Friends, in fact, do not need to say too much hypocritical words.

In the whole Avenger alliance, Jordan's friends are not many. Most of them are life and death dependent comrades. Although this friendship is precious, it is not as close as real friends.

Between Jordan and Tony, at the beginning, Pietro and Wanda even assassinated Tony, until both sides turned enemies into friends. Jordan and Tony have the same temper, and they have done a lot of promiscuous things together.

After Tony's accident, besides pepper and little Morgan, Jordan is also the one who worries most.

Fortunately, Tony is not the kind of coward who has never recovered. In the vast high-density energy torrent area, Jordan finally overcame the magic barrier of his own evolutionary road and cognitive Road, and walked out of the biggest cognitive shackles in his heart. The whole person presented a kind of change that was almost reborn.

With the power of Jordan, we can't stay in the high-density energy torrent area for a long time. Even with the protection of the light of heaven, Jordan and Tony are only in the high-density energy torrent area for a while, and then they leave in a hurry.

Back in heaven, Jordan soon woke up.

And Tony, in the process of Steve's frantic casting, came back to his body without danger, and the whole person also recovered from that crazy state of insanity.

A journey without danger, the whole Avenger alliance once again returned to the daily state.

Lucifer, master Guyi and King Odin have gone deep into hell and completely separated the connection between hell and the real universe. There is no peep from the abyss universe. In addition, the three empires in the universe form an alliance and are competing for the leading role in the universe. Therefore, there is a rare peaceful development period on earth.

In this rare period of peace, Jordan, as always, salted fish, and even began to discuss, ready and six girlfriends, pregnancy plan.

Sol and rocky, after salting fish for a while, are called by Queen HeLa and often return to Asgard to fulfill their duties as princes.

Dr. Benner is more troublesome. In one experiment, he stimulated his own personality of hawk. After a great chaos, he completely integrated with hawk's personality, and the whole person entered a mild Hulk state. Although his strength remained at a very powerful level, he lost his anger and wild, real strength from hawk, On the contrary, it has decreased a lot.

Carol is a restless guy. When he entered the peace time on earth, the whole person rushed into the universe and disappeared all day. He was either fighting for justice in the interstellar or on the way of fighting for justice.

Others, such as Hobbes, Clint and dyke, also have their own living conditions.

Only Tony, after the great setback before, the whole person presents a different mental outlook. Although he still makes people want to beat each other, everyone can feel that Tony has undergone a real transformation from the inside out.

That kind of pride from character, after being tempered by setbacks, has changed from initial arrogance to a kind of self-confidence and self-improvement.

Originally, there was already a huge scientific research base in paradise. With Tony's investment, it became a huge scientific research city in a short time.

In the high-density energy torrent area of the universe, Tony found himself watching the sky from a sitting angle. Although he still didn't give up his armor upgrade plan, he devoted more energy to the study of the basic knowledge of arcane.

Once upon a time, Tony just found a little bit of arcane on the road of technology and magic.

But now, Tony is through this arcane edge knowledge, constantly pushing back, restoring the true face of the essence of arcane.

Originally, this was a result that was destined to take a long time and countless efforts to find out, but after experiencing the high-density energy torrent region of the universe, Tony has already peeped into part of the essence of the arcane system.

With the result, the process of searching is relatively simple.

The days are as peaceful as ever.

Natasha, Serena and Jennie, for some reasons, have completely given up their pregnancy plan, and are busy working again. They are very happy to cooperate with aegis.

Heidi, gizel and may, however, have been locked up at home for half a month.

"Honey, I think we can slow down a little bit. After all, after the evolution of life has reached a certain level, it is quite difficult to breed children."

"Think of King Odin. In five thousand years, he just gave birth to two sons and daughters, Hera and Saul..."

"No, it's going to kill people if it goes on like this..."

On the top floor of the New York Park building, you can overlook the luxury top floor garden of the New York Park. In the middle of the garden, Jordan's face was thin, his body was strong, with a sense of trembling weakness. He was like a shivering hamster, shrinking in a corner of the living room.

Opposite Jordan, Heidi and may are dressed in home clothes, ruddy and pregnant.

Gizel was wearing a golden wonder woman's combat suit and a fighting posture, which blocked Jordan's way out. He said angrily: "the next seven days are my ovulation period, unless you give me a satisfactory answer, otherwise..."

Gizel was imposing, and jordani was shivering.

As Jordan ponders whether he should play dead, a strange wave of energy emerges in his living room.

This kind of energy fluctuation is like dimensional transmission, and also like the time and space gate flashing in the future era.

But on top of these two kinds of energy fluctuations, this kind of energy fluctuation has a more strange and more essential spatial fluctuation. Similarly, it is also a way of transmission fluctuation that has never appeared on the earth.

Jizel's good deeds were disturbed, and he was furious. Almost for the first time, two golden wings spread out from the golden armor, just like the combination of long swords, which broke out a long river of sword light like a torrent, and directly bombarded the place where the energy fluctuated.

The sound of a series of explosions, more violent space forces in place to form a chaotic energy flow.

Jordan, gizel, Heidi and may, at the first moment of the chaotic energy flow, vaguely see Tony utter a scream and fall into the rolling space turbulence.