The arcane road is not perfect, nor is it suitable for everyone.

Tony is the founder of the arcane Road, and also has the existence of steel armor. Jordan has a huge accumulation, and can control the power of belief, so after they transfer to the arcane Road, they can quickly become strong, maintain the peak combat power, and get closer to the road of evolution.

But for sol, Hobbes, Steve and other muscle men, the road of Arcane is not very cost-effective.

The initial path of an arcane master is the sublimation and evolution of soul, spirit, will and wisdom. The feedback of the body needs to go to the later stage before it can be carried out.

Otherwise, once we embark on the road of arcane, we will not be able to delay the aging of the body until the soul has grown to a certain extent, and we may even be unable to carry out soul feedback before the arrival of life.

Saul, Hobbes, Steve, and even Carol, Giselle, and Dr. Benner, all of these people either rely on brute force to eat, or they are dumb people with very poor brains. Once they embark on the road of an Olympian, their physical strength will be exhausted, and they may soon face an embarrassing situation.

On the contrary, people like Stephen, Natasha, Wanda, peper and so on who depend on their powers and spiritual strength to eat, the road of arcane magic seems to fit very well.

When Jordan regained consciousness, with Tony's research, all the advantages and disadvantages of the arcane road were quickly put in front of the Avengers alliance. Then according to the analysis of the people's character, ability and other data, he finally selected the first batch of candidates to be transferred to arcane.

After the success of the first batch of people, there will be a second batch and a third batch. Only after a sufficiently perfect arcane road has been found can the specific road of the arcane master be spread to all mankind.

As for people like sol, Hobbes, Steve, Carol, Giselle and Dr. Benner, they can only master part of their arcane skills at the same time. Only when their personal strength reaches at least the heavenly Father level can they really transfer to an arcane master.

Because although the power of infinite belief in heaven can be transformed into sufficient supplementary energy, if the knowledge of the natural laws of the universe is not at the level of father, it is difficult to balance the body, soul and laws, and to ensure that people can quickly recover their peak fighting power.

In the early stage of the Ordovician's life, he took the road of strengthening the soul. The energy like the infinite energy reactor can't make up for it. Only the power of belief, which is a collection of nihilistic forces such as spirit, thought and will, can be directly added to the soul power system.

Without a deep understanding of the natural laws of the universe, it is also impossible to eliminate the spiritual impurities in the power of belief.

On the contrary, the mages such as Stephen, Casillas and modu, as well as the powers such as Natasha, Wanda and peper, either have a high understanding of the laws of the universe, or they have the natural power of the laws. After they set foot on the road of the arcane, their progress speed has reached a point that makes people angry.

The emergence of arcane road is a kind of promotion for the whole Avenger alliance, and even for all mankind.

In the process of promotion, Jordan and Tony finally reconcile and return to Tony's private laboratory.

"The power of faith is a chicken rib. Although it is the basis of creating angels and Holy Spirits, we do not have a suitable carrier. In terms of life gene technology, it can not reach the level of God in the past. In terms of channels and methods of faith collection, it is far from comparable with God!"

Working together, Jordan and Tony have thoroughly understood the mystery of the power of faith, and they have also solved the secret of the Legion of angels.

Angels and Holy Spirits are creatures cultivated and created by God through the law of life, which can also be called prehistoric life gene technology.

Angel is a kind of God's physical cultivation based on his own flesh and blood.

The Holy Spirit is a kind of spirit cultivated by God based on his own soul.

Whether angel or holy spirit, in a sense, it is just a kind of container, or puppet, which is specially used to carry the power of God's belief collected from the whole universe, and then use the Legion of angels and Holy Spirit to expand their influence and collect more beliefs, so as to form a complete cycle.

The stronger God is, the more influential God is, the stronger the Legion of angels and the Legion of the Holy Spirit will be.

Similarly, once God dies out, the power of faith collected from the whole universe will no longer be relied on, and angels and holy spirits will not be able to use the power of faith without limit.

Only when powerful beings such as Lucifer, Gabriel and salaph get rid of the influence of faith and come out of a new way outside God can they maintain their true independence and existence.

In particular, Lucifer walked out of a dark and depraved way of protection, and saved a huge number of angel legions.

Jordan has now been able to control the power of faith. If he spends enough time, he can even become another God.

But again, it's going to be a long, unbearable time.

You know, once God, in order to gain other people's faith, but once in the universe and all dimensions of the world, traveled for millions of years.

Just as Jordan knows, God has been in the orc world born by Delia, the goddess of life, for thousands of years.

If you want to gain other people's faith, you can succeed not only by powerful force.

Those who need to set an example should spread light and hope bit by bit, so that people can respect, worship and even believe in it.

As a dreary man with the attributes of senior salted fish, Jordan has a great sense of self-knowledge. He knows that even if he lives to the end of the universe, he may not be able to become a second God.

In this way, the secret of the power of faith is nothing but chicken ribs for today's Avengers alliance.

After listening to Jordan's detailed account of the mystery of the power of faith, Tony also felt some egg pain. He looked at Jordan with a look of hatred and said, "OK, let's define the power of faith as a reserve power of the cultivation system of arcane, what about the energy transmission map of heaven?"

Jordan frowned slightly, looked at Tony and said, "I think there is something wrong with the energy transfer map of heaven, which can be used as a means of exploration and development. Neither the real universe nor other dimensional worlds can hinder this kind of energy transfer..."