Tony can almost see the little tricks like painting big cakes and watching plum blossom to quench thirst at a glance. However, Tony still chooses to accept the encouragement and comfort of Jordan.

At this moment, Tony felt that what he was carrying was the fate of all mankind and the future of mankind.

Barely communicate with Jordan, James and others, Tony soon with an unprecedented belief, into almost day and night busy and research.

Looking at Tony's slightly heroic figure, Jordan's egg aches.

It can't be that the pie you drew is a little big, which makes Tony feel psychological pressure.

James also felt that Tony's back was a little strange. He turned his lips, looked at Jordan and said, "do you feel that Tony is a bit strange, he won't do anything crazy. Come on, this is a damn Zerg battlefield, like that kind of thing in heaven..."

Jordan patted James on the shoulder and said nothing.

Settling down and arranging the arrival of Tony and others, for Jordan, James and others, is just a small episode in the endless war.

After a moment of worry, Jordan and James return to the battlefield again.

Most of the Avengers, including the military, are men who can only fight and seldom participate in decision-making and scientific research.

Killing more insects every day can relieve the pressure of the military and human.

After a long battle, go back to the defensive front and have a rest. Drink a little wine and blow a beep. This is the daily routine of most people on the battlefield, including the Avengers.

No one knows how long this war will last. The empty passage in the middle of the ruins battlefield has been expanded more than three times. The endless insects, like the water drops in the river, seem to flow forever.

On the No.2 battle space carrier, in a special restaurant.

With a cigar, a large stack of tableware in front of him and a glass of whisky in his hand, Jordan looked at the burning battlefield through the transparent window.

"Mad, when is the end of this kind of battle?"

In front of Tony, Saul, like a starving ghost, quickly wiped out the mountain like food in front of him. From time to time, he grabbed a huge wine glass next to him and poured a mouthful of rum.

Jordan took his eyes away from the battlefield, looked at sol with interest, and said, "don't you like fighting best? Tired of it? "

Sol was stunned and said: "it's just the taste of the food that has bored me!"

After months of fighting, the earth's reserves of various nutrients, life replenishment energy and so on have already been consumed in this endless war.

Even strong men like Jordan and sol have to rely on a lot of food and a short rest in their spare time to recover their consumption in the war.

It's better for the heavenly father like Jordan and Carol. When they consume too much, they can get some supplement from the ubiquitous free energy in the universe with the help of their understanding of the laws of the universe.

But the existence of sol is a little sad.

It's a pleasure to eat a piece of good steak, but it's still wonderful to eat two pieces, and it's also acceptable to eat three pieces. But if you have to kill hundreds of pieces of steak in a meal, even if your digestion ability is acceptable, eating meat alone can make people eat wrong.

It's not only sol, but also people like Steve and Hobbes. Recently, when they smell meat, they feel like vomiting.

On the contrary, the consumption of energy systems such as Casillas, Natasha and Heidi is easier to supplement. There are unlimited energy reactors. At least Natasha and others don't have to eat Hesse to make up for their physical and physical consumption.

Saul was still in the Tucao, and he was also make complaints about several body members who were resting around him.

While everyone was resting in the sky, it was already in the middle of the night, and bright silver lights suddenly bloomed on a specially modified space carrier.


At the sight of the silver glow, Jordan suddenly got up, and Sol's face was heavy.

After opening a star gate, Jordan and sol quickly passed through and came to an observation platform near the space carrier.

At this time on the floating platform, seifer, Nick Frey, general Ross, pepper, Steve, Natasha and others had gathered a lot of people, and all of them looked at the direction of the space carrier with bright eyes.

Coming to the floating platform, Jordan naturally put his arms around Heidi and asked, "honey, what's going on over there?"

Heidi rubbed in Jordan's arms like a kitten, apparently just waking up, yawned and said, "I'm new here too. Dr. Benner sent a message to all the people who are resting half an hour ago, saying that the research with Tony has taken a key step and is ready to start the experiment!"

"However, according to Dr. Benner, this experiment is likely to cause quite a lot of noise among the Zerg. Most likely, those insects will attack the space carrier, so we need everyone's help to guard it..."

With the data from the last experiment in heaven, Tony built a super laboratory almost like a floating city over the battlefield with two space carriers as the base. He improved and reduced the pillar of the astral world to a certain extent, and optimized the process of capturing debris in the virtual world to a certain extent.

Even if he was transferred to an arcane and had the will to truth, he could only know a little about gamma rays, radiation and void.

However, since they are all products of the void, it is not impossible that this kind of experiment will attract the attention of the Zerg.

For the experiment, Jordan and others can't help at all. They can only mobilize a large number of people around the huge floating laboratory.

At this time, on the huge platform, the original silver brilliance gradually converged, accompanied by the sound of mechanical clasps, and more delicate pillars of the star world slowly rose from the mechanical platform. Under the control of Jarvis, they quickly combined into a strange shape like an obelisk.

Then, the whole floating laboratory was glowing, and endless energy, like rivers, poured into the huge obelisk.

The silver arcane runes twinkle on the Obelisk and soon converge into a huge energy circuit.

In an instant, a silver rainbow, which people can't look directly at, shot from the top of the obelisk, towards the empty passage in the center of the ruins battlefield.