Before, the Avengers alliance easily beat back the first attack of the void Zerg. However, during the exploration of the empty window period of the armistice, some information and data came back, which made everyone not optimistic.

Tony spilled a lot of nano detectors into the void channel before, but these nano detectors were soon discovered by the void Zerg, and almost all of them were wiped out before long.

Fortunately, although those nano detectors were eliminated, they also sent back some information and data.

Unlike the imaginary void Zerg, those void Zerg don't live in a corner of the universe or on a hidden planet. Instead, the whole group hides in the real void, making a vast void into a huge nest.

There are not many engineer level Zerg in that insect nest. Basically, the lowest level Zerg are elite level Zerg, and there are a large number of Lord level Zerg. They control one after another void passage and one after another secondary female nest. They spread out from the void like locusts, passing through a large number of dimensional world and dimensional world, Even some remote forces in the real universe have been swallowed up.

The deepest part of the empty nest is a mother nest larger than the whole earth, and there are many powerful Zerg people gathered around it.

Tony's intelligent nano detector, just shot a picture of the core nest, without warning, was suddenly destroyed.

This is a group of monster destroyers who really live in the void. In the fragmentary pictures, people can even see some Zerg eating the demons captured from the endless abyss.

Even the chaos and disorder of the endless abyss, full of war, are unwilling to accommodate these void Zerg, nor can they completely destroy these void Zerg. They can only send heavy troops to block these void Zerg out of the abyss universe.

The Avengers alliance and the military, indeed, rely on the information provided by the Silver Shadow man to defeat those empty Zerg.

But after they really understood the horror of the void Zerg, they found that the war scene in the ruins factory was not even an appetizer for the void Zerg.

Even after obtaining these information, the earth has begun to mobilize a lot of resources to build defense lines around the ruins factory. But once the armistice period is over, no one knows whether these preparations on earth can really resist the attack of these empty Zerg.

Everyone knows that after the defeat of the last war, the next Zerg will surely come prepared.

"A group of terrible destroyers!" Jordan is the last one in the Avengers League to know about the Zerg invasion. After reading the information, the whole person frowned and said, "according to the Silver Shadow Man, if you want to completely cut off these Zerg concerns about us, you must kill the Zerg queen who has accepted the earth coordinates, right?"

Nick Frey nodded and said: "yes, according to the information provided by Tony, we sent more than 30 special combat teams to sneak into the void passage to find clues about the Zerg queen. A total of 142 of them returned and captured some living void Zerg, but these void Zerg don't have much wisdom, It's more like a pure biochemical warfare weapon. All behaviors are dominated by signals generated by special gene chains in the body. "

Tony took advantage of the situation and said, "if it's electronic signal communication, we can still counteract and crack it. However, the technology of biological evolutors, not to mention our current level of science and technology, even the three great empires of the universe have not made much achievements in this respect, and we can't help this kind of Zerg creature at all!"

At the time of catching these living Zerg, Tony and others had already made a certain connection with Kerry Empire, the most technologically advanced of the three empires, through Asgard. However, even if the supreme wisdom appeared, there was still not much to gain in the face of the almost supernatural biological evolution technology of Zerg.

But the way of mechanical and energy science and technology in the real universe is different. In a sense, the evolutionary ability of the virtual Zerg is a very advanced biotechnology, which has come to a point where people can't look back.

Once upon a time, the Avengers alliance despised these void Zerg, and even had the idea of directly entering the void channel and killing the queen of the Zerg.

After really seeing the strength of the void Zerg, now everyone's biggest hope is to expand the scope of war beyond control.

At this stage, the earth is in the process of rapid development. As long as we can digest the gains from the dark king city, the strength of the earth can be improved at least several grades.

If we can upgrade the earth's basic science and technology and weapons with those gains, the earth may also have the power to compete with these empty Zerg.

The reason why people choose this delaying tactic is that they can't find any other better way.

The only thing to be thankful for is that according to the understanding of the Silver Shadow Man, although these void Zerg have unparalleled erosiveness and destructiveness, very few higher Zerg participate in the war. They just rely on endless consumption to attack other worlds bit by bit.

Both sides have the intention of delaying the war.

The earth side is helpless, and the void Zerg side is naturally so.

In the absence of any good way, the public once again discussed the issue of defense measures, and then dispersed.

Most of the Avengers in the alliance pestered Tony to go to the laboratory, one by one competing to be a mouse, hoping to be the first to participate in the improvement process of the God making plan.

Jordan, on the other hand, is preparing to go to Gabriel's fallen angel camp on earth after everyone has left.

In fact, before Jordan's return from the infinite dimension, the Avengers alliance had the idea to visit Gabriel. After all, the angels have existed for a long time, and they once dominated the universe and went into the infinite abyss. They will certainly know something about the void Zerg.

It's a pity that Gabriel and the fallen angels are all cold. They don't regard the high level of human beings on earth and the alliance of Avengers as a meal.

Now on earth, it's only jordani who can communicate with Gabriel and the fallen angels.