Robert Reynolds is a super big trouble. He is already a demon level existence. Unless he destroys the whole sun and the power of the other star, he can go to the source of Robert Reynolds in a long time. Otherwise, as long as there is the power of the star, Robert Reynolds is almost immortal.

The creative power of the universe created by Jordan's accident can only form a kind of restraint to Robert Reynolds to a certain extent, and can't really kill each other.

When the creative power of the universe in Robert Reynolds is completely consumed, or when Robert Reynolds finds another way, the other party will recover completely one day.

So using Robert Reynolds as a jerk to experiment with "flower arrangement art", Jordan himself has no sense of guilt.

The branches of the tree of life, the crystal of the dead, the fragments of the sword, the whiskers of Domaine, Zhenjin, Edelman metal, Wulu metal, etc. Jordan took out all his treasures, melted them with the extreme high temperature above the sun, and then dropped them all between Robert Reynolds' chest and abdomen.

A long sword, a pistol, in Jordan's reincarnation of the force of stimulation, the growth of a very strange Rune from.

Just like gungnier, the treasure of Asgard, this kind of weapon, which is developed by using the creative power of the universe, has extremely strong growth ability.

And after finishing their own equipment, Robert Reynolds is like garbage, was carried in the hands of Joe Daniels, began to move towards the periphery of the sun.

Compared with the downwind and downwater when entering the sun, this kind of outward resistance increases by many times.

Even with the help of guru Yi, Jordan spent dozens of days on the surface of the sun. Guru Yi opened the portal and ended his journey to the sun.

Space ring defense system, Avenger base.

It has been more than a month since Jordan went to the sun. Although the problem of energy node has been solved, the crisis on earth has not been solved.

A fortress, like the dark king city, presses the deep space of the universe.

Around the dark king city, there are hundreds of space warships, including the top technology warships of Kerry Empire, the Royal warships of scurru Empire, and even the warships of HIA empire.

In the whole universe, more than 80% of the top forces are almost gathered around this dark king city.

Inside the dark king city, in a huge palace, under the throne at the top, a fallen angel with twelve pairs of dark wings is as cold as an eternal glacier, with enough killing air to make people collapse at a glance.

In some places around the throne, the incarnation of the Dark Lord domam, Queen HeLa of Asgard, the supreme wisdom of the Cree Empire, his Majesty the emperor of the scurru Empire, and the alliance leaders of the HIA Empire gathered together.

In addition to these top giants in the universe, there are also some, such as mieba, Queen sowelin and so on.

Even in the hometown of the earth, such as Carol, Tony, Nick Frey, seifer and others on the earth, they are not qualified to be on the table, they can only sit at the end of the table.

"Your Excellency Gabriel, I don't know how long we have to wait. We respect your excellency Lucifer for his many years' contribution to the universe, but this is absolutely not the reason why the fallen angels can despise us!"

Among all the people, Haila, who represents Asgard, is definitely one of the top leaders, and also the most arrogant.

Along with Hella's mouth, the emperor of the sculu Empire and the alliance leader of the HIA Empire also looked at the twelve winged fallen angels with extremely bad eyes.

Facing the pressure of almost half of the cosmic forces, Gabriel is still as cold as a glacier, but when the voice of discussion in the hall is getting louder and louder, a dark sword is half an inch out of the sheath on Gabriel's waist.

At the moment when the long sword came out of its sheath, a kind of killing Qi that I didn't know how long I had to sharpen in the sea of blood before I could raise it was just like the essence. The light in the whole palace seemed to be swallowed by the half blade at this moment.

It's a kind of pressure heavier than power, representing the eternal silence of death.

Including Queen HeLa, who has already controlled the power of Asgard, almost all of them stand upside down in a flash in the face of the pressure of absolute death.

"Please keep quiet until the people who can make the decision come!"

Gabriel seemed to be very bad at speaking. It seemed that he had been brewing for a long time before he uttered an incoherent sentence.

As Gabriel's voice fell, some people, such as Queen HeLa, Emperor scurru, Queen soverin and so on, suddenly turned ugly.

At the same time, a pale yellow electric light flickered in the void. In the pale yellow electric light, a pale blonde youth with the universal energy appeared in the palace.

At the first moment when the young man appeared, the Golden Queen Sauvignon immediately got up and welcomed the blonde into her seat.

With the arrival of the blonde youth, one after another figures began to appear in the palace.

The king of Odin in Asgard, the queen of the skulu Empire, and the angel salaph in the HIA Empire all appeared one by one.

It was only at this time that Gabriel's mouth twitched, staring straight at saraphus behind the Empire of Shia, with a complex look on his face, and said, "saraphus, long time no see!"

Salaph folded his wings behind him, looked at Gabriel like a prince in white, and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time! Is Lucifer as proud as ever? "

Gabriel was indifferent to seraph's provocation, as if he had become a statue again after that sentence.

Compared with salaph's obviously provocative attitude, old man Odin was much more kind after he left the throne. He said with a one eyed smile: "do you need to wait a long time, sir Gabriel? At this time, my wife should have prepared dinner and is still waiting for me! "

When Gabriel was about to speak, he seemed to feel something. A smile came from the corner of his mouth and said, "the master is coming soon!"