgard mining area is a shot down meteorite," he said

Once Asgard, as the protagonist of the universe, really has incredible power of terror, that is the power from the world tree.

But now, the will of the universe is cheap, and the world tree has entered a period of stable growth and dormancy. Asgard's use of the power of the world tree is limited to the power of Asgard and rainbow bridge.

As for the mining area in Sol's mouth, jordani, Tony, Dr. Benner and others also stole Wulu metal from it.

However, Asgard's former strength has no effect on people's present situation.

For Saul's forced loading beep, people have also given the middle finger.

Sol said with a friendly look, but Jordan said: "it doesn't make any sense to argue about our current situation. Tony, we'd better find out the position of Bolivar's energy core first. As long as this thing doesn't go too deep into the sun, I think we still have a chance to bring out the energy node, We can also try to destroy that energy node. "

Jordan's words are not without reason.

Even before contacting the earth before the interstellar age, there are many advanced scientific and technological materials that can withstand the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees. As long as the energy node is not too deep into the sun, the crystal bomb invented by Tony can be completely destroyed as long as it is close to the energy node.

Jordan's proposal, let the Avengers alliance all eyes have a bright.

However, Tony's face did not seem so relaxed. With Jarvis's computing ability, he was constantly positioning the position of Bolivar's energy core.

Instead, Dr. Benner shook his head grimly and said, "it's not so easy to destroy the energy node! The temperature of the sun is just a problem we need to consider. The biggest problem is the gravitational attraction and magnetic field change of the sun itself! "

"The gravitational attraction of the sun itself can destroy any kind of thruster, whether it's high-temperature detonation or gravitational compression. We have no way to send crystal bombs to the sun. Even the top space warships can only be destroyed once they get close to the sun."

"Moreover, the sun itself does not have a magnetic field. It is just that the magnetic field changes too fast and too rapidly due to too intense solar flares and fusion reactions..."

The use of stellar energy can be achieved in many places of the known cosmic civilization, and even the utilization of stellar energy is quite efficient.

But the real landing on the sun is something that the known civilization of the universe can't do. Even the three empires of the universe can't do it at all.


PS: something happened at home before, the update is unstable! However, the matter has been resolved, and the normal update will be restored~