In fact, master Guyi, King Odin, domam and other old magic gods are all strong at the same level. In terms of pure strength, it's hard to say who can win over who, but if they are in different home areas, the gap between them is absolutely huge.

It's like King Odin. If Asgard puts on the destroyer armor and picks up gungnier, his power will explode to the level of the hard anus God group. Let alone a new demon God, even if he comes to play an old demon God, it's not enough for King Odin to be abrupt.

If it is in other areas, Odin wearing the same equipment can only defeat an old demon in a single fight. It is very difficult to completely kill each other. After all, it is not so easy to be killed at the level of father's life power.

But if it is in the magic home, Odin King's heyday, can big brother draw, keep unbeaten, it is very fierce.

As for master Gu Yi, let alone the typical control player, the output is basically zero.

Although Robert Reynolds is just a new demon, he has become the father of heaven. He is above the sun, and the energy of the stars is endless. If he wants to hide and resist, even if they join hands, they may not be able to destroy the energy node.

In the whole universe, only Lucifer and a few leaders of the Heavenly God group can properly stabilize the leader of the heavenly father.

Lucifer's normal state is basically the state of King Odin's heyday + destroyer armor + gungnier + Asgard's power + the infinite gloves of three gems. It is stable and beyond the level of heavenly Father, but it can't reach a higher level.

This is also the reason why master Gu Yi took the initiative to ask Lucifer to do it.

Only Lucifer can make sure that Robert Reynolds can be settled and the hidden danger of the energy node above the sun can be cleared.

It's a pity that Lucifer's price is too heavy.

For a moment, all the people in the room were silent and didn't know how to make a choice.

On the one hand, it is the end of wandering in time and space, and even the explosion of the solar system. On the other hand, it is the return of the Fallen Angel army and the baptism of theocracy.

No matter which choice is chosen, it is not in line with the interests and ideas of the Avengers alliance and even the whole mankind.

For a long time, Jordan almost clenched his teeth and said, "Tony, how long do we have?"

Tony glanced at the screen at random and said, "33 hours, 32 hours and 52 minutes to be exact. If Lucifer moves fast enough, after solving the problems of Robert Reynolds and energy node, human beings on earth will probably be able to have freedom for a whole day!"

The era of theocracy is not unprecedented in the history of human beings on earth. It is a barbaric era close to slavery. Almost all the power, civilization, strength and resources are held in the hands of the so-called gods.

Tony's words are full of self mockery.

At this time, in this case, even Tony, the most unyielding and intelligent, doesn't feel that he has any extra way to deal with Robert Reynolds and the energy node.

Tony looked up at the golden sun in the sky outside the window. He seemed to have had a fierce struggle and said, "I have an idea! Maybe we need to sacrifice half a day's holiday for all mankind to simulate a super high temperature solar environment. I think I can try to land on the sun when someone takes care of me! "

It's not that Jordan is trying to be brave, it's that Jordan is now evolving towards a real father, and even Carol needs to be stronger.

Master Guyi and God King Odin can easily land and leave the sun without any obstacles. Jordan's calculation is not as good as the two. It should be no problem to make more preparations and fight back.

Heidi and other women were a little nervous. They grabbed Jordan and said, "you're crazy. That's the sun, and Robert Reynolds is eyeing you!"

Gu Yi said abruptly, "it's not too long for me to hold Robert Reynolds back!"

Obviously, master Gu Yi didn't want Lucifer to return to the earth, which means that the entrance of the abyss in hell is unattended, and hell will become an advance base for the invasion of the strong in the abyss world. The distance between the abyss invaders and the real universe will become closer.

As soon as master Gu Yi's words came to an end, Heidi, Natasha, gizel, Selena, Jennie, may, Wanda and others all looked at master Gu Yi with indignation on their faces.

Jordan shook his head to the girls and said, "we can't give up the whole earth until we have to, right? What's more, the closer those abyss invaders are to our universe, the more dangerous our future will become! "

No one knows what plan Lucifer chose to return to the earth. If he really gave up the abyss battlefield deep in hell, once the disaster was caused, it would involve the whole universe.

After a pause, Tony said, "the environment on the sun can't be simulated in detail. If you insist, I can use the arcane field to design a separate environmental stress test..."

In a short period of time, it is unrealistic to simulate the detailed environment on the sun. Even with artificial intelligence, Jarvis and genius Tony are impossible, but it is not too difficult to test them alone.

When Jordan landed on the sun, the two biggest problems he had to face were nothing more than high temperature explosion energy environment and strong and chaotic magnetic gravity.

Jordan egg pain and helpless, but finally with unparalleled firmness, nodded to Tony.

Tony and Jordan looked at each other and said, "OK! High temperature test, to Avenger base equipment, as long as a little adjustment can be carried out, Dr. Benner to carry out this operation! Now I'm simulating burst energy environment, gravitational effect, chaotic magnetic field effect! "

Time is very urgent for everyone.

After the decision was made, everyone quickly began to act. Tony stayed in the conference room for arcane simulation and deduction, while Jordan followed Dr. Benner to the special laboratory.

Not long after that, in the high temperature laboratory of more than 9000 degrees Celsius, Jordan's roar and roar came.

"Ma jaafak, it's definitely over 10000 degrees Celsius..."

"Gou RI, this is not a place for people at all..."

"Wipe, I won't go, let me out..."