The fragmented world is endless in the void. After all, the universe has been developing for more than 10 billion years. Before the real universe, there are eight times of the age of the universe, even the oldest age of the original universe.

It can be said that in the endless changes of the universe, those fragments of independent planes, individual universe and even the real universe have accumulated too much in the void.

Jordani and others explored the void channel of Zerg for 12 days, but their exploration of the void world was not even a drop in the bucket.

To conquer the void, Jordan and others have no such ambition.

The number of tens of thousands of pieces of the world, has enough to let Tony's national God plan initially unfold, once this plan is successful, the earth will soon be able to gather a group of demigod army, even if it is not comparable with the old Angel legion, but it will soon be able to form a snowball effect.

At that time, the so-called Zerg problem will not become a serious problem for human beings on earth, and even become a training ground.

In addition, the biggest harvest of this virtual fishing plan is the dozens of independent planes being captured by Zerg.

Even with the horror of Zerg, it will take a long time to capture and engulf the whole independent plane world.

If we can promote the national deity plan before these Zerg completely conquer the dozens of worlds, even if we condense a large army with enough elite, earth one can enter the dozens of independent planes world through assistance, and compete with those Zerg for plane resources in a more friendly way.

Once the competition is successful, it can become a whole set of assembly line plans. Using the virtual exploration ability of the Zerg, these Zerg can be further developed in the virtual world like a hunting dog.

Of course, Jordan himself has no interest in participating in such a complicated plan.

After a rough understanding of the results of the void salvage plan, Jordan, with several girlfriends, once again fell into the salted fish state.

With the promotion of Jordan and Tony, the army can maintain stability for at least half a year on the whole Zerg battlefield. As for the spread of the national God program, it can not be successful in one or two days.

Jordan, and even the vast majority of the Avengers alliance, are free again. On the contrary, the coalition government, aegis, the military and many other big forces, like Pugs, surround Tony's national God program promotion laboratory, eager to get some places from Tony.

For a moment, in addition to the continuous battle on the Zerg battlefield, the whole earth seems to be restored to the former tranquility.

What Jordan and others don't know is that outside the earth at this moment, the junction of the Kerry Empire and soverin.

On one side of the huge void throne, mieba's wrinkled face was more miserable than ever, floating quietly in a piece of space, looking at the deep and beautiful starry sky melancholy.

Before the first World War of space ring, mieba invaded the earth with unprecedented confidence. He wanted to gather six infinite gems, one to realize his own family planning plan in the universe. But he was full of confidence. On that earth, mieba's face was full of blood. Even most of his troops were completely wiped out. Only mieba himself, with a small number of hands, could survive, Run out in confusion.

Without the deterrence of the universe army, although mieba is still a top power in the universe, it is not the great emperor who once dominated the universe.

Even, for the sake of his wild hope and the next rise, mieba even had to join the Kerry empire after the dark palace parliament, becoming a sharp blade for the Kerry Empire to attack the universe.

This time, mieba led a very powerful elite fleet in the Kerry Empire, just to cooperate with the main fleet of the Kerry empire after the battle started, and completely destroy the direction of nasovirin.

Sauvignon is not a particularly big force in the universe, far less than the three empires.

However, we have to admit that sowelin is very rich. In the universe, we just sell energy resources, but we don't know how much wealth we have gathered. Those damned sowelin Jinpi people have not even died in hundreds of years of foreign wars. All the weapons of war are virtual and intelligent control.

If it's a peaceful era, even the three empires certainly don't want to offend such a rich guy as sowelin.

But since the Council of the dark palace, any cosmic force can clearly feel that the will of the universe is turning, and a new generation of cosmic protagonists will soon appear.

In order to fight for the favor of the will of the universe, the whole universe today is full of war.

In an era when no one cared about anyone, the Kerry Empire had long been salivating over Sauvignon.

Mieba was in a daze in the command center of the fleet. In this battle, mieba, as a top cosmologist, was not even a main attacker in the Kerry empire. He could only be a cooperator.

This makes mieba very resentful. It seems that he has been depressed since the last space ring war.

It's not that mieba likes this kind of living under the yoke of others, nor that mieba doesn't want to leave Kerry Empire and pull up a strong team again in the universe.

However, the current situation of the universe is too chaotic. There is no chance to go out and pull up a team.

Without a large army, the current extermination of hegemony, once it breaks away from the Kerry Empire and appears in the universe, will inevitably become a sweet cake in the eyes of all forces. It's just that everyone wants to take a bite.

To exterminate hegemonism is to have the ability and wisdom again. In this turbulent situation of the universe, there will be no waves at all.

Perhaps, my life is like this, and I will never have the chance to realize my dream and ambition.

Mieba takes a slightly melancholy look at his injured infinite glove. After a period of repair, the infinite glove has recovered to 7788, but now there are only two of the six infinite gems in the row.


Mieba sighed, thinking of the whereabouts of the other four infinite gems, the whole person showed a lot of vicissitudes.

Just as mieba became more and more melancholy, a mysterious voice suddenly sounded in the empty and uninhabited viewing cabin.

"Mr. mieba, do you want to rise again?"