In fact, there are many contradictions within the Avengers alliance. For example, Tony and Steve always look down on each other, Jordan and Carol are enemies of life and death, and the struggle between Saul and rocky never stops.

However, these contradictions are also minor ones within the organization, which can be easily solved by mediation.

Several mediators recognized by the Avengers alliance are pepper, may and Carter. When they do more mediation, they often gather at the place where pepper, may and Carter are.

What Jordan wants to talk about with Surui and tezara this time is something about vakanda's ancestral cave, some royal secrets of vakanda, and even ethnic beliefs.

A bright and simple living room.

Pepper and Tony are sitting on the same sofa, each carrying a glass of red wine, without too much words. On their side, they are Jordan, Surui and tezara.

Compared with Su Rui's days in the research room, tezara's days are obviously more exciting. In addition to dealing with the affairs of vakanda Kingdom and quarreling with many high-level coalition governments, tezara, as a member of the Avengers alliance, will often participate in some thrilling tasks.

For example, today's tezara has not had time to replace his Zhenjin armor. On the extremely strong Panther armor, there are still traces of strong smoke.

"What do you want to say, Joe? If not very important, in East Africa... "

"I need to meet Panther!"

Tezara came in a hurry. Even five minutes ago, he was still in the middle of fighting. He wanted to have a chat and then leave quickly. But after hearing what Jordan said, tezara's expression suddenly became serious.

After patting on the chest, the nano Panther armor slowly faded away. Tezara looked at Jordan with a little dignified and said, "I need to know what happened. To be exact, I need to know, why do you want to see the Panther?"

In the previous meeting of cosmic bigwigs outside the earth, there were not many people on the earth who knew about it, but tezara was definitely one of them.

Not long after the big man meeting, Jordan wanted to meet Panther through vakanda, which had to make tezara think of something more.

"Brother, does Panther really exist? I thought... "

Tony, pepper and Surui are interested in the words of jordani and tezara. Especially Surui grew up in vacanda, almost listening to the legends about the Panther and other ancient gods.

But even in the vacanda royal family, only the kings of each generation knew the truth about the Panther and other ancient gods.

Hearing Su Rui's words, tezara's face was tangled.

At this time, Jordan said: "there is no need to hide about the Panther goddess and other ancient gods. The old gods in the abyss universe have revived. Some old gods from the eighth firmament era of the universe have stepped into hell. King Odin and guru one will enter hell and separate the whole hell from the real universe..."

Tony, pepper, Suri, and tezara are all people who can absolutely believe. Even about the news from Gabriel, Jordan is not prepared to hide the vast majority of the Avengers.

Against those old gods, Jordan's strength alone is certainly not enough.

The ancestral cave in vakanda is the only place where Jordan can contact some of the old gods in the real universe. That's why Jordan first contacted tezara and Surui.

In today's wakanda, in addition to the tribal leaders and elders, tezara and Surui are the king and princess in the limelight.

Tezara is powerful and has a high prestige among vakanda. Su Rui is not only a noble man, but also the chief manager of vakanda's technology. As long as he can get the support of the two men, he has already half succeeded in entering the vakanda ancestral cave.

So in the face of the two people, Jordan directly talked about the future cosmic disaster he got from Gabriel.

With more and more understanding of the universe, Tony, tezara and others have long had a big heart to accept new things. However, when they heard that Jordan talked about the age of the universe, the abyss universe, the real universe, the new God, the old God and other things, the four of them could not help but feel strange.

For a long time, Tony just said with a shocked face: "I can't believe that any life and things can survive the big bang and destruction of the universe. It's really amazing. You know, in the known science, the original state of the universe is just a singularity, barely a material state, Once the big bang happens, everything that can be born will be in the form of pure energy. "

Su Rui took the opportunity to answer: "it's not hard to understand. It's just like the demons like Domaine and rezoz that we have been in contact with can't define them. In essence, these demons are just a touch of darkness and stellar energy, but in fact, they can condense their own bodies in the energy, If the change of energy and matter is strong enough to a certain extent, it may be able to withstand and even assimilate in the process of the big bang and destruction of the origin of the universe. Fortunately, this theory about the age of the universe can be established! "

Tony and Surui are both extremely intelligent people and scientists.

Every scientist has an extremely strong thirst for knowledge and curiosity. After hearing what Jordan said, they soon fell into an atmosphere of academic discussion.

After a long time, it was not easy to wait until there was a gap between Tony and Su Rui's words. Jordan slapped the table and said, "stop, you two are enough. What do you think we are doing here to discuss the scientific principles of the big bang of the universe? Brainstorming can be started when we need to. What we need to discuss now is about the cave of vakandazu. It's better to see the Panther as soon as possible. We need to know what kind of abilities and how to deal with the old gods who are revived in the abyss universe... "