This new round of changes in the universe age, even with the negotiation of the universe age conference, will also have numerous contradictions, even multi-party battles.

Although this kind of meeting of big men in the universe has tried to avoid the internal friction of the real universe, the benefits that the leading role in the universe can bring are enough to make any ambitious power crazy.

No one knows how to get support from the will of the universe after becoming the protagonist of the universe, but without exception, every generation of the protagonist of the universe once flourished in the universe.

The angels, the Greek Protoss, the Titans, and the asahs, all of these powerful cosmic races, almost all of them once became the protagonists of the universe in a certain era.

Rumor has it that even the well-known group of gods in the universe is made up of the strong ones who have survived the leading role in the universe.

Just like the change of ancient dynasties, in such an era of dragons and snakes, even if we know that there is no eternal protagonist, even if everyone knows the truth of prosperity and decline, but no one will choose to retreat, because in such an era, once retreat means extinction.

The angel Legion once swept the whole real universe, even into the abyss.

The Greek Protoss once ruled the twelve star regions and accumulated the holy mountain of ospirin with the wealth of most of the universe.

The ASAR Protoss once fought in the universe, and even the God group suffered a great loss in the hands of Odin.

In such an era, once the real protagonist of the universe appears, even if it has not participated in this competition, it may not be really safe.

Every real protagonist in the universe once swept the wealth of the whole universe.

Otherwise, those protagonists in the universe will not be hit hard in the era of the deviation of the will of the universe, and most of them will come to a miserable end.

Looking at the palace hall, a group of big men in the universe have made their stand, one by one shouting fierce.

Although at the beginning, Jordan showed some "ignorance" and even "cowardice", in fact, he was very clear about the so-called competition truth of the protagonist in the universe.

Zeus did not really rule the universe, and Odin only conquered nine kingdoms. Except for the leading role in the universe at the level of God, no leading role in the universe can really swallow all the benefits of the universe.

This meeting in the dark palace is actually a meeting to divide camps, win over allies, and distribute interests in advance. Only in this way can we avoid a certain degree of internal friction in the process of such cruel competition, reserve a strong foundation for the real universe, and cultivate a lively cosmic protagonist like a poisonous insect.

For example, at present, the three empires are leading the way.

The Kerry Empire has obviously attracted the people of mieba. The Kerry empire is a parliamentary system, and its ultimate leader is AI supreme intelligence. It is the most powerful in hardware and technology, but it is extremely short of top cosmic powers like mieba.

The skulu Empire has attracted a series of people, such as the abnormal and the cosmic trolls. Both the scientific and technological strength and the individual strength are extremely balanced, but there is a slight lack of overall strength.

There are many strong individuals in the HIA empire. They inherit the relics of angels and also have the technology of angel sun. The biggest disadvantage is that the number is too small and there are not many troops. Therefore, they have won over the second echelon forces in the universe such as Sauvignon and shandar.

Other fragmentary things, such as the gods like Domaine and the robbers like the star predators, are completely neutral and pure wall grass.

Finally, instead of making a decision, there are only the fallen angels, the new earth and Asgard, who have just retired from the leading role in the universe.

The choice of all forces has been completed, and the eyes of the big men of the universe fall on Jordan again. Because of Jordan's identity, the fallen angels and the earth are almost led by Jordan.

After a short time, Jordan said: "the fallen angels will not participate in this competition for the leading role in the universe, nor will they support any of the cosmic forces."

This is almost a completely neutral decision. Many big men in the room immediately felt relieved. At the same time, they were wary and contemptuous of Jordan and the fallen angels.

What we are wary of is the strength of the fallen angels. We are afraid that the fallen angels will reap the benefits of the fishermen.

Despise the same is the fall of the powerful angels, but dare not participate in this competition sequence.

Just as everyone had just put down the stone in his heart, Jordan suddenly spoke again and said, "however, as the price for the fallen angels to give up this competition, I hope that everyone present can give some small support to the fallen angels to stick to the abyss battlefield!"

"These funds can be transferred to Asgard for transportation and transfer, and finally gathered on the earth. The earth will become a rear base to fight against the invasion of the abyss in the depths of hell, and also a talent training center!"

"For the specific things that need to be funded by the big guys, Ms. seifer, the leader of the earth coalition government, and Nick Frey, the director of aegis, will make a list for you to discuss..."

As Jordan's voice fell, the whole palace hall was filled with silence, and there were even vague controversies and noises.

Although Jordan said euphemistically, in a sense, it is basically a kind of blackmail for everyone present.

It's a subsidy, but actually it's different from paying the protection fee. Even if you know that you are a powerful family, you can't be so overbearing.

Blackmail is just one or two forces. I'm afraid I want to blackmail all the forces in the universe. I don't think all the big men in the universe are scared.

Some less influential people, even those who are not on the table, have begun to look at Jordan with an idiot's eye after a moment's dispute.

Jordan seemed to have expected this scene early, grinned and said: "of course, I know this condition may be a bit difficult for the leaders of all parties. Even if they are not willing to support the cause of fighting against the abyss, the fallen angels, the earth and even our closest ally Asgard can understand it!"

"But you guys need to consider clearly that fighting against the abyss is related to the safety of the whole universe. When we are so weak and barren, we can only form a cosmic mercenary army. As long as the price is appropriate, we can fight against the abyss devil, and we can. Er, sorry, I'm not aiming at all of you here. It's just that it's really difficult and lacks resources... "