Even before the era of superheroes, there was no supernatural power on the earth, such as the supreme temple where guru Yi lived, or the vampires and werewolves in the west, or the Pope, bishop, knight and so on.

As a vampire who has survived for hundreds of years, Serena has had many enemies in her life, such as vampires, werewolves, humans, all kinds of beasts and so on.

In addition, all the dark creatures need to face an enemy, that is, the sticks from the light court.

The holy court of light can be said to be the largest holy land of the church on the whole earth. Even if it is handed down from generation to generation, there are still all kinds of strange forces remaining. Among them, the holy court of light, which can guarantee the whole holy court of light for thousands of years, has at least ten Holy Spirits.

These holy spirits are not the kind of envoys created by God in heaven, but the creatures created by the fusion of the soul and the power of belief after the Papas of the light of the earth absorbed the power of belief and attempted to light the sacred fire. To be exact, they are puppets and monsters.

More than a vampire like Serena.

The Holy Spirit of the holy court of light has the ability of almost immortality. As long as the believers of the holy court in the world do not die, even if the Holy Spirit is completely destroyed in the battle, after a period of time, they will be able to unite again and return to the world.

Moreover, these holy spirits, without any consciousness or emotion, are just like a machine, driven by the light court, and can suppress almost everything on earth.

If it were not for the Holy Spirit puppets in the light court, some human beings alone would not have known how many times they had been harmed by vampires, werewolves and other dark creatures.

As an old opponent of the light court, Serena knows this holy spirit very well.

After the belief enters the body, it will form an irreversible process. Among the endless power of belief, there are more or less miscellaneous thoughts of living beings. If there is a way to shield these miscellaneous thoughts, this power of belief can be transformed into any kind of pure energy to help people improve their strength as quickly as possible.

And if you can't bear the impact of all living beings' thoughts, the light one's soul will break up and become an idiot, the heavy one is the body of God will break up and become a puppet of the Holy Spirit.

There is no way for others to help solve this kind of impact.

It's just like a person's head is crammed with a lot of strange ideas, which can only be solved, calmed and settled by himself. No matter how powerful other people are, it's impossible to cram their own ideas into each other's head.

Listening to Serena's words, people's faces suddenly became a little ugly.

Especially Tony, Natasha and other women, the face became extremely pale!

Tony is guilty. If he hadn't asked Jordan to help him study the power of faith, he wouldn't have let Jordan fall into such danger and dilemma.

And Natasha and other women are incomparably worried. Even may, who is the most kind and weak, can't help scratching a paw mark on Tony's face.

The Avengers are all worried about Jordan.

But at the moment, Jordan is not as dangerous as Serena said. After transforming his own strength, Jordan has already embarked on an arcane road.

Walking on the road of arcane, as long as we constantly strengthen our soul will, we can improve our strength infinitely by absorbing the knowledge and secrets existing in the universe and natural laws.

It is not the same as the existence of the ASAR Protoss, angels and the Holy Spirit. It is necessary to condense the divine body, the divine nature, the divine personality, the divine fire and so on.

So no matter how much faith power there is, there is no way for Jordan to light a magic fire or something.

If it wasn't for the countless years of power of belief accumulated in this heaven, there would be too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many, too many.

At this time, a huge world tree swayed in Jordan's soul, just like swallowing the whole world, happily devouring the infinite power of belief poured into Jordan's body from heaven. Under the influence of this power, branches, leaves and fruits rose at a speed that made people open their eyes and tongue.

The power of faith can't make Jordan master more secrets of the universe, but this power itself is born between light, darkness, life and death. Every drop of the power of faith can make Jordan know more about the four laws of light, darkness, life and death.

And with the more understanding of the laws of the universe, the soul and body get more strong feedback.

In the past, although he also inherited the inheritance of God and Lucifer, he walked out a new path of reincarnation between light, darkness, life and death, thus reaching the level of father in heaven.

But in fact, it's only a little more than ten years since he embarked on the road of evolution. Even if he made a mistake, his knowledge of the universe has reached the level of heavenly Father, but the energy he needs to accumulate is far from enough.

Otherwise, Lucifer, King Odin and master Guyi would have dragged Jordan into the abyss of hell.

Although Jordan's current strength is powerful, it's just explosive. In a short battle, he can show amazing effect and combat effectiveness, but it can't last.

If put in the abyss battlefield that fighting never stops, it won't take long for Jordan to be exhausted.

Compared with the real godfather, Jordan has a lot less information and accumulation. Otherwise, Jordan doesn't have to use his unique destructive power of samsara at the critical moment in the battle.

Because Jordan himself knows that his own stock of supernatural power is too small.

Only when Jordan has a deeper understanding of the four laws of light, darkness, life and death, and makes his law of reincarnation grow stronger and stronger, can he reach the point of endless divine power through the connection between the law and the operation of the universe.

The heavenly Father level seems to be only a few times, but the gap between them is countless times larger than that between the first stage and the heavenly Father level.

Among the heavenly Father's strong men, the one who is as fierce as king Odin can even defeat a whole group of heavenly gods. With his own strength, he can crush most of the universe and make the whole Asgard famous in the universe.

Even if he is not good at fighting and killing, he can entangle almost any enemy.

The weak, such as Jordan, mieba and Carroll, are actually heavenly fathers.

However, in the presence of big brother Odin and big brother Guyi, people like jordani are not much better than young babies.

If he didn't change his job as an arcane, Jordan would surely end up dead if he was infused with such a huge force of faith.

On the contrary, encountering such an unlimited career as arcane, the endless power of belief accumulated in heaven for countless years has become a great opportunity for Jordan.